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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Really - there wiz too much blurb here - nothing anyone wants to know so... I'm a music addict and it's never more than ten hours since my last choon! Can't give it up - just can't help myself. Tried and I just don't have the will power!I love playing flute & whistle, took up playing Clarsach/harp about 5 years ago and I sing too (MD of an Adult Choir) and experiment with all sorts of music. I got a Shruti Box for Christmas! My training was totally classical to beyond conservatoire level but these days my roots are showing - both on my head and in my music!!.I moved to Wester Ross to change my pace of life, slow down and appreciate life and those around me and have made lots of new friends. I'm involved with a local Arts Promotion Society called West Coast Arts and you'll find me behind the bar (as opposed to under it) at most of the An Comunn Gàidhealach Meur Loch Iu Cèilidhs (I'm the branch PR and Music Advisor - Ha ha!!) so feel free to come and say hello when you buy your drinks!..

My Interests

Sailing, Animals and MUSIC!!! Somehow I've got really involved in the local trad scene. Don't quite know how that happened but I do enjoy some of the classical work that sometimes comes my way! Been going to a lot of West Coast Arts stuff that they've been promoting.

I'd like to meet:

Believe it or not I'm a wee bit shy - well a lot shy actually but recently gave myself a kick and am trying to remember I am a worthwhile human being and people do want to say hello! And I am trying to keep away from hiding in corners!


All sorts - listen to anything and everything - at least once! Been listening to new CDs that some friends said I should listen to - Bellevous Rendezvous is abso-flipping-lutely brilliant!!


Joined a DVD postal thing so been catching up on all the films I've missed being up in gorgeous Wester Ross. We get the Screen Machine every now and then but it's not quite the same when you have to take your own popcorn!! We seem to miss out on some things though! Come on Seachd - when are you going to come to the real Highlands??!!


Sorry but I've been addicted to Home and Away since I was a teenager! And now, thanks to my lovely coz Laura, I am addicted to CSI!!


Anything I can get my hands on from Bios to Fiction. Been reading a lot of 'true' stories recently - just finished If I Am Missing or Dead by Janine Latus - a sister's true story of love, murder, and liberation. Fascinating stuff about how human beings can be so horrible to each other. I don't want to be horrible - by the way!!


Annie Lennox - wanted to be her when I was a kid - Little known fact that her flute playing is amazing and she went to the RAM! But I also rate people like Wendy Stewart, harpist (ex Ceolbeg) and Corrina Hewat! Those guys think outside the box - actually I don't think Corrina was ever in a box!! And then there are loads of my friends that I find inspirational because they just seem so together and focused! Not to mention talented!!! And they all seem to be so much better at this 'living' thing than me!!

My Blog

Honey Im Home!!

Well the Edinburgh International Harp Festival didn’t disappoint me this year! It was fab! GRÁINNE HAMBLY’s class was exceptional. She is so thorough at teaching aurally that you don&rsq...
Posted by Carole on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 04:25:00 PST

Edinburgh International Harp Festival

Just in case I don’t get online again this week - I thought I’d share my forthcoming harp festival. I’m really excited about this one. I’ve upped the game a little and doing so...
Posted by Carole on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 04:59:00 PST

Being in a Dwam!

Been floating about for ages now not really focusing on what I need to - feeling a bit round peg/square hole-ish! Nothing you can really put your finger on! Think it's just the end of winter blues! We...
Posted by Carole on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 01:42:00 PST

How to write the Blues

****************************************** Remembered that I had some rules somewhere about how to write the blues collected from various sources over the years - and since I am stuck inside bec...
Posted by Carole on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 03:30:00 PST

Piano Practice.

A doting father once there was, Who loved his daughter Gerda, Until she got the piano craze, And how the passion stirred her. Her fingers were 'wild elephant's feet' And month after month he heard he...
Posted by Carole on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 01:46:00 PST

Remarks made by Eugene Ormandy and collected by the Philadelphia

Remarks made by Eugene Ormandy and collected by the Philadelphia Orchestra. "Congratulations to each and every one of you for the concert last night in New York and vice versa." "Who is sit...
Posted by Carole on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 04:08:00 PST

Pharmaceutical Breakthrough for Musicians

BITCHERIL (ditetraethylprimadonnabitchenhydrazine sulfate USP) brand of attitude suppressant for orchestral and other ensemble musicians, and certain species of vocalists. AVAILABLE FORMS 325mg table...
Posted by Carole on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 02:07:00 PST

Sharing some Jokes!

Feeling so down today and frustrated at not being able to talk,  I'm clearing out my inbox of all the junk folks have sent me! So here is the first of some of my musical jokes! Bagpipe Gags -----...
Posted by Carole on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 04:52:00 PST

More Train Journeys - Imaginery ones this time!

Debs was writing a wonderful blog about her journey to Glasgow on a train and I was reminded of a pretend journey Gaudete and myself took recently courtesy of Flanders and Swann and one great wordsmit...
Posted by Carole on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 03:16:00 PST

Venting my .......

Talking of the winner of Highland Quest for Highland 2007 - The Sundowe looks like a fantastic show and was a huge part of Highland 2007 - year of Highland Culture. And here's the thing - it's to...
Posted by Carole on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 07:56:00 PST