IKTOMS profile picture


simultaneously WIRED and UNPLUGGED

About Me

IKTOMS is an acronym. It stands for a few things, but most of all it stands for Good Live Music.
IKTOMS runs two types of nights: IKTOMS WIRED, and IKTOMS UNPLUGGED. You can read a bit more about them below. We also run a yearly WIRED FESTIVAL , and occasional extra events, like the recent IKTOMS UK TOUR, which hit York, Manchester, Worcester and a three night residency at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
IKTOMS WIRED launched on September 29th with the hugely successful Wired Fest , and is a monthly band night held at The Cross Kings, Kings Cross, showcasing original music in a highly original venue. The night takes place across two stages, with about fifteen bands every night... we like to pack it all in!
IKTOMS UNPLUGGED is a weekly evening of *completely* unplugged and acoustic music, held upstairs at The Liberties Bar, 100 Camden High Street, Camden. We want you to see the acts as you won't and simply can't anywhere else... Entry is £4, which is normally a pound per act, or even less. If you come along you'll know what a deal that is.
Now, we do understand the attractions of myspace, and so we keep up to date on here, and meet all sorts of interesting people. It's great for hearing new music too. But come get to know us yourself, let's not depend on this thing...
If you're an artist who would like to play, simply sign up to our blog and send us a message over myspace, we listen to them all.
So, see you soon, then?
Also, we've got a rather lovely compilation of some of our favourite acts. We released it on the IKTOMS 2008 Tour, but we have some copies left, so we're selling them at £4 each. There are 18 tracks, all of them superb, which works out at roughly 22p per track. That's WAY better than itunes, and you get the CD, which isn't bad looking itself. You can get them by messaging us, or by popping down to a gig. Check it out:
Oh yeah - last thing - we've got a youtube channel ! check it!
** Thurs 9th October - IKTOMS Unplugged @ Liberties
Citizen Helene
Annie Kealing
Freddie Stevenson
Stephen Long
** Thurs 16th October - IKTOMS Unplugged @ Liberties
Lyla Foy
Kal Lavelle
Ed Sheeran
Spencer McLean
** Thurs 23rd October - IKTOMS Unplugged @ Liberties
Theo Bard
Chris Jamison
Roscoe La Belle
Maria Byrne
Richard Tyrone Jones
** Fri 24th October - IKTOMS Wired @ The Cross Kings
The High Priests
6 Day Riot
Hot Fiction
Matt Hegarty
Dr Butler's Hatstand Medicine Band
Kiran Hungin and the Night Owls
Laura & The Tears
Roscoe La Belle
Daddy Ho!
** Thurs 30th October - IKTOMS Unplugged @ Liberties
David Gunn
Iain Wilkinson
Jen Charlton
** Thurs 6th November - IKTOMS Unplugged @ Liberties
Jamie Abbott
Steven Finn
Magic Lantern
** Thurs 13th November - IKTOMS Unplugged @ Liberties
Kal Lavelle
Barefoot Confessor
Hadar Manor
Milltown's Grace
.. ..

My Interests

music, poetry, art, drinking games

I'd like to meet:

Interesting new artists of all kinds, and art-lovers of all varieties.



3 Ring Circus
6 Day Riot
A Child Rasputin
A Singer Must Die
Adam McBride Smith
Adrian Roye
Aidan Smith
Al Lewis II
Alan Lacroix II
Alex J Dunne
Alex Pyper II
Ali Whitton XI
And What Will Be Left of Them?
Anders Dal
Angel Anderson III
Barefoot Native
The Beautiful Word
Ben Dunderdale & The Douglas Riot II
Bendigo II
Benin City II
Beth Dariti III
Blabbermouth II
Blue Rose Code
Bring Me Back II
Brown Bear II
Butler-Williams II
The Cantoons IV
Charlie Costello
Charlotte Hatherley
Chris Helme
Chris Tye IV
Christina Marie
Daisy B
Dan Hartland II
Dan Torres
David Goo IV
David Gunn VII
David Ward MacLean
Dimbleby & Capper II
E Amato V
Ed Bell II
Ed Dark
Ed Sheeran XIV
Eddie's Brother II
Edmund McGowan II
Elova II
Emil Brynge
Excentral Tempest II
Finn Daniel
Fiona Bevan XI
Freddie Keen
Gary Dunne III
Gemma Garmeson
Gideon Conn VI
Glenn Hodge III
Goodtimes Goodtimes
Green Rock River Band III
Greg Hall III
Grizla XVIII
Guardians of the Ancient Wisdom
Gypsy Girl III
Hadar Manor
Hadleigh Ford
Helen Lawson
Hillbilly & The Bonfire X
How To Cure Dyslexia
Hugh Coltman II
Inua Phaze (PiP) II
Isobel Anderson VI
DJ Isobel Ward
Isodore & Clay II
J-Treole II
Jacob Doran
James Campbell
James Yuill III
Jayne Powell
Jen Charlton
Jharda III
Miss Jo Williams
Joan Coffey VIII
John Hudson
Jon Woode
Jonny Alford II
Jonny Berliner XII
Jonny Taylor II
Josh (PiP)
JosieJo III
Juliana Meyer II
Kal Lavelle XV
Karma Junkie
Kat Flint III
Kayv III
Kel Elliott
Kenny Howes
Kevin Molloy LVIII
King Kong Crew
Kinzli II
Kiran & The Night Owls
Kirsten Ana
Kit Richardson VI
Knights of Jeroda
Kristy Jackson
Labhaoise Brennan
Lail Arad IV
Laura Stark
Lester Clayton III
Local Girls
Loose Caboose
The Lucky Face
Lucy Kitt
Luke Kaden
Lyla Foy II
Mad Staring Eyes
Magic Lantern
Maria Byrne
Mark Aaron James II
Mark Alder
Mark Alexander
Mark Ridout
Martin Daws
Matt Arthur
Matt Geary
Matt Hegarty III
Matt Kebbell III
Mayfly Trio
McGoo II
Melv XV
Merel Hutten
Mia Silvas
The Midnight Rambler
Milltown's Grace VII
Miss Sills II
More Story Fours VIII
Mozzy Green XIV
Musa Okwonga (PiP) III
My First Tooth
My Pet Shadow
Nev Hawkins
Niall O’Sullivan
Nick Mulvey VII
Nicky Francis
Niko V
Norton Money III
Note to Self III
Oli 'n' Clive II
Oli Wennik II
Oliver Talkes
Olly the Octopus
Oystar II
Pale Marble Movie
Pauline Taylor II
Peanut Albinos II
Peyoti for President II
Plum Jam & the Attack of the Ants
Poeticat (PiP) IV
Ragamuffin Children
Richard Tyrone Jones V
Rob Cowen IV
Robin Grey XI
Rosalie Bevan II
Roxy Rawson
Russell Joslin VIII
Ryan O'Reilly
Ryan Van Winkle IV
Sam Carter
Sam Delahaye II
Samantha Whates XII
Sarah MacDougall
Saul Ashby
The Sea Kings
Sean Clothier
Semaphore II
Severine Devereaux
Sexy Kids IV
Shane Koyczan
Show Without Punch
Siegfried Sassoon II
Simon Breed II
Smoke Feathers II
Soapbox Story II
Sophia Serafino
Soulscience IV
The Sound of Bailey II
The Sound of the Ladies
Soup III
Sophia Blackwell II
Sophie Henderson
Spencer McLean
Stanley III
Stanton Delaplane
Stephen Long XIX
Steven Finn II
Stolen Car II
Surprise! II
Tabitha Benjamin II
Tale of Two Halves
Tallulah Rendall
Telegramme a Jane
Tim Allen
Tom Allen
DJ Tom Rockfeedback
Trent Miller II
Victoria Klewin
Victoria Watson Quintet II
Vintage Poison
Wasted Opportunities
Will Conway
William Nein IV
The Woe Betides
Young Runaways


IKTOMS Hall of Fame (Five or more performances)
Ali Whitton (XI)
David Gunn (VII)
E Amato (V)
Ed Sheeran (XIV)
Fiona Bevan (XI)
Gideon Conn (VI)
Grizla (XVIII)
Hillbilly & The Bonfire (X)
Isobel Anderson (VI)
Joan Coffey (VIII)
Jonny Berliner (XII)
Kal Lavelle (XV)
Kevin Molloy (LIII)
Kit Richardson (VI)
Melv (XV)
Milltown's Grace (VII)
More Story Fours (VIII)
Mozzy Green (XIV)
Nick Mulvey (VII)
Niko (V)
Richard Tyrone Jones (V)
Robin Grey (XI)
Russell Joslin (VIII)
Samantha Whates (XII)
Stephen Long (XIX)
ps - check out this video we just got given of Wired Fest 2007!
pps - this is our newest favourite photo. The lovely Gideon Conn put the whole IKTOMS Tour up in Manchester (there were ten of us!), and organised our gig there. He headlined that last night of the show, in last year's Wired Festival t-shirt. We get all gooey inside when we see it...

My Blog

Super Complimentary Wired Review :)

Chalky (aka Terrible Love Songs) has written a lovely review of IKTOMS and the WIRED FESTIVAL... Check it out, below are just a couple of praise-ful paras...http://mog.com/Chalky/blog/205480I don't fi...
Posted by IKTOMS on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 04:59:00 PST

Wired Festival

Hi guys This is the big push to the WIRED FESTIVAL this weekend (Sat 27th and Sun 28th). This is the best lineup of the summer. And of IKTOMS history. And the history of music. Absolutely no contest...
Posted by IKTOMS on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 05:29:00 PST

Tours, CDs, Unplugging and Festivals - PLUS a few cool opportunities...

Hey everyone - loads of IKTOMS news - we'll keep it snappy. Some great opportunities too, at the end...** THE IKTOMS TOUR went splendiferously! Thankyou to all of the people who came and watched, to t...
Posted by IKTOMS on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 09:22:00 PST

IKTOMS - News From the Towers

Hey everyone!Just a quick update on the last four IKTOMS shows of this season, before we take our August break (which is less of a break this year, as we're off on a UK tour, but more of that later!)....
Posted by IKTOMS on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 06:27:00 PST

Wired this Weekend!

So! Wired reoccurs this very Friday... we just wanted to give you all the heads up on it.The last one went supremely well... we were only a few people away from being completely sold out, and al of th...
Posted by IKTOMS on Wed, 14 May 2008 09:22:00 PST

IKTOMS - an invitation to help out!

Hey allIKTOMS are coming up to their first birthday! (*) We’re super chuffed with our first year. There’s a summary of what we’ve done at the bottom... but the point of this missive ...
Posted by IKTOMS on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 10:19:00 PST

Cartoons and Real Life

So, 200-and-8 is about to kick off officialy, with the first IKTOMS gig of the year tonight. It's going to be a very, very cool year.Nick and myself have both started new jobs - Nick's very much in th...
Posted by IKTOMS on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 07:39:00 PST

Birmingham and Hallowe’en

Hey guys, how's it all going? Things have been going great here at IK:TOMS, we're very happy and excited. We've landed a new night called WIRED at The Cross Kings (more of that later), and UNPLUG...
Posted by IKTOMS on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 05:54:00 PST

Tonight and the Future

Whooo... it's been a while! We had a good break though... a couple of holidays, time at the Edinburgh Fringe and a good dash of hard draft on some backstage things...*So*, we relaunch IK:TOMS Unplugge...
Posted by IKTOMS on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 05:12:00 PST

Festivals & Threesomes

Phew! It's been an awesome ride to date, this is an update on what's to come. First off, there are only THREE more IK:TOMS left before our month's sabbatical in August. The lineups are superb... and w...
Posted by IKTOMS on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:25:00 PST