What is it that pulls a person into a specific genre of music? Perhaps the question here should be re-stated: What is it about BAUCHKLANG that breaks the boundaries of any of the world-wide, underground, or popular genres, and stands alone in an undefined region of modern music? For these six vocalists, the question is constantly redefining the answer, and the answer always has something to do with substance, groove, and nothing but human voice and a microphone. bk creating new sounds and realised the vison of doing "beat" - music without electronic helps but with the same pressure and intensity.Building and crossing bridges over such styles as Ragga, drum&bass, Hip-Hop,world music avantgard and Electronic; BAUCHKLANG has created an energy and a presence that leaves a positive vibe and a revolutionary buzz swirling around anyone who comes in to contact with them.
Music listeners who distinguish themselves by their scene, style, age, mentality, generation, music preference and taste - it is as if their personalities become suspended for the duration of a concert, as they watch in recognition and disbelief from what their eyes, ears, and souls are experiencing.