Mission Statement:
The Massillon Ghost Hunting Society is committed to investigating andcollecting evidence that will lead to a better understanding of ghosts,hauntings and paranormal activities and why they happen, so that we maylearn why spirits have remained here after their mortal passing.
MGHS investigates possible hauntings to either validate or disprovesuch claims, by the use of digital recorders, photographs, EMF meters, IRthermometers and video we reach out into the realm beyond to receive theirmessages and to collect and catalogue evidence gathered on suchinvestigations We review all theories and methods as this is still not anexact science. In our research, we hope to open people’s minds to a betterunderstanding of the after life through paranormal research.
Our team is made up of 12 members, all of them have been into theparanormal and each brings new ideas to the table. Each of the memberscontributes to the team by helping in many different area (ghost hunts,researching, ideas & theories in other words each member gets involved inone way or another, but we are all active in the group) I am very proud ofthe people in my group, they are always eager to investigate, research anddo anything else to support the team as a whole.
I am very proud of who we are and what we do, I am pleased that each teammember has their own strong drive to help people have a betterunderstanding of ghost, and hope to learn all we can about them.
If you live in Ohio and enjoy ghost tours, click on the banner below. Ohio'sonly year round haunted history event company. Haunted Heartland Tours.(click on the banner below)
Sherri Brake-Recco is the tour creator and guide for Haunted HeartlandTours as well as Haunted History Walks of Canal Fulton. She begandocumented investigations 21 years ago and has been a Civil War reenactorfor 10 years as well as a history buff and family genealogy researcher. Sherribegan creating and leading sold out haunted tours in 2003 at theWarehouse on the Canal in Canal Fulton Ohio which led to developing herown tour company in 2004.
Sherri is available for presentations, instructional classes and for privatetours and/orCorporate events, She is also available as a Step On Guide foryour charter bus or special group event.
Sherri Brake-Recco is a very good friend of the Massillon Ghost HuntersSociety.