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What is a Goddess?
The word goddess means a female divine being. Around the world for many thousands of years, the majority of our ancestors worshipped a Divine and powerful Mother-Goddess. She was honored as the Mother of all life. Modern archaeologists have discovered many statues and artifacts that verify the worship of ancient female deities.
Where did the idea of a Goddess come from?
Early humans depended on the earth for all things, food, shelter, and life itself. They noticed that all life was created within the bodies of females and so it was natural for them to see an all-powerful creator as female too. Cave paintings and rock carvings of Goddesses have been found that date back to 35,000 years B.C.E. or earlier. Many of these statues and painted images are often called "Venus". The best known of these, is the Venus of Willendorf. Goddess images of great antiquity have been found all over the world. Most of the earliest images of a Goddess show an abundant, round, full figured and serene being. An ample form symbolized prosperity, freedom from hunger and security. It is not clear if early Goddess worshippers also practiced ancestor worship.
Is the Goddess only for women?
No, the Goddess was celebrated and revered by all members of early societies. Men, women and children were all under the protection of the ever-present powerful Mother Goddess; She was both nurturing and fierce. Today, as the culture of the Goddess is re-emerging, women, men and children celebrate divine female energy again, just as they did in early times.
Does anyone still believe in a Goddess?
Yes, many cultures around the world have never stopped worshipping Goddesses. The Hindus of India have a pantheon of Goddesses and Gods. Today in Japan the great Sun Goddess, Amaterasu is honored as the Divine Mother of the Japanese people. The Goddess of Mercy, Kwan Yin (Quan Yin) has many devotees in China. The Inuit people (Eskimos) still honor the OceanMother Sedna. In South America Ijemanja (Yemaya) the Sea Mother-Goddess is honored with huge public processionals on January 1st each year. In Africa, the Orishas are honored as Gods and Goddesses. Modern Jewish tradition still honors the Shekhina and millions of Catholics honor the Virgin Mary as a Goddess. In the United States and other western countries, for the past twenty-five or thirty years there has been rapidly growing interest in Goddess religion. Many Christian traditions like Unity, have begun to incorporated the Goddess into their faith. The Unity blessing includes a Mother-Father-God. There are also many groups that honor the various forms of the Goddess. Still other traditions honor the Goddess, along with a God.
What kinds of Goddesses are there?
Historically, there are many thousands of different Goddesses and Gods; each region had their own version of these divinities. Mother Goddesses are universal. There is also a wide spread tradition of a Triple-Goddess, most commonly referred to as the "Maid-Mother-Crone". The Maid, being youth and possibility, the Mother being creativity and nurturing, and the Crone representing wisdom, transition and accountability. All aspects of the Triple-Goddess represent different types of healing and growth. There are also ancient androgynous Goddesses who represent both female and male in the same deity. There are Goddesses like Gaea (Gaia), whose body is the Earth. Every part of the world has their own version of many of these basic Goddess forms.
Why should I know about Goddesses?
For women, understanding the long tradition of Goddess religion strengthens your connection with your own spiritual essence, regardless of what faith you belong to. Seeing the Goddess within, helps women to appreciate their own power, skill, heritage, and beauty. Honoring the Goddess can teach us to celebrate all the stages of life. An awareness that the Goddess lives in you, can strengthen inner knowings about life, love, nature, nurturing and creativity. Women who are deeply connected with their Goddess essence are better able to make desired changes in themselves, their communities, and the world. For men, a connection with the Goddess allows them to accept and acknowledge their desire and need for nurturing, protection and the acceptance of a loving female presence. Claiming the Goddess energy within himself helps a man to be a more balanced lover, companion and father. It also frees men from the cultural pressure to always be in control.
Are Goddesses real?
Yes the museums are full of Goddesses. What "real" means, depends on who you are and how you view Goddesses. For those who practice a Goddess religion today, the Goddess is the "Divine Creatrix of All Life", the "Queen of Heaven" and the center of their religious faith. To others, She is a metaphor for "Mother Nature," and represents earth's sacred balance. For some people, She is the "Lady" whose companion is the "Lord." There are also people who simply view Goddesses as quaint bits of ancient art, unaware of the growing number of people who have incorporated Goddess consciousness into their everyday lives.
What makes the Goddess important?
Our world is getting smaller and our actions have the power to effect more and more people, as you well know being on the Internet. Our environment is threatened by too many years of human carelessness. In the past fifteen years scientists have started to call the earth Gaia, after the Greek Goddess, because they have realized that we are all connected to the earth and we are all dependant upon each other for survival. Calling the earth Gaia, reminds us all that She is our ever- bountiful Mother. A reverence for female principles and Goddess consciousness helps to put us all in touch with the beauty and magic of nature and her creatures. Understanding the nature of the Gaia, and other Goddesses, is a way of expanding our respect for the environment, and balancing the male and female energies of the Universe.

My Interests

Herstory...hightening the quality of life...xx

I'd like to meet:

Every Body That I Am Supposed To Know...This Life Time...xx

A Powerful, but Nurturing Force
Our Mother Earth,
Wise Woman,
An ancient benevolent Sage,
The Goddess of knowing,
And Ruler of the dragon fire,
Sower of seasons,
And Weaver of shadows,
The Warrior of logic and reason,
She, who brings us night and day,
The sun's warmth and healing rays,
Lights the sky, with moon and stars,
Entertains with clouds, wind, snow and rain.

Clothed in colours of a rainbow,
And every shade between,
A sentient, witness to all that happens,
She sees havoc and ruin, wrought by man,
Without thought or care,
The suffering, of her animal friends,
Both, great and small, and the rape of the land,
Grieve her greatly,
And every now and then,
She cries out in her anguish and in her pain,
When will they learn?

Must I punish once again!

When it all gets too much,
Her wrath, a powerful force, breaks free,
She tears, rips and rends, asunder,
The land, beneath our feet,
Erupts in surging, boiling rage, Destroying all in her way,
An ancient Goddess, dragon of fire,
With fiery fingers of molten lava,
Breathes, and belches, searing gusts,
Of red hot, choking ash,
Into the atmosphere,
Such is her strength and potency.

Sometimes, she scoops the waters,
From an ocean great,
Whirls and spins with angry hands,
A towering, turbulent swelling wave,
She heaves, this surging mass,
Of foaming seas, a, tsunami,
Exploding, in a deafening roar,
Engulfing all, in her path, she swallows,
And overwhelms with a deadly embrace,
Thus it is, that landfalls, and all life thereon,
Ships, and other seagoing craft,
Come to know an awesome power,
That few survive.

In her form of Warrior,
She sends, the wild and blustery winds,
Brings weather wet and stormy days,
She carries a shield of thunder black,
Which rings with a deep resounding clap,
Her spear is lightning's arc,
That flashes overhead,
And at times she floods the lands,
Destroys crops and homes,
Challenges with drought, and fire,
And dries up water beds.

This tempestuous anger, is a Mother's lesson,
A visitation, a reprimand, from the Goddess,
Disturbing, in her ferocity,
When calm and peace returns,
She watches over us as,
United, and collectively,
We work, to heal and repair,
With dogged tenacity.

Even when the distress and despair,
Threatens to overwhelm,
We continue on,
She nods her approval,
When we succor all in need,
Giving comfort and compassionate care,
And attempt to mend and soothe her injuries,
She knows the human capacity,
That given time, they will succeed.

She smiles in her wisdom,
She wants us to know,
These times are not sent in spite,
But for our understanding and our spiritual growth,
The great Mother, wants our respect,
We must always nourish and nurture,
Paying homage to our planet,
She admonishes, do not destroy needlessly,
Honour all that dwells here.

For, all that is animate, whether it be,
Three, flower, creature, or humanity,
Have the right of natural law,
That of life and her protection,
She gives this haven freely,
And asks, that in return,
We provide a place of continuity,
That all existence, may live,
In peace and balanced harmony.


The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

Excuse ME, Your Life Is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings by Lynn Grabhorn

The Training and Work of an Initiate by Dion Fortune and Gareth Knight

Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune

Fledgling by Octavia E. Butler

Seed to Harvest by Octavia E. Butler

Lilith's Brood by Octavia E. Butler

Sula by Toni Morrison

The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body and Spirit Through the Chakras by Anodea Judith and Selene Vega

Goddesses and Angels: Awakening Your Inner High-priestess and Source-eress by Doreen Virtue

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets by Barbara G. Walker

Ugly by Constance Briscoe


A Powerful, but Nurturing Force
Our Mother Earth,
Wise Woman,
An ancient benevolent Sage,
The Goddess of knowing,
And Ruler of the dragon fire,
Sower of seasons,
And Weaver of shadows,
The Warrior of logic and reason,
She, who brings us night and day,
The sun's warmth and healing rays,
Lights the sky, with moon and stars,
Entertains with clouds, wind, snow and rain.
Clothed in colours of a rainbow,
And every shade between,
A sentient, witness to all that happens,
She sees havoc and ruin, wrought by man,
Without thought or care,
The suffering, of her animal friends,
Both, great and small, and the rape of the land,
Grieve her greatly,
And every now and then,
She cries out in her anguish and in her pain,
When will they learn?
Must I punish once again!
When it all gets too much,
Her wrath, a powerful force, breaks free,
She tears, rips and rends, asunder,
The land, beneath our feet,
Erupts in surging, boiling rage, Destroying all in her way,
An ancient Goddess, dragon of fire,
With fiery fingers of molten lava,
Breathes, and belches, searing gusts,
Of red hot, choking ash,
Into the atmosphere,
Such is her strength and potency.
Sometimes, she scoops the waters,
From an ocean great,
Whirls and spins with angry hands,
A towering, turbulent swelling wave,
She heaves, this surging mass,
Of foaming seas, a, tsunami,
Exploding, in a deafening roar,
Engulfing all, in her path, she swallows,
And overwhelms with a deadly embrace,
Thus it is, that landfalls, and all life thereon,
Ships, and other seagoing craft,
Come to know an awesome power,
That few survive.
In her form of Warrior,
She sends, the wild and blustery winds,
Brings weather wet and stormy days,
She carries a shield of thunder black,
Which rings with a deep resounding clap,
Her spear is lightning's arc,
That flashes overhead,
And at times she floods the lands,
Destroys crops and homes,
Challenges with drought, and fire,
And dries up water beds.
This tempestuous anger, is a Mother's lesson,
A visitation, a reprimand, from the Goddess,
Disturbing, in her ferocity,
When calm and peace returns,
She watches over us as,
United, and collectively,
We work, to heal and repair,
With dogged tenacity.
Even when the distress and despair,
Threatens to overwhelm,
We continue on,
She nods her approval,
When we succor all in need,
Giving comfort and compassionate care,
And attempt to mend and soothe her injuries,
She knows the human capacity,
That given time, they will succeed.
She smiles in her wisdom,
She wants us to know,
These times are not sent in spite,
But for our understanding and our spiritual growth,
The great Mother, wants our respect,
We must always nourish and nurture,
Paying homage to our planet,
She admonishes, do not destroy needlessly,
Honour all that dwells here.
For, all that is animate, whether it be,
Three, flower, creature, or humanity,
Have the right of natural law,
That of life and her protection,
She gives this haven freely,
And asks, that in return,
We provide a place of continuity,
That all existence, may live,
In peace and balanced harmony.

My Blog


I love the resilient, triumphant and universally spiritual symbology of the Phoenix. With an asexual, animal form, and many intricate representations bearing the female form (such as Phoenix from the ...
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Honour? / Honor?...xxWhat does it mean to you?Below is a definition of the word 'honour' or 'honor' taken from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It's an interesting word&that makes way for interestin...
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Hawaiian Goddesses and Spirits of Nature

Inspired by the Huna Philosophy, Hawaiian Goddesses and Spirits of Nature??Hina is the spirit of water (wai) and the power of Awareness?. She is a healer and the goddess of the moon, the sea, sunrise...
Posted by Herstory on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 04:57:00 PST


Hera: The First Greek GoddessbySylvia Sosa(Paper submitted to Images of Women in the Ancient World: Issues of Interpretation and Identity, Spring 1998) Hera is a title given to her by the Greeks;...
Posted by Herstory on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 10:10:00 PST