Hello and welcome to PRODA's myspace site!. PRODA is a new team of paromal researchers located in the Metro Detroit area. We are a very small team and are currently looking for new members, so if you live in the Metro Detroit area and are interested in becoming a paranormal researcher please feel free to leave us a message or email us at [email protected]. Our goal is to investigate the paranormal in a scientific manner. We are not in it to "prove" or "debunk" anything, but to investigate and learn more about the paranormal and help our clients understand what is going on in their home or business whether it be normal or paranormal. Often people are fearful of what is going on in their home/business and we want to help them understand that there is nothing to be fearful of by providing better understanding of the paranormal. We are a self funded team and all of our services are completely 100% free of charge. If you are interested in having an investigation done in your residence/business feel free to contact us, that is what we are here for. We treat all of our cases with complete confidentiality. Locations, names, or any evidence found will not be shared unless permision is granted by the client themselves. If you have any questions about the team, our services, or anything paranormal you are more than welcome to just ask. We will be more than happy to assist you.
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