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Animal Rights.

Meat's no treat for those you eat.

About Me

Justify dissection?!
Schools order their animals (usually fish, worms, mice, rats, fetal pigs, rabbits, cats and dogs), from biological supply houses that each year turn the horror of capturing and killing 5.7 million animals into the highly profitable business of science class kits. Many animals, such as frogs, are taken illegally from their natural habitats. Devastation to the environment results because insect populations, normally kept in check by frogs, multiply exponentially and lead to the increased use of pesticides, which in turn poison and erode the entire ecosystem. Because many of these frog species are endangered, taking them from the wild amounts to poaching, which is a felony.
Additionally, rabbits, cats and dogs are often stolen from backyards, bought from pet stores or adopted from animal shelters, while pigs and sheep are purchased from slaughterhouses.
Justify the fur trade?!
The fur ads you might see in magazines and commercials portray fur coats as a symbol of elegance. But these ads fail to show how the original owners of these coats met their gruesome deaths.Millions of fur-bearing animals including foxes, raccoons, minks, coyotes, bobcats, lynxes, opossums, nutria, beavers, muskrats, otters, and others are killed each year on fur farms by anal and vaginal electrocution and in the wild by drowning, trapping, or beating.
The Canadian seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammels on earth. More than one million baby seals have killed for their fur in the past three years. 98 percent of the seals killed were pups under just three months of age. Newborn seals are skinned or bled alive, clubbed to death, or shot and left wounded to die under the ice.
Justify slaughter for meat?!
At the slaughter plant, the chickens are moved out of the trucks, dumped onto conveyors, and hung upside down in shackles by their legs. Shackling is painful for chickens, especially since so many suffer from bone and joint problems. Birds then have their throats cut by hand or machine. Failure by workers or machines to cut both carotid arteries can add two minutes to the time taken for birds to bleed to death. As slaughter lines run at speeds of up to 8,400 chickens per hour, many workers miss these arteries and most machines are not even designed to cut them properly. One researcher concluded, the “problems associated with inefficient neck cutting are only too common in poultry processing plants.” As a result, birds may be conscious as they enter tanks of scalding water intended to loosen the birds’ feathers. One study found that up to 23 percent of broilers were still alive when they entered scalding tanks.
Conscious pigs struggle violently as they hang from shackles on the slaughter line. They have been stunned for as little as 2 seconds and so regain consciousness as they bleed to death. "The crying of the pigs being slaughtered is horrible. People report that they sound like human screams. The pigs are communicating. They are speaking of their terrible fear."
Every year 150,000 pregnant COWS are slaughtered - some for hamburger meat. They are driven to the stunning point and shot in the head with a bolt, which may or may not render the cows unconscious. One of their legs is shackled and they are hoisted into the air by that one shackled leg. Their throats are cut, and then they are disembowelled. The calves may still be living when their mothers are disembowelled. They tumble to the floor and in a pile of bloody organs, they thrash, and then they drown. Up to 230,000 CATTLE are not correctly stunned with the captive bolt pistol. They will have to endure the pain of being shot in the head, and will then have to be shot again or knifed whilst conscious.
More than 17 billion fish are killed for food each year. Many people have never stopped to think about it, but fish are smart, interesting animals with their own unique personalities, just like the dogs and cats we share our homes with. Did you know that fish can learn to avoid nets by watching other fish in their group and that they can recognize their mates?
Justify pet abuse?!
Hundreds of thousands of pets are abused or not cared for properly. Boss was found tied up, abandoned as a stray after having her body be burned with chemicals and it is still not known what was done to her face, as it has now been proven that each horrible trauma happened on a separate occasion.
Justify torture for entertainment?!
Sloth Bears and Grizly Bears suffer as their sensitive mouths are pierced with searing hot iron rings so captors can force them to "dance" upright for spectators. Many Bears die toothless and infected. In the circus, they are repeatedly hit, whipped and trained using electric shocks to scare them into performance.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Did you know that each vegetarian saves the lives of 95+ animals every year? A meat-free diet is a cruelty-free diet!

*Go vegetarian*
*Refuse to dissect*
*Don't wear leather, fur or suede*
*Don't support the circus*
*Adopt sheltered pets*

Please make the right choice and have the courage to do all that's in your power to help save innocent animals.


Rise Against.


Meet your Meat. &Player=wm&speed=_med


Free the animals.

Slaughter house.

Animal Liberation.


This planet breathes for you. Treat it with care. ALL creatures deserve to live a cruelty-free life in this world. Famous vegans and vegetarians!
"I gave up meat when I was twelve. One day I was cutting up a chicken for my mom, and I hit a tumor with the knife. There was puss and blood all over the place. That was enough for me."
-Josh Hartnett
"I did it purely for moral reasons. But when I stopped, my skin became clear, I lost all this weight. I also had energy and was sleeping well."
-Alicia Silverstone
"I don't eat meat, fish, or eggs. I think there's something odd about eating another living anything."
-Shania Twain
"I'm an animal lover and I've been a vegetarian for 17 years. I won't wear leather in my own life and I won't wear it for a movie either. They have to make me clothes from fake leather."
-Natalie Portman
"There are viable (and usually better) alternatives to the use of animals for food, sport, clothing & experimentation. I beg you to discontinue any actions that might cause or condone animal torture, abuse, or destruction."

My Blog

rise against 82 Watch the video and tell us what you think....
Posted by Animal Rights. on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 09:51:00 PST

The circus

Animals in circuses are forced to travel thousands of miles for 48-50 weeks every year.     Elephants are chained in filthy railroad cars that are often left in the sun in 90- to 1...
Posted by Animal Rights. on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 05:23:00 PST

Kentucky Fried Cruelty

Every time undercover investigators enter the facilities of KFCs suppliers, they find hideous abuse and suffering. At one KFC Supplier of the Year slaughterhouse in West Virginia, workers were caught ...
Posted by Animal Rights. on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 03:35:00 PST