About Me
Single divorced proud dad with two teen daughters. Living in NJ working in NYC. I have the greatest friends in the world! Living in fear is not an option for me since life is too, too short. I`ve learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take its place. I've learned that tattoo'd dumb guys can be some of the best sex you'll ever have. I`ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes suspicion, not proof, to destroy it. I`ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. I`ve learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you`d better have a big dick and or a nice round hard ass. When someone proclaims they are "straight" it often means straight to bed. Bitterly I`ve learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you `too soon` and all the less important ones just never fucking go away. ~~~~*****************************~~~~ MY LIFE AS I REMEMBER IT (thanks Danceteria NYC) I`ve been addicted to MDA, tequila, LSD, PCP, speed, dope, coke, pot, mescaline, Quaaludes, nicotine, sex and the mysteries of the night all my life until I hit thirty-eight. Now it`s only nightlife and sex and the occasional cheese cake. (..) I`ve lived as a woman for a solid year and had tits, thank you. I`ve dated black men, white men, brown men, red men, yellow men, and several pretty women. I`ve been engaged, married, in love, separated, divorced and broken hearted. I`ve had sunburn, paper cuts, chocolate obsessions, hemorrhoids, sprained wrist, appendicitis, dermatitis and the flu at least fifty times. (..) I`ve been a born again Christian, a crystal-holding new age visualizationist, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Christian scientist, a Universalist, a bullshit artist, a seeker of truth, a charlatan, a holy roller, a shamanistic dancer, a guru, a disciple and an enigma to my friends. I`m a triple Piscean natural brunette who loves God and takes time out to smell the coffee. (..) I have always believed in the power of love and that the groove lies somewhere between the heart and the genitals. I have never been deliberately cruel and I`ve never hit anyone with my fist - I hope I never have to. I've been stalked at WalMart, on mass transit, and at the beach. I`ve been a whore, a saint, a sinner, a healer, a heathen, an actor, a poet, a drag queen, a straight man, a teenage zombie, a blitz kid, a punk rocker, a clone, a faggot, a skywriter, a vegetarian, a teacher, a student, a wanderer, a wild thing, a father, a son, a yogi, and a fierce hairdresser. I`ve been lost, found, confused, absolved, tied up, tied down, punished and rewarded. I`ve stared death in the face and wondered why not me - yet.