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Apostle Alfred Henton of Fort Worth, TX is a man of apostolic and prophetic insight he is revered locally, nationally and internationally as a dynamic man of vision. Apostle Alfred Henton is noted for a now word with accuracy, a man of compassion, who is truly focused on kingdom business. Apostle Alfred Henton has a powerful prophetic flow as he ministers and echoes the voice of the Lord. His Apostolic evangelistic travels includes Canada, Caribbean, London England, Trinidad, Barbados, Bahamas, Mexico, Jamaica, South Africa and throughout the United States. This humble servant is advancing the Kingdom of God and redefining ministry as we see it today through integrity and compassion. Apostle Alfred Henton has appeared as a guest on TBN's International Praise The Lord Program. Apostle Alfred Henton’s prophetic voice exposes the fallacies of religion and releases the people of God into their destiny. As a worshipper, Apostle Alfred Henton is a man after God's own heart!
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