Personal interests of music, people, books, philosophy, psychology, and everything else in the world aside... Sound Bites is interested in YOU. Whether you want to entertain or educate... or be entertained or educated!
Everyone... eventually.
Especially those that think and like to tell people what they're thinking about.
Makes the Sound Bites world go around! Sound Bites loves everything live and good!
Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind / True Romance / Breakfast at Tiffany's... SOUND BITES LIKES MUSIC VIDEOS!
Most of it bores me, generally only watch it when I'm really hungover and don't have the brain cells to do anything else. Don't even have one at the moment! Hate the fact that it's so addictive and have fallen prey to it's brainwashing powers at times... SOUND BITES HATES TV!
Illusions, Richard Bach / The Rum Diarys, Hunter S. Thompsan / Perfume (can never remember how to spell the authors name) / So many others it's pointless trying... SOUND BITES LOVES BOOKS ON MUSIC!
Jack Kerouac, Allen Guinsberg, countless other writers, musicians, philosophers... my family, my friends and now and then even me! SOUND BITES HEROES ARE THE PERFORMERS THAT PLAY AND THE PEOPLE THAT WATCH... AND STEF THE BEST COMPARE IN THE WORLD!