Bishop Roy Dixon, D.D. profile picture

Bishop Roy Dixon, D.D.


About Me

Roy Dixon was born in Toomsboro, Georgia; even at the age of 12, the townsfolk realized there was something different about him. As a young man, he was always very active in the church and received many accolades both in church and school for public speaking and demonstrating acting talents.He graduated with honors and was President and Valedictorian of his senior class. He attended classes in Liberal Arts and Business Administration at the University of Connecticut, Los Angeles City College and the University of California at Los Angeles. In 1973 Elder Dixon answered God’s call to the ministry and was ordained by the late Bishop S.M. Crouch. At the same time he was ordained, Bishop Crouch also assigned him to pastor Val Verde Church in the Saugus-Newhall area—near Magic Mountain.During the Mid 1960s Entrepreneur Dixon owned and operated a number of DixonBurger restaurants. A serious accident and extended recuperation caused the demise of the chain. He then began working for Taco Bell Corporation in increasingly responsible positions.When he was transferred to San Diego, he served as Area Trainer and Area Manager. Elder Dixon and family joined Greater Jackson Memorial Church of God in Christ, where he served the late Bishop J.A. Blake, Sr., as Administrative Assistant and Church Administrator.In 1978 Restaurateur Dixon franchised his first Taco Bell Restaurant in Otay Mesa. With the help of two partners, Otay Mesa Corporation at one time owned 12 franchises.In 1985, Pastor Dixon was led to establish a church; in December of that year, twenty people met in the Otay Mesa corporate offices and agreed that they, too, felt the call to affiliate themselves with this new endeavor. Bishop Nathaniel Jones, who at that time was Jurisdictional Assistant to Bishop McKinney, was asked to be present as advisor and a source of guidance.Faith Chapel has grown from the initial twenty members to approximately 1,500 members. A very diverse and talented group of worshippers, they quickly acquired land and built the edifice that now occupies 4999 Holly Street – a 12,000 square foot facility which has helped to revitalize the surrounding community. The Church now houses a Charter School.Never one to settle into a comfortable rut, Superintendent Dixon established the Faith Fellowship of San Diego; the Fellowship endeavored to reach out to disenfranchised Pastors who were not affiliated with any Jurisdiction. As word of the Fellowship spread, there was interest from both affiliated and non-affiliated Pastors; Superintendent accepted with humility all those who wished to help with this new work. New Ministries and Congregations were established; and in April, 2000, the Presiding Bishop and General Board accepted this work and established SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FOURTH ECCLESIASTICAL JURISDICTION – PRAISE GOD.Bishop Dixon believes that God blesses us to be a blessing to others. A very brief summary of some of his past and present community and civic activities:. Rotarian, San Diego Rotary . Board Member, San Diego Organizing Project . Board Member, Pacific Institute of Community
Organizations . Board Member/Past President, San Diego Restaurant Association
. Director, California Restaurant Association
. Co-founder, All Congregations Together
. Commissioner, San Diego County Civil Service
. Board Member & Past President,
San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau
. Convention Planner . Auxiliaries in Ministries,Summer Conventions
. Board Member, Holiday Bowl
. Board Member, America’s Cup
. Civil Activities Council, Donovan State Prison
. Graduate, 1987, San Diego Lead, Inc.Bishop Dixon has been married for over 40 years to Starrie Dixon. They are the parents of three adults.To God be the Glory for great things He has done.

Myspace Layouts Hope In Jesus

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Saints from all over the world.

Whenever you are in the San Diego area you are always welcome at:

Faith Chapel
Church of God in Christ
4999 Holly Drive
San Diego, CA 92113
Phone: (619) 266-2626 Fax: (619) 264-8078
OUR MISSIONFaith Chapel Church of God in Christ exists for the purpose of continuing the Mission of our Lord Jesus Christ in seeking To save those who are lost. We accept this Charge with joy to proclaim, praise and practice the good news of Jesus Christ, to liberate men from sin. Thus, we nurture And equip the members of the body of Christ for his serviceBishop Roy Dixon, D.D. PastorSchedule or Services:Sunday Early Worship 8:00am
Sunday School 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am
Sunday Evening Worship 7:00pm
Week Day Prayer (Monday thru Friday) 6:00am & 9:00am
Tuesday Bible Study (Family Night) 7:00pm
Thursday Youth Service 7:00pm
Thursday Mid-Week Service 7:00pm
To get dvds of Bishop Dixons’ sermoms email: [email protected]************************************ *******************"Unity In The Body Of Christ" "Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in bond of peace."
Ephesians 4:3Our theme for 2008 is "Unity In The Body Of Christ." As we enter into a new year, we must do so with a heart of love, and with a Spirit of compassion. For we are called to reach the unreachable, to touch the untouchable, and to love the unloved. For we are the light of this World, therefore let us shine to the Glory Of God.In 2008,the year of new beginnings, let every member of the Southern California Fourth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction do all we can to exalt one another, standing together in peace, love, and harmony. Remember the words of our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ as He prayed for us in St John 17:22, that we may be one, even as the Father and the Savior are one. We must be of one mind, one spirit, and one hope. We must have unity in the body of Christ.Paul spoke about this unity in his letter in Ephesians 4:11. It was Christ who give some to be apostle, some to be prophets, some to be evangelist,some to be pastors, and some to be teachers to prepare God's people for service so that the body of Christ may be built up. Let us go out as Christ's disciple did, in His name, and reach the unreachable, touch the untouchable, and love the unloved.Bishop Roy Dixon, D.D.




Bishop Roy Dixon, D.D. Candidate For General Board
Church of God in Christ


Southern California Fourth Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Eighth Annual Women's Convention "Holy Women Coming Togeter In Unity" April 25, 2008. Mother JoAnne Hooks Supervisor of Women. Bishop Roy Dixon D.D. Jurisdictional Prelate


Jurisdictional PrelateMother JoAnne Hooks
Supervisor of Women ******************* JURISDICTIONAL OFFICERS Superintendent C. Conners
1st Administrative Assistant Superintendent J. Richardson
2nd Administrative Assistant Mother JoAnne Hooks
Supervisor of Women Pastor Pamela Nelams
Jurisdictional Secretary Elder C.Spalding
Treasurer Elder C. Pringle
Financial Secretary ******************* BOARD MEMBERS Mother JoAnne Hooks Superintendent C. Conners Superintendent J. Richardson Superintendent C. Clewis Superintendent J. Gaines Superintendent C. Glenn Superintendent A. Richardson Superintendent C. Finley Elder M. Baker Pastor Pamela Nelams
Board Secretary *********************NATIONAL AND JURISDICTION EVENTS:JUNEJune 2-8...Southern California Fourth Jurisdiction 8th Annual Holy Convocation
Faith Chapel, San DiegoJune 30-July 4...AIM Convention
Detroit, MichiganJune 30 Women's Department Regional Service (All Regions)JULY July 19...Jurisdictional Business Meeting(Barstow, CA) July 19...Women Department Fashion Show (Barstow, CA)AUGUSTAugust 4...Unity Meeting(Lancaster,CA)August 16...Jurisdictional Business Meeting(New Journey, Hawthorne)August 26-28...National Pastors and Elders Conference
Chicago, IllinoisAugust 29...Regional Revival(Location TBA)SEPTEMBERSeptember 15-18...2008 Bishop's Conference
Chicago, IllinoisSeptember 20...Preparation Service For SupervisorSeptember 29...State Sunday School Banquet(Faith Chapel, San Diego)September 29...Women's Department Regional Service(All Regions)OCTOBEROctober 6...Unity Meeting (Hawthorne, CA)October 10...Inland Empire Regional Appreciation ServiceOctober 18...Jurisdiction Business Meeting (San Diego, CA)October 18...Bishop's Delight (San Diego, CA)NOVEMBERNovember 3-10...101st International Holy Convocation
Memphis, TennesseeNovember 15...Jurisdictional Strategy Meeting (New Journey, Hawthorne)November 19-23...Annual Year End Revival (Lacation TBA)November 23 Jurisdictional Mission Service
(Hawthorne,CA)DECEMBERDecember 3-5...Annual Year End Revival (Location TBA)December 8 Unity Meeting (Riverside,CA)December 13...Jurisdictional Bussiness Meeting (Faith Chapel, San Diego)December 14-18...Annual Mission's Trip