PARANORMAL INVESTIGATIONS, PEOPLE (living, deceased or missing) and PREVENTING CHILD ABUSE. I love spending time my husband Gary and friends. I also enjoy my horses BB, Carrie and Phantom; my dogs Mean Midgie aka the Cairn Terror and Grover (sweetest yet not smartest Golden Retriever in the world).
EVERYONE! After being a Child Abuse Investigator and now a social worker in a Prison, I have found EVERYONE has an interesting story to tell. I enjoy helping people through difficult times and especially people who are experiencing Paranormal activity. I also hope to be a SOCIAL WORKER for Ghosts....sounds a little crazy but crazy is what makes life fun!
I like all kinds of music...depends on my mood. I enjoy Jazz, classical, old time music and pop...with a little country thrown in.
Fried Green Tomatoes is my ALL-TIME favorite movie....I cry every time. I like movies about drama and true life and of course, I love comedies! I also love old movies with Cary Grant, Bud & Costello, Bing and Bob. I will only watch horror movies if ALL the lights are on and someone is sitting directly beside me at all times.
I watch way too much TV! Hmm...I like any show about the Paranormal and ghosts and lately there seems to be an explosion of such shows! I like Home Improvement with Tim Allen and other comedies like "My Name Is Earl" and "The Office."
Patricia Cornwell is my favorite author for fiction. I like to read mostly non-fiction.
EVERY SINGLE PERSON I MEET WHETHER THEY ARE CLIENTS, INMATES, FRIENDS, FAMILY, FAMOUS PEOPLE or the GUY/GAL next to me on the airplane. Each and every person has a story to tell...they have all overcome difficulties or had meaningful experiences in their lives that makes them heroes to someone. I find everyone is a hero in their own right!