"Leonard Cohen meets...Velvet Underground"
(Devendra Banhart)
"The girl who gets to play her song is suspiciously polished, and her ditty Winter is original enough to make the exercise worthwhile - indeed, Banhart says her impromptu performance is the best of the tour."
(The Independent)
"Charismatic songwriter who somehow straddles the ouevres of Martha Wainwright and Kimya Dawson headlines with her sparky melodies and lyrics full of warm wit and wry domesticity."
Lail's songs tell little stories. Some will make you laugh. Some will make her laugh. One might make you laugh and cry at the same time. Her voice is her friend. Sometimes it is loud. Sometimes it is quiet. She is practicing being very loud and very quiet at the same time. Her shows are special. Some people say they are theatrical. Some people say they are honest. Can she be theatrical and sincere at the same time? Lail Arad lives in London with her goat and two chickens. She prefers writing songs to writing biographies.