THE OTHER SIDE (coming soon) profile picture

THE OTHER SIDE (coming soon)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

. THE OTHER SIDE-- --Another blog post that will be updated constantly--The background:----------Two and a half years ago.. 2001.. Avon Taylor founded a small volunteer research team named "P.$.I.T" - Paranormal $cientific Investigation Team. "Pronounced 'SIGHT". A short time afterwards we added "$cientific and $upernatural" as our research methods did not strictly rely only on scientific means (why rule any thing out in this line of business?), and we did not strictly stick to only the Paranormal. As we learned more of the world, we learned that somethings are normal but simply not discussed or easily accessed where as some truely are out there.--------------------The team wained, as a volunteer force often will. We thank those who told him they wanted to move in other directions, and remain friends. In fact, in some cases such as Jimmy Bones, leaving P.$.I.T gave him the time he needed to work on his art, and he truely has developed a style that we hope will take him far.---------------In 2007 the Anniversary of P.$.I.T passed unnoted and uncelebrated. Though Avon.T and S.Hopes continued private research together, the team was liquidated.---------------------Then along came a $NAKE... ------------------------The future? :Mark "$NAKE" K. was introduced to Avon by a mutual friend in a certain shop we frequent ran by a man and his wife, of whom we cannot sing the praises of enough.Mark was no stranger to media productions and was bitten by the ghost-bug as we all were in P.$.I.T at one time or another. It did not take long to whip a frenzie up and reform P.$.I.T with some new blood, and a few old faces along with some updated equipment.-----------------------Where we go from here is as far as we damn well can. A TV spot (THE OTHER SIDE)? Something that can really explore the paranormal and involve the viewers. Not just going around some dank castle and squealing about a breeze catching you off guard. Rather, fully describe what it is to be a paranormal investigator, explore the real places you'll find yourself (and some of the monotony in the middle of a ruddy field), what is it like to be a medium? How can you handle it? Up date the populus on new research and theories being developed around the world at this very moment.------------------------What really is out there?--------------------Regardless of our medium, we will prevail. For now we will be updating on YouTube, Myspace ( and soon our own website. Please check back with these and most importantly share your opinions. They're just as valid as ours, and we want to discuss them. We want you, our viewers involved and learning as we do.-----------------------News:--Mark K. is still updating the Myspace sight. You can see clips and photos of various investigations from P.$.I.T to THE OTHER SIDE show now. It's in a constant state of flux, making sure that people are getting the message and finding out about us, whilst we select the best means and lay outs for that message.--------------------It also includes some interesting and fun footage from other places.----------------------------Further more you can find yourself linked to many other researchers and shows and publications from our Friends list, so give them a good look too.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

THE OTHER SIDE:---- Our paranormal team: "P.$.I.T" (Pronounced as "sight")---------Paranormal.$upernatural and $cientific.Investigation.Team. ..Dedicated to investigation and exploration of both the paranormal (i.e that which in no way a natural occurence) and $upernatural (i.e that which is always has been possible though not openly acknowleged) phenomina via both $cientific and supernatural means
MySpace Codes 2F%2Fprofile%2Emyspace%2Ecom%2Findex%2Ecfm%3Ffuseaction%3Dus er%2Eviewprofile%26friendid%3D70096375

My Blog


NOT TOO LONG AGO... we were putting our show on hold... but not our love! Now were back soon to start again as the tempreture rises so will our team to finesh what we started... thanks to all of you a...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 06:02:00 GMT

NEW TEAM MEMBERS WANTED! Do you have the guts!

Do you have what it takes? Due to our ever demanding life comitments.... some of our team have had to attend to other comitments and family lives... these membrs are all still our originalteam and alw...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:04:00 GMT

new updates and projects

We have been having a few problems trying to log on to the site and update it...   we are on the case and today we managed to get on for a few min... we were only able to upload 1 new photo ...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 05:06:00 GMT


Posted by on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 02:54:00 GMT

Special nods to special websites, Avon Taylor

..> ..> ..> ..> Sunday, April 08, 2007   Avon Taylor ..>   Special nods to special websites I want to take this opportunity to mention a few websites that deserve to be me...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 14:47:00 GMT

Team Members

In order for you to feel more comfortable with us, and in an effort to assure you of our credentials, we are now adding personal MySpace profiles of all PSIT team members. Once these are all up a...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 17:42:00 GMT

April 8th up-date

 We apologise for the lack of updates this accout has seen in the last two weeks. Thank you to all of you for bearing with us, and we hope that the work we've been doing in the meantime will be s...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 17:23:00 GMT


If you scroll down on our myspace you will see a big map and a plama tv! WE WANT  your ghost pictures and pictures of you on this page!!!!     YOUR GHOST PICS: Click on the "add me...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 12:20:00 GMT

Check out this video: EVP "ABUSIVE SWEARING" (shit head) Hollinshead

EVP "ABUSIVE SWEARING" (shit head) Hollinshead Add to My Profile | More VideosThis is getting dodgy.... Im starting to think i have picked up some hitchers!I got this message fro...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 15:20:00 GMT

Threats Threats Threats!

More threats but this time from Wycoller ... after hours and hours of listning to the same 20 seconds of EVP and a good clean up we maneged to work out what was being said... and all we needed was a s...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 15:16:00 GMT