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What's going on in the sky???
Until a few years ago, when a jet plane left a contrail in the sky, the contrail would evaporate behind the plane relatively quickly and that was the end of it.
Lately, though, people are noticing that some contrails in the sky are not only not dissipating, but instead growing larger, in criss-cross patterns that soon merge together and become a hazy, cloudy mass.
To people who are looking into this, these streaky trails that often span the horizon are called "Chemtrails".
The only thing certain about chemtrails is that nobody who's been noticing them can remember ever seeing anything like this before.
Beyond that, this phenomenon is wide open to speculation.
Many theories abound, but Chemtrail Debunkers will tell you that this is an ordinary occurrence, something which happens naturally when the moisture left behind from a contrail forms a cloud of its own.
The National Weather Service reassures on their website that, "Persistence of contrails is neither an indication that they contain some kind of chemical, nor that it is some kind of spray."
However, even casual chemtrail watchers feel that there is nothing either ordinary or natural about these bizarre man-made clouds that change the color of the sky and dim the sun.
As more people take notice, concerns are growing about the health and psychological effects of whatever it is that is taking place in the sky, and many feel the time has come to bring this matter to the public's attention.
Only if the public demands it will there be an explanation of what is going on, and of what risks there may be.
What's the difference between a jet contrail and a chemtrail? According to the U.S. Air Force, jet contrails form above 33,000 feet when hot engine exhaust momentarily condenses ice crystals into pencil-thin vapor trails that quickly vanish like the wake behind a boat.
Chemtrails (CTs) look like contrails initially, but are much thicker, extend across the sky and are often laid down in varying patterns of Xs, tick-tack-toe grids, cross-hatched and parallel lines. Instead of quickly dissipating, chemtrails expand and drip feathers and mare s tails.
In 30 minutes or less, they open into wispy formations which join together, forming a thin white veil or a "fake cirrus-type cloud" that persists for hours.
In August 2000, chemtrail watchers began to report "more normal" appearing or nearly invisible jet sprays.
However, these reports go on to include cloud formations dripping the feathers and mare s tails just as the chemtrails do. It s our belief that the operation has adjusted the chemtrail mix as word about the phenomenon is spreading and as more and more people are looking up.
Observant chemtrail watchers continue to see the "fake cirrus-type clouds" on top of and surrounding real cumulus clouds.
Who is doing the spraying?
Witnesses have documented and photographed military KC-135s and KC-10s and white, unmarked jets.
Airport personnel and pilots have also confirmed specific commercial airliners to be leaving the long lasting chemtrails.
What's in the chemtrails, and why are they spraying us?
We wish we knew.
There are only a few planes in the world that have the equipment to analyze the spray mix and can get to the CT altitudes, clearance must be obtained to fly into the trails and money must be raised for the $22,000 per day plane rental fee.
There may be several programs working at the same time.
Possibilities include atmospheric and weather modification and biowarfare.
Many theorize that it s part of a clandestine operation to implement the New World Order (NWO) by eliminating society s "useless eaters" and the infirm and/or to reduce the population to a support level for the "elite".
Originally, it was thought to be mass inoculation for possible biowarfare attack;
this theory has been ruled out with the increase of sicknesses and illnesses in the CT paths.
Edward Teller's (inventor of the hydrogen bomb) proposal to reduce global warming to the U.S. involves spraying minute aluminum particles to deflect the sun s harmful ultraviolet rays but still allow the Earth s heat to rise through them.
This seems to be supported by rainwater tests after heavy spraying in Espanola, Canada which contained 7 times the allowable limit of aluminum.
In this instance, the areas with the least ultraviolet protection, as in the Southwest, would be the heaviest sprayed.
Most often, this does not seem to be the case. Generally, spraying increases as clouds build. Chemtrails may be the reason that over half the world and over half the U.S. have been experiencing drought for the past 2 years. Witnesses have reported watching chemtrails fall through cumulus clouds, leaving the real clouds "skinny" and within a few minutes totally gone.
Typically, storm clouds build and mix with the chem ingredients, resulting in a grey, uniform "mucky" sky which doesn t rain.
The real clouds disappear, leaving behind the chem formations which were on top of the storm system.
Another possibility is barium salt mixtures. The Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE) shows pilots what nearby radar systems can and cannot see under different terrain and atmospheric conditions.
It was tested and perfected after aerosol barium titanate salt mixture was released from military aircraft, forming chemical trails in the atmosphere across America.
Barium salts were also used in Libya, Panama and Desert Storm where they were sprayed and exploded overhead to make the people extremely sick and weak.
It s a radioactive material that accelerates and magnifies the effects of other mix ingredients by altering the chemical structure of the other agents.
A spectrum analysis reveals only the barium compounds and hides the "bad stuff" by placing a shell around it.
After time, it releases the other agent. Think of it as a time release death pill.
What do the governments say about Chemtrails?
No governmental agency of any country will confirm that spraying activity is occurring. Most often requests are ignored.
The U.S. Air Force has explained that they routinely dump fuel over populated areas to reduce weight prior to landings. More recently, the Environmental Protection Agency states that it may be pesticide spraying.
Generally, officials explain it away as increased commercial jet traffic. However, this does not explain why areas with no commercial flight paths overhead are also seeing these long lasting plumes.
Some citizens have been told by government "to keep it quiet".
Why would our government authorize such a program when they live here too?
Money talks and corporate dollars influence our legislators and officials.
In 1997, the year of disasters, insurance companies paid $92 billion in weather disaster-related claims.
Teller stated that his weather modification program would cost only $1 billion per year.
Research into a NWO takeover reveals a heavily funded and incredibly powerful elite group of individuals that most are afraid or unwillingly to go up against.
We also know that informed citizens can take precautions to offset the effects of CT spraying by limiting time outdoors on spray days and by building their immune systems with vitamins, herbs, Colloidal Silver and other therapies.
Why do you think the cirrus clouds in the sky aren't real?
Cirrus clouds are high altitude clouds, formed above 20,000 feet and consist of ice crystals. They precede a storm or are in the jet stream. Cumulus clouds are formed in lower altitudes, 6,500 to 20,000 feet.
These 2 cloud formations are seen together at the lower altitudes of 9,000 to 15,000 feet in extreme drought conditions.
This goes against the laws of nature.
Also significant is the "white ground haze" that can be seen from horizon to horizon with clear blue sky overhead.
How long has this spraying been occurring?
Cloud books confirm that tests have been conducted since the 1960s.
Old photographs show sporadic CTs dating to the early 1970s with the activity steadily increasing throughout the 1980s.
Since 1998, citizens throughout the world have documented spray patterns on a nearly daily basis, with an average of 1 "clear" day per week.
We have all become accustomed to these changes as they ve been introduced bit by bit and have presumed them to be normal.
Younger generations have never seen normal weather and clouds.
This documentary produced by chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom is a must see and an excellent research tool. Five plus years into the ... tutte » operations has provided ample evidence in this 90min DVD that covers many topics. Over the years aerosol/chemtrail research has provided some leads but even more questions as to who and why the spraying occurs. It is clear jets are deliberately spraying the sky's and it will not stop until enough people are aware and willing to stand up for the operations exposure and termination.

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PARTICULATE MATTER, MORTALITY AND VISIBILITY Increases in the amount of particulate matter in the air have been proven beyond a doubt to directly cause corresponding increases in the death rate of the exposed population. Increased particulate matter also decreases visibility. This interesting chart clearly shows the relationship between visibility and mortality. A decrease in visibility from 60 miles to 28 miles results in an increase in the death rate of nearly 25 percent!! Chemtrails Kill. Even without the added toxic chemicals and bio matter in the chemtrails the particulates alone are deadly.


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Nanomachines: Dr. Hildegard interview

Posted by STOP CHEMTRAILS on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:39:00 PST

Take the time to read tihs Article, DISCOVER THE TRUTH....

From: amp;postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0THANKS TO: ' Crazy Chemtrail 'Traslation by in the 'bol...
Posted by STOP CHEMTRAILS on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 10:48:00 PST

Check out this video: HAARP Project - Holes in Heaven

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Posted by STOP CHEMTRAILS on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 06:55:00 PST


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Posted by STOP CHEMTRAILS on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

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Chemtrails INFO (French Version)
Posted by STOP CHEMTRAILS on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST

CHEMTRAILS FAQ (Italian Version)

from:http://www.sciechimiche.orgCOSA SONO LE SCIE CHIMICHE Le normali scie di condensazione rilasciate dagli aerei di linea sono ormai una normalità che osserviamo da più di mezzo secolo ne...
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Posted by STOP CHEMTRAILS on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:43:00 PST