Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Member Since: 6/1/2007
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Influences: Philippe Godelle has decided to play on ten string guitar after his meeting with the brasilian composer, pianist and guitarist Egberto Gismonti. Philippe has created his own guitars with an esthetic inspired by the catalan modernist art of Barcelona where he lived for 6 years. This guitar reach 6 octaves because of the special strings made buy the Savarez enterprise in France and give more musical possibilities than the normal 6 strings. Two bass strings are longer than the normal strings and there is a shorter treble string. This guitar his tuned: B (bass) E B E A D G C E A( suplementary trebel). A new one, we made recently, has got an A bass with one suplementary fret on the head. The stylised bird he drown on the table of the guitar just under the neck is magical because there are 7 birds in it that you will discover if you turn it in any directions. See it on his official site. Philippe has made a special study to adapt the left hand technic to the largest neck of this instrument by conserving the natural orientation of the fingers conserving the thumb completely on the left not to generate tensions with an inversion of the fingers not to disturb them of their natural orientation. His right hand technic is based on the flamenco technic, powerful and light at the same time that give the richest sonor textures you can find for the guitar. Philippe have realised 7 books of arangments and many compositions adapted to the 6 octaves writen in the key of G and F as the piano. Since 1997 he has dedicated most of his time to the composition and during the last three years he have composed his 3 suites for orchestra and choir that you can hear on his own site and on this one. He has composed also 17 string quartets, pieces for viola de gamba and voice, 4 chorals. He his also teaching guitar and music for 26 years. He have studied the guitar at the contact of the many famous guitarists he met as he was working as a journalist in Paris as chief redactor of " the guitarist magazine ". He took classes of composition with Leo Brouwer in Barcelona and the conservatorys of Toulouse and Barcelona. Bartock, Stavinsky and Henri Dutilleux are his main masters. He made concerts with a french painter, Emanuelle Moch, improvising while she was painting. You can see her lovely paintings ont the site: He is daily composing with her paintings and naturals essences of plants.
His inspirations for the guitar are very eclectics but very influenced buy the bulgarian's, indian's and flamenco's rythms and buy the contemporary and jazz harmony with a special adiction for the whole ton mode which is crusing the flamenco and jazz harmony. He his still working ans composing to make a good fusion of these differents technics. The fourth suite for orchestra that is going to compose will be inspired on a text he wrote about the cosmos and the galaxis dedicated to the great GF Haendel and Hubert Reeves that wrote many lovely books about the univers. Because the incredible reality we have to admit is that we are living on a spacial vaisseau, our earth, that's going through the univers at incredibles velocitys showing us that we are just on a small point lost in this fantastic imensity. Wich is a great source of inspiration for musicians and poets.YOU CAN SEE BELOW ONE OF MY GREATEST INFLUENCE ! Egberto GISMONTI playing Dança das Cabeças ! He his a great musician and a great human being !
Enjoy the vidéo !And also one of my greatest influence is in the musical genius and technic of VICENTE AMIGO who is an incredible source of inspiration !
Another great moment of my influencies and meetings with great musicians when i was a journalist is with J.M.LAUGHLIN and ZAKIR HUSSAIN and the EXTRAORDINARY groupe SHAKTI with the incredible fusion beetwen jazz and india with the spécial made guitar with the 1/4 of tons fret ! A very great moment !
Have a look !!!!
And i can't forget my old friend PIERRE BENSUSAN who's great musical an human talent follow me for 37 years of solid frienship ! Please hear this to have a perfum of his great musical evolution !
And now please have a look on these folowing videos of people i love and first
please listen to the fantastic vocal group " take 6 " that represent the highest level of that kind of discipline ! Wait until the beginning of the song and forget the religious sense of the words if you prefer (like i do ) just to hear the incredible dynamic of the group !
And now please take time to discover HARIPRASSAD CHAURASIA that i often hear when i climb up the pyrénees mountains in the south of france ! His sound is coming from space and going rhightly to the heart ! And as you will see he is acompagned by Zakir HUSSAIN the monumental tablist of the SHAKTI group who's a truly martian and wonderfull person !
Remember a fanstastic group of the seventies made by JM LAUGHLIN that was very rich harmonicaly because of the modes he used and the composed basic rythm that he was the only one to use at that time.The group was the MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA and in this extract ( the sound is not perfect because it's an old broadcast ) call " meeting of the spirit " you can count : 12345/12345/12 wich is 12/8 but 5,5,2 and the accent on each 1.
You can noticed that this fantastic richness is not more used and that most of the actual group are still playing on binarian basic rythm of the rock. They don't know the incredible variety of composed rythms that you can meet in the east of europa ! Have a look on the official site of JOHN MAC LAUGHLIN that have made recently a method in DVD of the indian way to count the rythm called "KONOKOL ". That amazing !
About what is possible on regular beat have a look on the other one great percussionist that have played with many occidental musicians and who is a great exemple of overture to other culture ! A great exemple of what the actual
musicians could learn....played by TRILOK GURTU !!
Sounds Like: Better ear to the music and discover yourself the influences !!!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None