I am a very down to earth, easy-going, and practical person. I am not really into shopping much, unlike my brother (LOL), unless I know what I am going after, or if I'm getting something for someone else.
I can be quiet and "to myself" at times, but I always have room to let others in at some point. We all need time to ourselves and our thoughts. It's nice to have that alone time to pamper myself, relax, and do whatever needs to be done.
I also have a bit of a wild side, but it isn't out of control (at least not now that I'm older... LOL). I like to have fun, and sometimes, do out of the ordinary things. A little thrill is good for ya every once in a while. :)
I love to laugh! I can have an off the wall sense of humor and enjoy a good laugh, but not at the expense of others. I'm really not into those jokes that hurt anyone, because they aren't really jokes. They are just hurtful words towards others.
I can get along with most anyone willing to get to know me. I am also very willing to get to know others if they only give me an opportunity. I am very open-minded and accepting of people's differences. After all, it would be a boring world if we were all the same.
My younger brother is my best friend, who I love dearly, but there's some others who I consider best friends too. Some of them, I have known almost my whole life, and others, I have known for a few years, or less. I guess, it doesn't matter how long you know the person, it just depends on the person.... and the connection made... and perhaps, the dedication to the relationship.
I love meeting new people and making new friends, no matter how different they may be from myself,and learning anything from their wisdom and experiences. I also love animals (especially cats, if ya haven't noticed). I have seven spoiled cats, who are like my children. I would like to go scuba diving sometime and swim with some sharks! I think, I might be up to attempting sky-diving too! I know, my little brother would love to go sometime too. To have me go sky-diving with him, so he watch me scream, I'm sure would make it that much more fun... haha!
I have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and I'd like to return to college to get my Master's and PhD. That takes money, of course, so I might hold off for the time being... unless I win the lottery. :)
I like to try new and different things. I am one of the founders and lead investigators of a paranormal group in WV. You'll have to check out our myspace site and geocities site. Our name is WV MOUNTAIN MOMMA GHOST HUNTERS.
Click the photo below to visit the WV Mountain Momma Ghost Hunters site at Yahoo Geocities!
I am also an ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF EASTERN PARANORMAL, which was founded and is owned by GABREAEL, who also is the host of "A GLIMPSE THROUGH THE VEIL." Thanks for having me Gabreael! It's been a pleasure getting to know one another, and you have been a wonderful friend to me.
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