Movies, Music, Web, trying to learn how too play the guitar, being up in the mountain, cooking (i love to make dishes that take like three hours too cook, and then my guests gulp it down in 15mins) It is also fun too cook gourmet meals for people when you are in the forest or up on the mountain, they get like all amazed how you can do this with only a little stormkitchen. Sing, i love too sing, im actually planning to do something with it when i master the guitar a bit better.
This is my youtube playlist. It contains lots of talented Norwegian artists, please enjoy.
Since im roaming myspace for Norvegian talents, i cant post all of you here. Even when i think you are really great i dont have the time and effort too do it. But you will be posted at
This category is wide for me, i just like music, i will try too name a few bands, but i know i will forget some. Eliksir (my new found friend which really has a great voice, and is a great person as well, personal favorit "war for you love" from the Earthly Things album)Kate Bush (who can say no too kate, personal favorit "whittering heights") Foo Fighters (personal favorit "learning too fly" and "best of me") tenacious D (personal favorit "the whole fuckin album pick of destiny dude" I just love it when these guys come in my earpussy* must see the film to get that one, trust me it..s funny) Iron Maiden (favorit "run too the hills" Bruce Dickinson is the only Iron Maiden vocalist in my mind) Loreena Mckennit (personal favorit "Bonny Portmore") Kristin Frogner (pf. "stars above") Madrugada (pf. "kids are on high street") A-ha (pf. "lifelines") Cardigans, Lene Marlin, Ane Brun, Rob Zombie, Turbonegro, Annie (p.f. "heartbeat") Margaret Berger, Surferosa, Hilde Louise Asbjørnsen, Jehtro tull (pf. "steel monkey" & "aqualung")Heroes Del Silencio (pf. "sirena varada" & "Avalancha")DumDum, Tre små kinesere (pf. "dørstokkmila" & "klassebildet"), lots and lost of more music, this could take all day. Zuma (best electroniapop since Erasure) Breyma Tei, Lucky Lips, Following Bob, Morten Holm, Amira, Revolver, P:O:B, Josephine, Unni Wilhelmsen,......++++++
Shawshank Redemption, Green mile, Fargo, Music & Lyrics, Sleepless in seattle, Fried green tomatoes, Annie, Pick of destiny, You got mail,Batman 1 & 2 and Batman begins, Spiderman 1-3, X-men 1-3, Serenity, Blade 1-3, Search for the holy grail, Ghostship, Abyss, Alien 1-4, AVP, Predator 1-2, Dances with wolves, Postman, Gladiator, Gone with the wind, horse whisperer, Frittvilt, villmark, lots and lost more could go on forever.
Bones, Angel, Buffy, Jericho, Smallville, Shark, Heroes, x-files, lonesome dove, and CSI, Blackadder, Monthy Pyton flying sircus.
Robin Cook, Stephen king
My soon to be two years old son, the guy who told me straight when i was in lockup, and Jack Black.