billie jo. marco. all things knitting - needles, yarn, etc. tweezing stuff. you. hide bags . old motorcycles and cars. gum. swimming. salty almonds. detective/forensics shows. green apples. oranges. "nesting". motorcycles from the 60's and 70's. obsessing over never sleeping again. wet wipes. mah jong. hair. cauliflower. netflix. being on the beach at night.
those that are also into "when i accidentally pooped in my pants" stories. people to participate in my informal surveys. people that aren't afraid to be honest even when it's really gross and personal.
THE STREETS!, jets to brazil, clash, cub country, pj, foos, white stripes, irma thomas, blondie, the cars, nick cave, the gunga din, peaches, calla, 50, snoop, queens of the stone age. beasties, N.E.R.D., jawbreaker, pixies, opti-grab, daniel johnston, the arcade fire, broken social scene, the concretes, the unicorns, etc.
GANG GIRLS 2000, switchblade sisters, foxes, lil darlings, outsiders, big blue, sweetie, north by northwest, to sir with love, shampoo, being john malkovich, fast times at ridgemont high, raising victor vargas, indian runner, grease, donnie darko, showgirls, the lucky charm, shanes world
damaged. weeds.
shot through the heart, as nature made him, ian mcewan, chuck palahniuk
maya angelou, blanche manago, maya tiwari, michael green