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Chiron Rainbow

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About Me

I am a pet parent, an abuse survivor trusting in cosmic justice, and a freestyle follower of Jesus with my own unconventional spirituality and beliefs that transcend divisions while respecting and valuing them as part of the rainbow. I have a lot in common with aspects of many disciplines, from pantheism to Deepakism. My God is a genderless God and my Jesus is the still-misunderstood Christ who preached the transcendent divinity of animals, plants and minerals, proved it by miracles, and declared victory for the oppressed.
The God in whom I believe does not allow or use evil to carry out his plan; suffering is merely the overcoming of adversity by a preemptive, winning spirit. I don't believe in a get-away-with-it Jesus or in churches that offend the concepts of sex and love by condemning homosexuality and condoning non-gay violators of non-consensual children.
I believe we are in the end times, am virtually vegan, and do not go to church. Organized religion and I have mutually excommunicated each other in a friendly way at least on my part. I worship "neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem," that is, I live by the Spirit not just the Word, while viewing the cross as a symbol of transcendence rather than as a ransom deal with the devil.
******************************************************* I AM TRUE, THEREFORE I AM
Life is not a matter of existence but of theory.
That theory is God, it is truth, and it is true love.
Without true love, there is no true existence.
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Innocence is the basis for true intelligence. Without an innocent heart, even the highest IQ is a negative number.
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Creation is to God as snowflakes are to water.
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"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God" (Rom 8:14, KJV)

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My Interests

Transcendence, Colors, Nature's beauty, Animal friends, NDEs, Psychic spirituality, Miracles, Ancient times, Earth changes, End times prophecy, The Titanic, Linguistics, Food pics, Unexplained mysteries, Astrology

January 11, 2008 marked the 6th anniversary of the CIA's torture prison at Guantanamo. In those six years, no prisoners have been charged, and none have been released. Don't think it couldn't happen to you... Help end the CIA's atrocities. More at

MADMAN ELECTED PRESIDENT, NUKES WORLD. Mercury will be in close conjunction with Hillary's sun on election day, Nov. 5th, while the sun will closely square Obama's, suggesting that if Hillary does not win the primary, Obama will not win the final swimsuit competition against McCain (although he would undoubtedly deserve to). The planets ignore McCain's sun until three days after the election, when it sextiles America's Part of Disaster. Does the US really want to put the finger of someone given to fits of uncontrollable anger on the little red button that sets off a nuclear holocaust? If we refuse to turn the other cheek as Jimmy Carter has done, hell will make us a deal we can't refuse: McCain will come to be known as America's Disaster President and the biggest mistake this country ever made... bigger even than the oil-mad Bushafia. An' we ain't talkin' olive oil, get it, pal?

THESE TRUTHS SET ME FREE Creation or evolution? Both. And neither. The timeless cosmos, composed of theory, is just its Self to begin with. It is an eternal, living organism not bound by the concept of existence. Within this cosmic organism, life flows in a series of changing scenes like a giant video.

Miracles happen when the holographic video that is this universe calls for special effects. Each frame or scene of life edits itself according to the script embedded within it. No technician or divine intervention is needed to create this magic, since it is simply part of the nature of the living organism itself.

Its innermost essence, the supreme and intangible power, oversees but does not plan the story, lovingly coaching each of the living entities--animal, vegetable or mineral--that make up the Whole.

God, the living cosmos, is its own miracle.

Spirit and matter, though distinctly different, are not separate. They are composed of the same element.

This element, the universal unifier which physicists seek, contains existence within itself without being subject to it.

It is timeless, non-physical, and non-spiritual. Sages have called it God, or described it as unknowable. It is Theory Itself.

Theory itself is not a matter of existence; it can be itself without being. It is God and we are part of it. It is the common denominator linking spirit, matter, and energy. Every atom in your body is made of theory. Every bit of food you eat or air you breathe is made of theory. All linked by the perfect integrity of theory itself. All One in devotion to the greater good.

Good and evil are not a duality of nature. They are not equivalent to light and darkness. Darkness is the absence of light, not the presence of some dirty or displeasing color. Similarly, nature defines its most basic duality in terms of Good and the absence of Good.

The cosmos is pure theory itself; goodness springs from the inherent integrity of this cosmic Self. Evil is neither good nor the absence of good; it neither serves the greater good nor provides a restful break. This means that evil has no legitimate function, no place in reality, and no place in the universe. Evil is a cosmic lie.

The cosmic Self negates and eradicates malignance within a dark void of oblivion consisting of the absence of theory. This is the safe, friendly darkness reported by many near-death experiencers. From the point of view of the malignance, it is the dark abyss of hell.

In practice, this security process works the way a mammal's body surrounds, dismantles, and deletes invaders who are alien to the body and have no legitimate business within it. The malignancy disappears into the abyss, swallowed up by the tangible darkness.

If the offender is an entity rather than a circumstance, the entity may not know it has been erased from existence. It certainly does not feel as if it is nonexistent. The deletion process does not hinder any alleged sensory or cognitive capabilities, it only negates them. This state applies to the world as we know it, as well as to the hereafter.

Only by transcending this state of negation can we physically experience the universe as it really is--free from all that does not benefit the health of the Whole.

Pure theory itself is the core of all ideals and virtues. Its innate integrity defines truth, which manifests on the spiritual and physical planes as devotion to the good of the Whole. This true devotion is the image or blueprint for all true love. It is also the blueprint for all true existence.

Love is not just an emotion or a feeling; it is a virtue. Emotions of desire, zeal, or need are not indicators of love. Such emotions often indicate self-hatred.

Innocence is not an indication of weakness, but of strength. It comes from a solid inner core of spiritual wholeness, the mark of a strong character.

True love is the only true power. It respects the space of others by not being needy, cloying, overbearing, or hypocritical, and does not presume to dictate how they feel. It is the mark of the Holy Spirit, self-contained yet freely and cheerfully offered. God is true love, and God is all in all.

Jesus Christ died to prove we are safe in transcendence to begin with.


The light of the Holy Spirit.


Jesus compared death to sleep. Since death is like sleep, then heaven is like dreaming: Even though the dead may know nothing of the evils in this lie-dominated world, their bodies and souls are alive and well in a superseding dimension where truth rules.

The LGBTQ community is like Jesus,
a rejected stone that is the hope of the future.

LOVE IS unselfish respect, not hijacking greed.

TRUE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE does not force itself on anyone. It will step away from those who dishonor its truth by hijacking or refusing it.

TRUE-HEARTED SINNERS ARE NEVER DAMNED The true-hearted are part of the truth that is God. We may never have known goodness, but He has always known us. Our sins have no part in us, just as Satan/evil has no part in God. At the judgment, Jesus says to the damned, "I never knew you," because they are not true humans--they were created of, by, and for evil, not by God. Christian or not, they are so false-hearted that even their flesh is literally false. Forgiving means knowing evil was wiped out from the beginning of time.

"For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven." (Mk 12:25, NKJV) That is, sharing free love like hippies in a commune!

I'd like to meet:

Decent people who are pro-justice and anti-profanity, who love animals and "all things bright and beautiful," and who will not harbor abusers.

"Invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind [the oppressed and marginalized!], and you will be blessed" (Lk 14:13, NIV)

Jesus said to those who criticized him for accepting good-hearted non-conformists: "I tell you the truth, tax collectors and prostitutes will enter the kingdom of God before you ever do" (Mt 21:31, paraphrased)

NOT JUST A CAT... but a feline child. We should feel flattered that our animals have accepted us as members of their tribe. After all, we are just primates.

God IS innocent children and animals. To end cruelty, we must scorn bullying and greed as impotence... while praising innocence as strength. Innocent children and animals are stronger and more courageous than the bravest soldier. They have more feelings and therefore more to be courageous about. Their whimpers, sobs, traumatized silence, or avoidance behavior are signs of strength that show an awareness of self and self-love. A bully or greed-driven individual is a living lie with little or no self, attempting to live outside the self, and totally dependent on externals. Our centering Self of love and power is what defends us in a yet unseen dimension. That Self is God.

The words "justice system" are an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. Only cosmic justice can do justice for children, animals, POWs, political prisoners, and all who have no voice in this world.

Learn more or SIGN THE PETITION at


Smooth jazz, Dean Martin, Peter Buffett, Luther Vandross, Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" (I used to hate it), Enya, Petula Clark, Johnny Mathis, The Beach Boys, Olivia Newton John, Santana, Sonny & Cher, Christmas music, Paris Combo, Alvin & the Chipmunks


IT IS NICE TO IMAGINE a world free of religious abuses, but this world is half heaven and half hell. If we subtract heaven by imagining it untrue, then what does that leave us?



Victor Victoria
Bicentennial Man
For the Bible Tells Me So
Different for Girls
Boys Don't Cry
Angels In America
Before Night Falls
Brokeback Mountain
Rat Race
The Pink Panther
A Shot in the Dark
Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?
To Catch a Thief


If I had a TV: TCC The Food Channel OPB


The Bible
(by inspired, fallible men)
The Sacred Shroud
(Thomas Humber)
When the Comet Runs
(Tom Kay)
The Case for Heaven
(Mally Cox-Chapman)
Language of the Goddess
(Maria Gimbutas)
The Mystery of Atlantis
(Charles Berlitz)
The Day Christ Was Born
(Jim Bishop)
Becoming a Visible Man
(Jamison Green)
The Blood and the Shroud
(Ian Wilson)
The Hebrew Goddess
(Raphael Patai)
Black Elk Speaks
(John Neihardt)
The Sacred Pipe
(Joseph Epes Brown)
A Night to Remember
(Walter Lord)
Jeeves & Wooster series
(P.G. Wodehouse)
Mother West Wind series
(Thornton Burgess)
Raggedy Ann & Andy
(Johnny Gruelle)
Go Dog Go!
(Dr. Seuss)


Even the smallest animal is the bravest of the brave. There is no one more sensitive or courageous than an animal. Because of their sensitivity they are more aware, and because they are more aware, they have more to be brave about. They are parts of the greater Soul that is God Manifest; even the word "anima" from which their name comes means living soul.
A common misconception is that fish are different. No, in fact, fish have more nerve endings per square centimeter of their body than we do. When they suffer, Jesus suffers. The Lord could have eaten fish knowing that they were alive above in transcendence, but he would not have advocated fishing. When he told Peter and John to fish on the right side of the boat, he meant it as a figure of speech, not literally; the miraculous catch was equally symbolic and not an endorsement of fish murder. God is love!

Time is an illusion. Psychics have always said so, the new physics is beginning to believe it. To say the past is past does not set things right or do justice so we can heal. Even if humanity cannot or will not set anything right, God already has... but in a secret way we find out about in transcendence.
Behold, I tell you a mystery: After we die our life replays like a remastered video with all the hell taken out and great stuff eye hath not seen nor ear heard edited in. That is called Being Born Again. It is literal, it is retroactive, and it is in the Now. Time is one. But take heart, God has edited out the trash.

My Blog

Perverting the Golden Rule

What if: There is an attractive stranger walking ahead of you on a crowded street. He or she does not know you are there. You look at him or her with lust. Have you really, as Bible translators claim,...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:24:00 PST

You Are Gods

"You are gods," (John 10:34) is the verse Jesus quoted in identifying himself--and us--with the great I AM.  The religious establishment criticized him for it. If the general populace knew that ...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:54:00 PST

Biblical Hero Likely Gay/Bi/Trans/Queer

One of the oldest characters in the Bible, Enoch, is said by Jews and Christians to have become so holy in his walk with God that finally there was no place good enough for him on earth so God transla...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 01:32:00 PST

F@g and Fascist, The Other F Words

Salute me--I am an American fag. Well, actually, I am two of the letters in LGBT, and humbly proud of it. Proud even of the word. Despite how it has been abused by our enemies, it is as venerable as a...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 10:31:00 PST

What Became of Christs Dead Body?

"Why do you search for the living among the dead?" There was more to these words than just an announcement to the women at Jesus' empty tomb that he was alive again. The angel who spoke them was sayin...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:30:00 PST

Faith When Religion Is Hopeless

Many desperate people pray to Saint Jude Thaddeus, an apostle and cousin of Jesus, and the patron of hopeless cases. I was one of them. Then as my faith grew to embrace the unity of God, I came to und...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 05:37:00 PST

This Is My Body... and Yours Too

That is the deeper meaning of what the Catholic church calls the Eucharist or The Body of Christ. When Jesus spoke in the first person, he often spoke not just for himself but for the greater, cosmic ...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 02:27:00 PST

Mature? Or Just Rotten?

Maturity, and the materialistic focus that accompanies it, is no indicator of personal worth. There are malicious children who who act mature, just as there are kind adults who are...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 10:04:00 PST

Does God Allow Evil?

How can our Father in heaven be good if we are sinners? Since He is eternal, all whom He creates in His own image are eternal too. Timeless chips off the divine old block. Like father, like son... for...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 07:09:00 PST

McCain and Abel

As everyone who has read the Bible knows, jealous Cain slew his gentle brother Abel and God was not pleased.  He banished Cain to the farthest reaches of the land.  The name McCain means "so...
Posted by Chiron Rainbow on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:26:00 PST