"Combining the permeating musical influence of her childhood with her fierce passion and finely tuned ears, Beth Dariti writes with nostalgic observance, composes into spaces unknown and plays instinctively. The story winds back to an engrained musical backdrop long ago when she was learning to cry and crawl to her family’s jazz playing and the records of jazz moguls, Chet Baker and Miles Davis. Not long passed before little fingers persisted patiently in piano lessons, though soon recognising her instrument of choice, the first guitar came at the age of 10. There started a fated musical collaboration. You may recognise her face from frequent acoustic appearances with her musical ally Adrian Roye, with whom she creates much musical happiness. She’s now embarking on a series of her own gigs.Keen to evolve, Beth has added a few instruments to her musical bow and you may catch her not only rocking-out with her strum-punch-caress guitar-style but perhaps with a mandolin, touberleki or bass tucked under one of her arms and a harmonica in her mouth. Most likely though her vocals will be on display as they softly drop the carefully truthful lyrics in powerful blows or warmed wavering whispers. Someone who definitely knows how to make a guitar move; competently, she combines a pulse-style beat of percussion plucking with a free-flowing and soft spontaneity."
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