reading, salsa dancing, McDonalds, glitter, blue, pink, fuzzy stuff, sparkles, cupcakes, Angels, UFO'S, hair styling, life coaching, self help, people watching, interpretive dance, photography, scrapbooking, Inner Animal work.
God, People who make glitter, People who need my help and stuff, angels, zookeepers, Cowboys, Christoper Columbus, Ronald McDonald, Muffy (my inner alien), Marth Stewart, Gary Glitter, Big Bird, the milk man cause I have never meet one and stuff, Sprinkle makers, and like I really want to meet you cause I like just love everyone.
Celine Dion, Barry Manilow, Micheal Jackson, The Beatles, Hanson, The Spice Girls, M&M, Nelly, etc.
I like have my own Web T.V. Show and stuff.....SOME OF MY EPISODES GUYS-- ................................