I write more hours in the day than I'd like to admit...so, no matter what you think, I never write...I love the sport of football...DaBears.....I'm a Cubs fan....I do lots O push-ups and sit-ups....I like mirrors...which leads to the next paragraph.....
I am confident my prayer meetings will propel me...quickly.....Vroooooom....to comedy fame....and somebody will sue when I'm famous......because this picture........and the neighbors Parrot........were responsible for them doin speed.....I'll post the picture of the bird when it happens...But Hey......4 Day Services.....all we do is write....well, everyone else writes.....I just talk a lot
For Christ's sake.....Eat your Broccoli....Don't do Drugs
This is what I look like thinking about Music.....and changing an elderly person's loaded diaper....So I'll talk about Music ...not old peoples' stool......scroll....
Copyright 2006 Visual Eden Studios
I'd like to meet all of you...Whether I'm walking off a stage or just in the Club enjoying the show...But in "choosing" who I'd like to meet.....
Let me seeeee...I'd like to meet Mr. Kotter and Freddy 'boom boom' Washington...and, I guess telling jokes to Marsha Strassman with some black guy on the fire escape would be ok, but you're gonna have to throw in a Carlton the door man....Cuz if you're gonna fuk up Kotter, I want a little Rhoda...and with the right amount of LSD....I could be Gabe Kaplan......
Let me see...Im thinking Sex Pistols...John Lydon and Sid...too bad for me ...I'm a frustrated front man....still wanna be one...but only in a punk rock band..I'm a big fan of the one to three minute punk rock songs....I have a huge focus issue....I do like a lot of other types of music, tho, but its easier to talk about the one I dont like......Country Music
Copyright 2007 Visual Eden Studios
Me no like..not even a woman and what a woman has... (yes, that would be her pussy and Country ruined it)... could make me sit at Billy Bobs for more than an hour...sorry, at least you know I really tried...
I appreciate musical talent, tho....I have zero....... and it amazes me to see instruments make sounds....just not country sounds....like, blink da chling da chwing da boing oing oing..... that shit gives me a siezure.... and if I'm really drunk.... I've thrown up before due to a "floing woing woing....plaawwanngg" so why try to make me like it...I'll barf
*And I got this for next to nothin.....
Reservior Joe... Copyright 2006 Visual Eden Studios
Love to watch them, Johnny Depp and Gary Oldman are my favorite actors...and Mickey Rourke...But...Reservior Dogs and Sid and Nancy are my favorites.
Someone said I look like the Rourke boy in this one...ok, headshot
Copyright 2006 Visual Eden Studios
Higgins and Robin Masters were the same person the last time I "tuned in"....I don't know...? I look pretty cool in this picture, tho.....
Taken for FUCT fashions
Copyright 2006 Visual Eden Studios
On the technique of Acting...Michael Chekhov
My Grandpa
and Honorable Mention Hero......
The Chicago Cubs
Fuking the biggest losers anywhere for anything.....and it doesn't matter