Writing, volleyball, travelling (like, a lot), the beach, our lakehouse, water-ski, skiing, movies, friends.
Captain Jack Sparrow, Eddie Van Halen, Dan Rather, Bill Maher, Peter Jennings, M. Night Shayamalan, William Shatner, Howard Stern, Beyonce, Rachel McAdams, Steve Colbert, Peter Jackson, Chris Carter, Joe Paterno (well, meet him again), and the very hot queen from '300.'
I love Sirius radio & Howard Stern. I'm a HUGE fan of Van Halen, love AC/DC, Metallica, Shakira has a great voice and I'm lovin that new music video, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, John Williams, Hanz Zimmer, some reggae-tom music.
The Exorcist, Little Miss Sunshine, Citizen Kane, North by Northwest, Spider-Man 1&2, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Lord of the Rings, Gladiator...
Lost, MXC, South Park, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Robot Chicken, The Colbert Report. Oh yeah, and PARANORMAL STATE.
Angels & Demons, Lying Awake, The Exorcist, Harry Potter, The Third Secret, Lord of the Flies...
St. Michael, St. Benedict, Captain James T. Kirk, Captain Juan-Luc Picardo, Spider-Man, St. Zachary, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stephen Colbert and Jesus.