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About Me

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Im 26 year old female, living in good ol' parkersburg, wv with my husband of 6 years casey, my new baby girl jaylynn, my english mastiff jigsaw and my iguana. i am currently an RN at camden clark hospital. i dont have much time to do a whole lot, bieng a new mom, but she is worth it. i do enjoy spending time with my family(mom,dad,3 sisters and brother,5 nephews, 3 nieces) i dont like the hospital setting too well, but it will do until i find something else. I am also a member of the west virginia mountain momma ghost hunters in parkersubrg, wv. yeah, i know it wierd, but we have fun with it..well we used to. i have not got to go in a while since having jaylynn. i plan on tryin to go again sometime. i also LOVE to make not the greatest at it but im ok.. they always taste good.. there are a few pics in my album, but ihave made prob 10 or more different designs than what i have posted.. i just cant find the pics.. i love to make birthday, wedding shower and baby shower cakes. i have not made any actual wedding cakes, i think i need more practice first.. but.. if any of you in the area want to order one, let me know.. i would like to start doing it on the side...

My Interests

ghost hunting, fishing, spending time with family and friends, playing with my baby girl, games(all games-board and card) shopping(esp for other people i dont like to spend money on myself for some reason)camping, vacation (VEGAS--very fun times) ice cream, chinese, diet coke, taking pics, 80's music, animals, taking walks (well when the weather is not shitty) taking long, hot baths..ahhhh.... i like to save money (thats a quality my husband does not like so much. im cheap and i like to get good deals. i love to stay up late, no matter how early i gotta get up, love drinking about 6 cups of coffee in the morning to get my day going. dislikes: materialistic people, fake people, traffic, taking the trash out, prejudices and racism, people who think they are better than everyone, gas prices (oh they really irritate me) cleaning the bathroom, dog hair on EVERYTHING, people who make fun of other people (esp with mental disabilities) trying to diet ALL the time, bieng to "fluffy"

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all kinds, esp 80's- i love them---esp madonna, prince ect my modern day favorite band would have to be buckcherry and nickelback


scary, comedy--i like all movies really. i really like all the SAW movies, and the old horror movies (freddy, jason,chucky) talledega nights, shaun of the dead, southpark


law and order, most shocking, all tru tv shows, disorderly conduct, the weather channel :)


have not read too many lately--my focus of reading for 9 months was "what to expect when your expecting" yeah i know, im lame.


my a daddy's girl.

My Blog

Some good nursing humor...

..>   More good old nursing humor [= Current mood: cheerful Category: Jobs, Work, Careers You know you're a nurse when... The front of your scrubs reads "Nurses: here to save your ass, not...
Posted by Sarah on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 07:52:00 PST