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the blood of love flows through your heart and there is no stopping it ~satya

About Me

my name is eric, and i'm a human, being.
not a human, doing, though when i do do i be all i can to do with joy and love.
life to me is the most incredible piece of poetry, the most dazzling movie, the most haunting and touching song. ever.
you could say i raid consciousness.
i have a domestic partnership with my journal,
and i'm here to do spiritual labor with my gifts.
i am here to bring as much unity as I can
to the duality I and my family have created over the past several thousand years.
i accept personal responsibility for having created the dark
to be a witness and experiencer of my/our light.
and though I don't know what the future holds,
I know this journey of unfolding only gets better,
whether or not it's meant to continue on this swell blue marble.
i am infinity in finity.
i am a radio station.
i am a dancer and a dance floor.
i am here to show you to yourself
because you are the one you've been waiting for.
all i know is that i know nothing.
i just fancy potentials,
feel things out,
open my heart,
quiet and consciously re-focus my mind,
...and say thank you.
Some Quotes:
The world is conspiring to make you better,
to make you remember.
Allow each soul to walk its path
Whether you turn to the right or the left, you will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it'
~Isaiah 30:21
Accept all; Choose best.
when we're identified with Awareness, we're no longer living in a world of polarities. everything is present at the same time.
~ram dass
Everything is in the process of emerging
Choosing what feels best for you, from your heart, is simultaneously the most selfish and selfless thing you can do.
It is to see the illusion of the polarity of selfish/selfless as being a mechanism of control and limitation.
~Story Waters
i love god,
and you are that,
so i love you,
and you is me,
so here we are,
as one,
in love ~dan
So long as you are still worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them.
The only one who's ever in your way is you.
Let your mind be your servant, not your master by default, as the answers are simple--too simple for the mind.
What we're seeing "out there" is the projection of where we're at--the projection of the clingings of our minds ~Ram Dass
We are all affecting the world every moment,
whether we mean to or not.
Our actions and states of mind matter, because we're so deeply interconnected with one another.
Working on our own consciousness is the most important thing that we are doing at any moment,
and being love is the supreme creative act.
~Ram Dass
It's all for you
~Janet Jackson
The only love on this earth that is worth anything requires nothing of you.
All you have to do is BE and ALLOW.
How hard is that?
i would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion--and where it isn't, that's where my work lies ~Ram Dass
Live from the depth of your spirit and give life the best that you know.
~Ralph Marston
Only those who will risk going too far
can possibly find out how far one can go.
~T.S. Elliot
Seek to renew yourself even when hitting homeruns. ~Oprah
You cannot beat the drum of what is going wrong
and let in what is going right
Contrast inspires clear desire
~ "
There are so many wars.
The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on aids, the war on teen pregnancy.
And yet, note how war is not working.
~ "
For all that has been, thanks; for all that is now, yes
Your feelings are the fruits of your body
Throughout history you have had remarkable teachers, each presenting extraordinary opportunities to remember Who You Really Are.
These teachers have shown you the highest and lowest of human potential.
The consciousness of separation, segregation, superiority--of "we" versus "they," of "us" and "them"--is what creates the Hitler experience.
[Sound familiar? *COUGH COUGH* WAR ON TERROR]
The consciousness of divine brotherhood, of unity, of Oneness, of "ours," rather than "yours/mine," is what creates the Christ experience.
What do you choose now?
When you see judgment,
you know that you have somehow lost the way to a true understanding of unconditional love.
The only thing of importance to me is being able to love the world, without looking down on it, without hating it and myself—being able to regard it, myself, and all beings with love, admiration, and reverence.
These things and more shall you also do

My Interests

concept communication
embracing the nameless
laughing at ibs
sharing silence
being in the moment
unity, community
spooning and sharing love
good conversation
a-ha moments
inspiring and being inspired
seeing humanity in humans
babies and the elders
8 hours of sleep
the evolution of consciousness

My Tzolkin Bday...What's yours?


Current songs on repeat:
"Happy In Love" from Dear and the Headlights
"Sail Away" from Enya-face
"Soda Shop" from mister Jay Brannan

the inspiring,
the dance-worthy,
the passion-soaked


What the Bleep Do We Know

The Secret

Waking Life


...and a very few select others...

I don't wanna watch no movies
let's sit and watch the stars put on a show. ~India Arie

Television: mean, frequency control? no thanks, brother. it was fun when i didn't realize i was a frequency to be raised.


all three of the books in the trilogy, especially book 3!


at the top, the source of all.

followed immediately by yhwh and lucifer.

THEN jesus. buddha. all the masters that tapped into things WAY before the rest of us could even fathom.

all the baby buddhas and christs currently running around and finding their wings.

And finally, all the diverse beings down here...whose different energies keep this shift gradual and poignant for us all.

My Blog

little red and betsy

beyond the facades of concrete and tar,the garden of eden remains unscathed it still dominates the senses,but the heavens sprinkle the constructions with signs for me,the eternal child of wonder littl...
Posted by Myster.E on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 08:38:00 PST

high tingles

i linger where the tingle prevails,dance of the seven veils;my rays soak up the purity
Posted by Myster.E on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 06:14:00 PST


calm faithlift the foot from the brakeno mistakesleep to wake sunrise, sunset;high tideand low, sail on the flow one actor in the majestic show...
Posted by Myster.E on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 06:17:00 PST

stepping heaven into being

stepping heaven into being allowing the flourish the eyes of your guides lovingly reside on you, the ideal, the real deal, the prize this delicious breath of a life *i return to the floorlike an eleme...
Posted by Myster.E on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 04:02:00 PST

thankfully, i do not know

there is no racebut there are no mistakes and this was a depthi quickly embraced *with my arms, did i paddle into this seawith "i don't know" oozing from out of me loving this mystery;using stomach ac...
Posted by Myster.E on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 05:47:00 PST

falling upward

let me fall;i fall upward a spiral slide that starts wide appears as a wheelwhen overlooking the ride but a tightening spiraldoes it feeldoes it feel, from our 3-d side it's show and tell timeof ...
Posted by Myster.E on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 05:42:00 PST

ponds find the ocean

with my tearsdo i unravelinto a seaof my own *the transfer ofmE, the upside-down we,to a grander seathan was seen before*travelling pondssoon find the ocean; in fearless emotion,their m...
Posted by Myster.E on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 05:33:00 PST

limbo la force

glitter, feathers, rubber bandspaint my town withsynchronicity and last night, face down, i found a bandana with "la force" on it with time becoming elastic,my sandals bendso my feet can get thei...
Posted by Myster.E on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 08:15:00 PST

check your fruit

Your emotions are the fruitsof your body~Rysa you, my dear religious zealot of a brother,bear fruitfrom the treeof the knowledge of good and evil...the one you say we shouldn't have touched spiri...
Posted by Myster.E on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:52:00 PST

what white walls bleed

i am a student of the school of appreciationwhere entities of infinityschool me to work through me now i wait to see what white walls bleed into we hijacked by a deeper loveto which i claim no ow...
Posted by Myster.E on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 11:42:00 PST