Laughing, sketching, painting, photography, music, philosophy, spoken word (poetry), writing, reading, astrology, cooking, gardening, singing, dancing, playing with my children and hanging out with my Bean...
..Albert Einstein, Maya Angelou, Ellen DeGeneres, Johnny Depp, Annie Lennox, Anthony Bourdain, Cesar Millan, Gary Renard, Will Smith, Smokey Robinson, Christopher Moore, Albert Brooks, Shirley MacLaine, Jack Black, the authentic YOU..
most Woody Allen
all Albert Brooks
A Fish Called Wanda
The Princess Bride
The 40-Year Old Virgin
A Thousand Clowns
Being There
Defending Your Life
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Forrest Gump
Good Will Hunting
Harold & Maude
Groundhog Day
The Jerk
Wings of Desire
Don Juan DeMarco
The Wizard of Oz
Benny & Joon
The Goodbye Girl
There's Something About Mary
Meet The Parents
It's A Wonderful Life
Edward Scissorhands
all Pixar..
..haven't watched it in a looong time...but when I did, I opted for the Sundance channel, the Science channel, Discovery, Def Poetry, Dog Whisperer, Ovation and Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations
A Course in Miracles
The Disappearance of the Universe (Gary Renard)
all Tom Robbins
The Confessions of Max Tivoli (Andrew Sean Greer)
Wicked (Gregory Maguire)
The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz)
all Harry Potter
The Color Purple (Alice Walker)
There's a Wocket in My Pocket (Dr. Seuss)
The Televisionary Oracle (Rob Brezny)
Just a Couple of Days (Tony Vigorito)
Life of Pi (Yann Martel)
The Hours (Michael Cunningham)
A Prayer for Owen Meany (John Irving)
Surrender the Pink (Carrie Fisher)
A Return to Love (Marianne Williamson)
The Heart of a Woman (Maya Angelou)
Left to Tell (Immaculee Ilibagiza)
Many Lives, Many Masters (Brian L. Weiss)
Journey of Souls (Michael Newton)
The Artist's Way (Julia Cameron)
The Prophet (Kahlil Gibran)
Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse)
Bad Kitty (Nick Bruel)
The Holographic Universe (Michael Talbot)
PLUS some other favorite authors:
Shirley MacLaine
Nick Hornby
Amy Tan
Wally Lamb
Anna Maxted
Christopher Moore
Tim Sandlin
Barbara Kingsolver..
My Dad