ashmandrake16string profile picture


It's what you do with it that counts

About Me

Detail from The Ash Mandrake 16 String. Copyright Martin Tiger Country


I wonder how many people will disagree with me if I say "If you are going to change an instrument to increase your ability to express yourself musically, make sure it's the only one you've got!"
Mastering a simple acoustic guitar is a far from simple task, and the challenge is more than enough for one lifetime.
Andy Mckee - Guitar - Drifting  
I'm not a historian, but if you asked one about the use of technology to produce art, they might point you in the direction of Stone Henge an Egyptian pyramid or maybe the sci-fi film Alian Versus Predator. More recently, the futurists had a go. Check out Luigi Russolo's myspace page.
As musicians; some of us, either through dissatisfaction, or a thirst for exploration; end up pushing boundaries to make our sounds. With an unlimited budget, one could build a machine to do all the work
But to be satisfied with such a challenge you would probably be an engineer; exclusively.
A musician would; surely, after building or comissioning something truly amazing; hunger for the challenge of emotionally connecting with people through their creation.
Pat Methany connecting through his Picasso Guitar
Another solution may be to take something somebody else has designed and learn to use it extremely well.
Rob Martino demonstrating on a Chapman Stick
Sometimes, having a thirst for exploration and a very limited budget may mean that you need to compromise, but working within restrictions may mean that you are forced to solve design problems rather than embarking on a remaking of the universe to avoid them. If you're going to play your creation, it will need to be grounded in practical reality.
The moment you change a tool that helps you express yourself musically, particularly if it's the only tool you have at the time, you're faced with the burden of having to re-learn how to play it. So you need to be brave enough to face possible failure (as well as being brave enough to face people who say you're mad for doing it). Actually, if it is the only one you have, that can be a blessing - you can't avoid the effort of re-learning by doing the safe things you were doing before on another version of your old instrument.
Once you begin, it can be surprising how many people will help because they believe in what you're doing.
About This SiteThis page deals with The Ash Mandrake Double necked 16 string guitar. It consists of a custom built 6 string electric and a customised 10 string guitarThe 10 string is a cross between a partially fretless barritone and a twelve string and was customised by Andy Manners. The 6 string was custom built by Andy Manners, and the two guitars were joined by Ash mandrake.


The RangeThe Ashmandrake 10 string outranges a normal guitar by one octave!
The ratio of the intervals between the strings is standard,
but they range from a bass A ( 7 frets below a bass E on a normal guitar)
to a high A (5 frets above the high E on a normal guitar!).
The strings are: 4 Bass (flat wound nickel) plus three pairs of strings in octaves (3 bronze wound, and three nickel), and they are arranged in 7 string courses.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/10/2006
Band Website: ashmandrake
Band Members: Ash Mandrake on vocals

Tim Buckley Cover Blog
I have worked on Tim Buckley covers. I’ve written ablog about it. I’ve teamed up with James Hollingsworth to perform Tim Buckley songs in The bath Fringe. on 27th May 2008.
Ashmandrake 16 string [double necked 10 string (electric custom fretless baritone, acoustic 12 string hybrid guitar) electric 6 string]
fretless bass
acoustic 6 string guitar.
On the track Ghost, violin played by Simon.
The track "Mother" is a song by my band The Mandrake Project Amadou Diege on vocals and talking drum, with Cathrine Hurley on flute and Pete Bernard on Bass (Daniel Eid of the folk rock band "In Search Of A Rose plays bass with us live).
Other sites relating to Ash Mandrake:

Solo Myspace with photoshoot by Martin Tomkins and portfolio links.

Band Myspace

The Mandrake Project are a blend of psych-folk and afro roots with a classical twist, and are affectionately known for being eclectically unified through their highly original fusion.
Sounds Like: The 10 string sounds like nothing you've ever heard before
People who have never heard it say "You must be mad to do that to a good twelve string."
People who HAVE heard it just say WOW! You can hear it by listening to the Track "Ghost" above, or watching the video of a cover (just for demonstration purposes) below.

The 6 string sounds like good dimazio humbuckers. Here’s a video of the love song “Eyes of Brown” by my band “The Mandrake Project”

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The making of the six string and the joining of the two guitars

The six string electric was made once again by Andy Manners. This time, specifically for the purpose of being joined to the 10 string.It incorporates an ample 12 string neck, and aged but rewound dema...
Posted by ashmandrake16string on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 07:22:00 PST


The photograph of the double neck was taken with a mobile phone, and I haven't had time to work on the animations. However a professional photographer is currently working on some absolutely amaz...
Posted by ashmandrake16string on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 07:12:00 PST

Introducing the double neck into the band

I have a band called "The Mandrake Project". We have a new E.P. out called "Twilight". You can check the tracks out here: If you're UK based w...
Posted by ashmandrake16string on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 07:07:00 PST