Welcome to my space. :-) I love folk/Celtic music and work as a folk magazine editor, & freelance journalist & photographer. I'm also a festival director and am putting together a short folk festival for later in 2008 at the moment. I'm also currently working with musicians on their PR/photography requirements, & on articles for various publications. My work has been published in several magazines. I also have a part-time career in the civil service, working in HR policy.
Below is a slideshow of photographs I took at Martyn Joseph's superb Otley gig on 24 April 2008.
ABOUT MY PHOTOGRAPHY ~ I took up digital photography to complement my writing interests, recently upgraded my kit, and find I'm working in more varied and interesting ways than I did before. I'm delighted with the response I've had to some of my work from musicians and folk-scene followers alike. All the photos on my page & in my blogs are my copyright (unless otherwise indicated). I don't supply hi-res photographs free of charge (unless it's for a bona fide charitable project), so please don't ask me for them on those terms. However, I love to share lots of my lo-res photos (via my blogs and albums) with fellow fans and friends I've met at gigs/festivals over the years; we share a love for the folk/Celtic scene after all!
THIS IS TO MUSICIANS/FESTIVAL/GIG ORGANISERS ESPECIALLY: Please don't use my lo-res photos without first asking my permission - I take them for professional use and with permission. You will be most welcome to use them WITH my permission, and on condition that you credit me as the photographer. :-)
Although my photos are used mainly for journalism, I'm also honoured to receive commissions and requests for photos for PR purposes, so if you want to know about this aspect of my music photography, please get in touch. The same applies if you'd like to discuss music PR or writing commissions generally.
I hope my passion for/interest in whatever subject I'm photographing/writing about is evident in the images I show on my page and in my writing. A lot of thought, care and hard work goes into it all. In my photography (whatever the subject), I am looking to try and capture the soul or the essence of the subject in front of me, and to present everything as honestly and clearly and in as sympathetic a manner as possible - as far as the lighting conditions will allow of course!