Sound recordings of the lullabies themselves, different ways of singing someone to sleep and an account of their importance to the interviewees were collected and recorded by students from the Department of ethnology and cultural anthropology at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana, under the mentorship of Katarina Juvancic, in 2005 and 2006. The lullabies were sung from memory and in actual circumstances of singing children to sleep. The selected ethnomusicological material thus includes recordings deriving from various social groups and environments and featuring people of different ages and different levels of education. The disc also contains examples of lullabies that reflect the multicultural character of modern Slovenia.
The compact disc Al' ze spis? ali Kako uspavamo v Sloveniji ('Are You Sleeping? Lullabies in Slovenia') can serve as a valuable aid for teachers and researchers, while at the same time it is designed above all to encourage all those people who in the earliest phase of a child's education turn to sound recordings for help or inspiration for their own creation of an act as intimate as the singing of lullabies. For nothing can take the place of the voice of a mother or father, the voice of a person who offers shelter to a baby or child. This earliest encounter with music is, moreover, the best response to the alienated life of the modern world.
This project represents, without a doubt, a very important contribution to the experiencing of cultures in the environment that is Slovenia. It is the first 'sound document' of its type, and one that at the same time brings to life something that has only apparently been forgotten. Above all, it is to be hoped that it will encourage a return to the intimate genuineness of situations in which we human beings are most human.
(Dr Rajko Mursic and Katarina Juvancic)
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