RAT SAW GOD profile picture


Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.

About Me

I'm an artsy fella:
I do theatre stuff, sound design,
act, direct, blah blah blah... Random Musings that
Make My Ass
Creating gets me off. My friends and my family walk on equal ground. I fear deep-tissue massages. I dig cats (I have three.) Love to be challenged by new tasks and forms of expression. I believe myself to be lucky as hell to have a small, close circle of friends that have become my second family (and y'all know who you are.) I hate that the download age has forever altered the way we experince music and take photos, even as I love the fact it's all so much more assessable these days. And Art, any kind of Art, seriously grooves my ass.I love the support of fellow artists. But hate it when artists have to compete. We gotta do that enough, right? Art and unity are paramount. I don't like to compromise. I like real people with real thoughts and ideas. I like having a real thought or idea myself from time to time.____________________________________________________ More
Arts Blather
My ears are my fortune. I get off on sounds . All kinds of sounds. Wind chimes, birdsong, thunder and the thud of mail dropped in box if expecting a parcel turn me on. If I hear a bagpipe being played live, I almost immediately begin to weep. Love the sounds of leaves crunching beneath my tread, love the sound of coffee brewing (and dig the smell too.)I also have a profile for my Sound Design stuffs. I don't play an instrument, so check it out for some oddball originally design soundscapes and oddball rarities. Misterz Manos- The Lounge of Fate One of the things that make me so passionate about theatre is how all-encompassing it can be. I hate the stereotype that it's an elitist entertainment. I've been involved with shows for adults that have been profound, transcendental experiences. And I've written and directed shows for small children about Shakespeare that had them laughing their little hearts out.Below you'll find my absolute end all and be all quote about art. It passes through my brain meats at least once a day:"If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry." -Emily DickinsonThat's LOVE, baby. And THAT'S Theatre.____________________________________________________

My Interests

Sounds. My heart beating. Sushi. The people I love. Words. Bald heads. My mother's menudo. Being challenged by art. Bein' a Pretentious Barefooter . Laughing my ass off. Cigars. Eating well. Vodka Martinis.Reading more, watching tv less. Extremely hot soup. The sun on my bare torso. Connecting. Edamame. Men with tattoos. Mexican Jumping Beans . Women with awesome legs. People who smile with their eyes. Dolmas. Black coffee that's "Black as the moon on a moonless night."____________________

I'd like to meet:

Looking to meet new friends from all walks of life... unless you're a freak. Then I DEFINITELY wanna meet you.So if you cool you're my kinda cat. Let's get our talk on bro, allright?


REALLY dig Regina Spektor . Check out her discs Soviet Kitch and Begin to Hope. Some SINGLES that rock my ass:Such Great Heights by The Postal Service, Girls by Death in Vegas, Diamonds from Sierra Leone (Remix) by Kanye West and featuring Jay-Z, Where Is My Mind? by The Pixies, Blinded By The Lights by The Streets , Spiders by Moby Miranda by Michael Nyman, Sycamore Trees by Jimmy Scott and Angelo Badalamenti , El Presidente by Drugstore , We Used To Be Friends by The Dandy Warhols, Hate Me Now by Nas, with Puff Daddy, Ballad for Dead Friends by The Dashboard Prophets, and Starve by Henry Rollins .____________________
TheatreThere is NOTHING like experiencing something alive. Here are my favs, by participation:As an audience member, on Broadway: The Secret Garden, The Tempest (with Patrick Stewart), Three Tall Women, The Kentucky Cycle, Passion, Angels in America, My Gene (with Colleen Dewhurst), The Blue Man Group- Tubes, The Grapes of Wrath and An Inspector Calls.As an audience member, locally: Caligula, The Old Settler, A Winters Tale, Heart, Fortitude and What Happened, The Guys, Fen, Almost A Holy Picture, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Go Dog Go! and Down the Road.As a sound designer: Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, The Normal Heart, Frankenstein, The Jungal Book, Women and Horses and a Shot Straight From The Bottle, Night of the Livng Dead, Global Village, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Don Juan on Trial or The Wages of Sin.As an actor: Passion (Giorgio Bachetti), The Secret Garden (Dr. Neville Craven), Pterodactyles (Todd Duncan), and Hamlet Machine.In 2007 I'm getting to direct Picnic for ICT Mainstage in July, and The Tragedy of Macbeth for Shakespeare Dallas in October.Finally, check out these photos from the production of Twelfth Night , which I directed in October 2005.____________________


Don't make it out to the movies much. Maybe three times a year. Here are my favs:Manos- The Hands of Fate , Muholland Drive, 12 Angry Men, The Fog (1980), Blood Simple, Krzysztof Kieslowski's Three Colors Trilogy (Blue, White, Red), Young Sherlock Holmes, Lost in Translation, A Touch of Evil, Without You I'm Nothing, Hedwig and the Angry Inch , Eraserhead, Sideways, Persona, Field of Dreams, All the Presidents Men, Die Hard, Session 9 , Auntie Mame, Blue Velvet, Women in Love, Broadcast News, Parting Glances, The Innocents, The Transporter, Orlando, and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.VERY excited about David Lynch's latest Inland Empire .____________________


Shows with ususual settings or circumstances get me goin' in a good way. My favs thus far:Millennium, Twin Peaks, Northern Exposure, My So Called Life, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Lost.Joss Whedon's Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel and their particular comic-tragic vision of the world has had a huge influence on how I process, create and ponder. Right now my current obsession is Veronica Mars , which is something like Nancy Drew crossed with the works of Raymond Chandler.____________________


I'm a sucker for the Harry Potter series. Yeah, so freakin' sue my ass.I'm also into C.S. Lewis' The Narnia Chronicles and Madeline L'Engle's Time Quartet . I'm also a big Sherlock Holmes fan. Really dig the plays of Sam Shepard. And you can't go wrong with the lean-mean career of JD Salinger. Love The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Was by Geoff Ryman is a headfuck. Your missing out if you've never read House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. And I'm always up for re-reading The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, and The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.Finally, as far a THE MAN goes, you can look no further than William Shakespeare's The Tempest and The Tragedy of Macbeth. They are two perfect stories, told perfectly.____________________


So many to list:David Lynch (pictured below)is my absolute muse, inspiration and aspiration.Edward R. Murrow. Victoria Claflin Woodhull, the first woman to run for President of the United States in 1872. Awesome. Helen Keller, who not only learned to speak but spoke three differnt languages. Mistro Paul Giamatti. Rosa Parks. Rapahel Parry (my theatrical father.) Ryan White. William Wayborn. Joss Whedon. Bruce Coleman.Cesar Chavez. Martian Luther King Jr. Jamie Schield. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. And Harvey Milk.The endlessly talented Douglass Burks who taught me how to pupeteer.My parents Elida and Eliazar who marched with Cesar Chavez in the 70's.The Bard (pictured below.) So many damn questions.Finally, to all of the fearless mother fuckers who take a stand (any kind of stand) against indifference, intolerence and injustice: You are what truly makes this country great. I have your back, bros.____________________
Quotes"Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels, or believes." -Emily Dickinson"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Gandi"Although social change cannot occur overnight, we must work for it as though it were a possibility in the morning." -Martin Luther King, Jr.____________________
Henry RollinsYes, I have a Henry Rollins section.Shouldn't everyone?Below: Rollins Band performs Starve on Saturday Night Live...Below: Rollins Band performs Burned Beyond Recognition in 2006...Below: Henry Rollins writes a letter to Ann Coulter. Lucky, lucky her...Below: Rollins Band performs Tearing Us Apart on The Dennis Miller Show. The audio is somewhat out-of-synch with the video...Below: Henry Rollins on Telemarketing and Relationships...Below: Rollins Band, Volume 4...Below: Rollins Band, Starve. ..Below: Henry Rollins Documentary, Easter Sunday NYC by Albert Watson...Below: Rollins Band, Liar LIVE...Rollins Band, Disconnect LIVE in NYC 8/16/06..

My Blog

Why I Love My Gay Brethren- Reason No.6

So, I was doin' a pub crawl with my new bud Joseph this past Thursday, after a sweet concert and a hearty dinner.  At 1am, towards the end of our trek, we hit a bar that was relatively sparse,&n...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 02:25:00 PST

Not Relating to My Gay Brethren- Reason No. 23

I remember several years back being on tour locally, and passing The Dallas Theatre Center parking lot.  For decades, it has been a very popular area for gay men to cruise and pick up other like-...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 03:36:00 PST

This is Halloween.

Ah, Halloween.  Without question, my absolute favorite holiday.  Why?  I guess it's my strongest link to my past, my childhood, and my happiest times.  I was an awkward, shy boy an...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 02:44:00 PST

Musings on Peeves

Just some random things that piss me off: I hate it when people toss all things unique into the 'weird' pile; "David Lynch is a weirdo! Picasso made some damn weird art!  That guy with the p...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 12:24:00 PST

Musing for Roman

I rarely remember my dreams.  However, a month ago I awoke from a vivid dream with a terrific sense of desolation. I dreamt that I was a midget in a touring sideshow circa 1850.  W...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 02:35:00 PST

Musings on Fish

"Are you eating fish?" My concentration slowly breaks as I hear this question.  I 'm standing at the 'Newly Arrived' compact disc bin at my favorite used music store (I'm cheap, sue my ass.) ...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:06:00 PST

Musings on Mookey the Mascot

In high school I worked on our local school newspaper.  There were a couple of cool journalisim eggheads there that  I hung out with.  We adopted sort of an unofficial mascot, who ...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 04:04:00 PST

Musings on Why I Post So Many Damn Comics!

Truer words never spoken...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 03:08:00 PST

Musings on Painting and Painting and...

Gang, Not a lot of purdy words today, but I'd thought I'd share some images of a set piece I've been working on this week. The other educational tour I do for Shakespeare Dallas is a show geared towar...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 11:33:00 PST

Musings on Life after Shakespeare

"If Musicke be the food of Loue, play on!"   ("Give me excess of it!" Pictured above: Valerie Hauss-Smith as Olivia and Marcus M. Mauldin as Orsino) For those of you who came to see 12th Ni...
Posted by RAT SAW GOD on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 02:39:00 PST