LaXuLa (a.m.a) profile picture

LaXuLa (a.m.a)


About Me

*LaXuLa is the nick name of the band's patron, the lady that appears in the front of the Album cover "our lady of contradiction" an ancient sexual femenine representation of opposites living together, birth and death, selfregeneration, selfhealing . an icon of light and Darkness copulating. She is a profane mystic hologram. LaXuLa understands the need for "singing our darkness", has to be as cherised as our very love for fun!!*In X-ile is the music that comes from a state of alienation, when one is far from "home" not a physical home" but more like a place within where there is room for the whole spectrum of experience that laXula represents. It's the music of exile.*LaXuLa's Lirics talk about life dramas, lost love, found love, fears, mother love, hopes and visions they question perceptions, roles, existence.... from a woman's perspective, they are like personal diary entries they intend to heal just by singing what hurts or what it is.LaXula (a.m.a) leads audiences on a journey of wonder and decadence. Songs drift effortlessly from the dusty sun-baked routes of southern Spain to the pulsing urban vibrancy of east London underground parties: theirs is a plaintive fiesta of influences from Flamenco to Arabic, Klezmer to Latino, all interwoven with indie-rocky psychedelia.Deeply routed in an ancient feminine spirit, this travelling band of captivating musicians and alluring performers present a show that is full both melancholy and joy. Come and enjoy a full body experience of sensuous and bewitching music enwrapped in a junk circus of beautiful neo-burlesque performers both and fey......"The resulting nomadic brew and it's unique sound manages to walk the tight-rope between the plaintive and the uplifting without falling on either side"...."A music so deeply rooted in the tradition of the journey it transcends any meaning of land of origin! One of a kind! " I cant remember Who wrote that, sorry!!!Layout made by MissSaraDivineLayout made by ?bee.Layout made by tiffy9147

My Interests


Member Since: 2/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Since Dec 2004 the guts of the band is Monte PalafoX.....then other members have incorporated: Andres Garcia on the Guitar (Granada X-pain) and Demi Garcia (Barcelona X-pain) on the Drum Kit and percusions and vocals by Manu , Paolo Minervini on the bass.....we are working now with Sylvia Hallet on Violin and Accordion!!!.
Influences: Copla, Tango, Bolero, Salsa, Balkan Gipsy, Free Improv............. Rocio Jurado, Mercedes Sosa, Khaled, Nusrat Fathed Ali Kahn, Cesarea Evora, Radio Tarifa, Tom Waits, J.M Serrat, Diamanda Galas, Maggie Nichols, Lole y Manuel, Triana, Exploding Plastics, Los Van Van, Shellac, Lenny Andrade, Fugazzi, Ruben Blades, Jimy Hendricks, Leo Masliah, Belma Mullor, Piatzzola........and so many more! as many as every single day laXula (LaVida misma) gives us!CURRENT MOON moon phases:IF YOU WANT TO GET OUR CD GO TO OUR WEB!!!!
Sounds Like: ?que es laxula?Un Trance de cacharros, lunas, lirios, ubres, cacas y velas. Mujeres prohibidas. Sangre, croquetas y aullidos. Se caen las mascaras, se abre el telon, asomate, tiene un utero con alfeizar, grande y Redondo, Si te acercas y apoyas los codos, se puede ver el Vida misma.¿Tu sabes quien es Kali, Lilith, Hecate, Oya, Sheela na Gig, Olocum, Ertzuli, Bauboo, Persefone?.Ni falta que nos hace tanta erudición, solo la palabra.Hay una presencia femenina fuerte sobre el escenario que inspira a la voz cantante, bajo, batería, percusión, acordeón y guitarra. ellos han aceptado expresar el alma de LAXULA para oficiar con todo el que se apunte una fiesta profunda y pagana que celebra la desesperación y la torpeza de lo humano, el exilio del alma con a, con hache, la alegría tonta de lo cotidiano, lo divino del sentir y lo extraño y maravilloso del encontrarse.LAXULA, proyecto, no producto, de mercado, salado, empaquetado congelado, para escuchar si te place, si te nace. LAXULA se acerca, hembra y hombre, bestia y caverna, sentimiento y latido. Ella Camina despacio y fuerte, abre los dedos de los pies, se hunde en la tierra, en el fango, en la arena, debajo del asfalto donde esta la herida.¿Qué HERIDA?La herida que suma y que sigue. Pedazos de animales impotentes, elocuentes, dementes, compeentes?¿QUIEN ERES?La esencia de todos los saberes, de todos los placeres y de todos los deberes.¿QUE QUIERES?Imperdibles, alfileres y mi cuerpoSi has soñado alguna vez en hacer el amor con tu madre, esta es tu música.Ah, se me olvidaba, cuando quieras ver a LAXULA tráete a tu mujer, no la que eres, ni la que tienes al lado, sino la que llevas dentro y te está esperando.Morritos M Agosto 2006SOBERBIA

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Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Charlie Gillet's review @ The OMM

LaXulaIn Reviewers of the BBC Radio 3 Awards for World Music Event at the Barbican at the end of May were mostly agreed: the five performances were impressive and often beautiful, ...
Posted by LaXuLa (a.m.a) on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 05:19:00 PST