LuLuMonkey profile picture



About Me

I give clothing dimension.

My Interests

I'm interested in Getting through the day.

I'd like to meet:

Jim Hightower is my favorite Texan...


Oh yes, I like music very much.


It's best to never, no, I mean EVER, let me be the one to pick out the movie.........EVER! It's not that I have bad taste because I don't enjoy them's just that I'm a sucker for marketing. I once ran across an energy drink, at the height of their popularity, that called itself a carbonated smack in the face. I had to have it. That, ladies and gentlemen, how I suffered through an outrageously bad energy drink that only gave me the energy enough not to puke and why I accidentally choose movies like "A Private Function." To those who have suffered on behalf of my absurdity., I apologize. Isaac's mom, however, gets the blame for the scars left by "Daddy Daycare." Spanglish? That was my fault........oh god, how to erase that effluviant mess.


No thank you. Although, I have, in the recent weeks, considered subscribing to cable. What with the Daily show, the Colbert Report, Arrested Development in it's 3rd season, not to mention.......ok, I'll mention it..........Deadwood. But alas, I was offended at the amount of my money they would request to recieve every month..........especially with all of the shit programming and advertisments. Let me get this recieve money from the advertisers AND you want me to fork over MY hard earned cash so that said advertisers can program my brain with their agenda? Again...........No thank you. I will rely on DVD and internet. Rupert Murdoch eats my shorts.


They're so decorative!!


Jim Henson.

My Blog

Poetry 5.0

Maybe if I close my eyes tighter I'll fall asleep. I try to remember when I used to write poetry, sketch. Before I left it up to those who could do it better. I've always had a hard time sleeping at n...
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 02:53:00 PST

When everything means nothing........or.........back to the middle.

I've figured out why it's so important to get as fucked up as you can. When you lose yourself in the "wa-was" or a druken slur ..........when you've got nothing but the chewy center left,  you ca...
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 04:55:00 PST

Crushes, crushes and more crushes.........OMG!

I love the fact that so many people want to tell me all about the crushes going around but, aren't my friends doing anything else worth noting?
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 12:57:00 PST

I can’t even pee on my own lawn!

I can't even pee on my own lawn, for fear the ants might get me! I can only imagine my plush hiney being devoured my these tiny creatures like so many worms! THese same worms that were to fertalize my...
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:36:00 PST

Squeeze off another round...........

When a friend dies, you always run through those crappy thoughts like, "I should have called." "I didn't say this when I should have." "I didn't say that when I should have." LaLaLa......................
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:40:00 PST

While LittleRonniePutnam sits in limbo...........

I can't help but think of my last few weeks, so paralyzed. I was licking lollypops on Sunshine Island and about to take a scuba dive without the required equiptment. (crazy!) Or I'm just a big baby ab...
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 12:48:00 PST


 The weather in Texas is hot with bugs. There. Or it's crazy with huge Thunderclouds and God and you feel the end of the world. It's pretty cool. Perhaps you need a vacation?Been working at a res...
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 06:14:00 PST

Too few cartwheels............

The reason there are fewer cartwheels in Austin is simple. Crappy-Ass bugs. It is most probable that in the glee of the moment, you step onto the one-week-too-lush lawn and find yourself smack-dab in ...
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 02:24:00 PST

The phrase, "I'm rotting somewhere."

The phrase, "I'm rotting somewhere." rocks itself in my mind and I start to panic. Is this my subconsious trying to tell myself something about myself through myself? My mind raced through any of the ...
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:40:00 PST


Most of my blogs are at about this time in the morning. I wonder if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
Posted by LuLuMonkey on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 03:49:00 PST