Sacred Whisper profile picture

Sacred Whisper


About Me

Sacred Whisper
’The Voice Within’
I give thanks to the Divine for enabling me to share my work with you....
Please enjoy - Breath and Let go
Recall - Surrender
Remember who you are !
The music you are listening to, giving thanks to the composers, has served as a template to express the changing tides of a soul on its journey through time and space.....Some excerts from my book on the human condition "Sacred Whisper" can be found on my Blog above.
I have chosen this "SPACE" to share my findings and feelings whilst on my visit here on EARTH....!

I remember how to FLY !
I have the Courage ~ To Walk the Walk Along This Sacred Path ~
~To Talk the Talk and Speak The Sacred Truth Filled With Highest Love And Purest Light....I AM I.....
Moments in time...
Moments Gone By....
I Now Live my Life...
In The Moment !
Our Divine Gift
The Present
Breath of Life !
The Wonderful NOW !
11:11 Unified Presence
11:11 Explained
Life Her-Story !
I was born in London 1965, to mixed parents- My father A Lawyer, Nigerian from the Yoruba tribe and my mother Portugese ( Moorish/French Roots) A classical Fado singer and Founder of an international school in Nigeria.
I am the second of four chidren with Three brothers.
Growing up I felt different and experienced the world and life through my own individual perception/perspective. It soon became aware to me that my perespective was indeed alternative and extra ordinary. The insights and translation of my inner and outer world often when unoticed or were simply undermined in some way, so I gradually realised that self expression should be ’controlled’ and ’Hidden’ so as to avoid undue attention.
I felt like an outsider, Like I was visiting this strange world and viewing human sytems with diserning eyes and often felt troubled by what was witnessed.
I was very sensitive to my enviroment and felt a bit of a misfit and alien to this world. I was born with bowlegs painfully shy, I cried a lot and suffered from unanounced nose bleeds.
I played with my imaginary friends for hours on end - (They were light beings who exchanged creative and inspired learnings- I now call this - Being with myself !). I would often be found sleep walking and have lucid dreams encounters with Starry beings and I would often dream of flying and weightlessness in glorious technicolor.
Finding myself floating above my body whilst trying to get to sleep was a great past time of mine, moving from one part of the room to another became common place - These varied experiences provided an opportunity to explore life with deep sensitivity and awareness with a broad spectum of understanding To "Over Stand" As I now know it to be.......
In my waking day I would be lost in my own thoughts and ideas and find ways to express them- Learning about Time and space through visual arts, music and spacial perspective and the development of Metaphysical knowledge. All of these things puzzeled those around me.
I often felt missunderstood and I would dissapear into vast regions of the Universe where I would encounter my own space within this reality.
I was aware of the emotional dynamics within my family and being so sensitive ( what I call ’Atuned Empathic Vibration’), I became the receptor of unexpressed and repressed feelings within the family. There was a melancloy design to my soul body - which I now embrace and channel though my creative persutes.
As a Child/ Adolesent I was over weight and often bullied because of my size, gender and overall demeanour.
Feeling quite withdrawn with a really bad stammer, I found it increasing difficult to even express my self with the spoken word, expression through my voice proved almost impossible at times.
A real Paradox you may say - certainly a whole lot of magic and opposing questions and personal challenges.
I seeked attention and validation from my family but often felt alone and dejected – though ofcourse I expreience moments that were very loving, these moments often seemed short lived; needless to say I would escape mentally into my imagination where all was possible .
I have found it suprising that the most important relationships we have in this life such as husband/wife and mother/father are totally busked with no training or overstanding on how we influence one another on deep levels affecting our sence of self. Ironically we spend years programming and being conditioned through school and college to become a bus conductor or accountant ! - hummmm - Quite revealing wouldn’t you say ?
Any way, I found school tough emotionally and academically nonsencical, suffering from dislexia and other so called learning difficulties , So I would dissapear into my own world where I could create and manifest my ideas and creative thoughts.
At the age of 13 my family and I immigrated to Africa, which became a new chapter in my life. I always felt and believed I was different yet this remained a personal and secret journey of self exploration and self realisation - Whilst walking and establishing my own unique perspective and mission code. The problem was that the perceptions of others often determined how and what I felt about myself, whether I felt loved, held, put down or ignored. They could not recognise who and what I was other than the boxes they had placed me into through their own belief systems and model of the world. Therefore I was never embraced as a complete, glorious, unique Metaphysical / Physical Divine Being...!
I found it very difficult to adjust to school life for what now became obvious (The de/re - programming of my higher directive) - hence fell 3 years behind in school having to repeat academic years. Becoming acknowledged as a "Failier" in terms of school, within socially acceptable /academic norms became a cycle that repeated its self time and time again. This did not help what was already a difficult period in my life, adjusting to the various dysfunctional controling and in authentic (on a soul level) social order of that particular time and place. In the pursute of my authentic self against the odds baffled many people. I’ve discovered that the pursuit of authentic self is absolute to ones journey of ones original template and mission in this life time.
I’ve been a good actor – knowing what its like to be Black/White, Fat/Slim, Tall/Short, Geek/Beautyqueen, Male/Female, Stupid/Genius, Gay/Straight, Saint/Sinner and a candle stick maker…so many colours/textures and shades.
I was an Alchemical Melting Pot, a paradoxical enigma - often made to feel on the wrong side of the fence ! My light became hidden and not able to shine in fear of redicule and bewiderment…but I had the courage to explore all these facets internally.
In the early 80’s I came over to london to study Art & Design – thus starting my journey of self discovery, transformation and acknowledgment. During this period I reinvented myself and began my life as I Am. My family found it difficult to understand and accept who was finally fully emerging before their eyes.
In 1999 I had a cancer diagnosis, this enabled me to deal with many issues surrounding my life and family life. I believe this diagnosis was simply a manifestation of years of suppressed feelings showing it’s self to me as Dis Ease ! in this case Cancer.
This process simply reinforced my purpose and deepened my connection to the Universe and served as a conduit between the Macro & Mircocosm, space and dimension, Physical & Non Physical and the relationship between our own duality in our quest for Oneness.
Being a creative artist has been a great outlet for expression from music and various other activites, As well as my spiritual and healing/theraputic work with others and myself. My writting on the Hue Man Condition started in my late teens - which I have called ’Sacred Whisper’ ’The Missing Link"
These extraordinary gifts have enabled me to see, feel and experience life on multifaceted levels, delving into metaphysical and philosophical understandings and an overstanding of Universal/Human Paradox...!
Which is simply my own inspired unique perspective.
Feel free to explore with me......
An Enchanting, Mystical, Sensual, Fertile, Ancient, Romantic, Symbolic, Extraordinary and Magical Place in time. Share with me these scenes from my journey along the Nile Valley.......encountering beautiful people with eyes that shine and incredible places from aeons past.

A legacy of Deity and history of our kind predating our known time - The Age of the SUN GOD - "AMUN RA" the Age of Aries and Taurus
Please Check out my new inspired Blog from my journey to EGYPT !
Divine Androgen
Female Soul and Male Ego Merged...
Alchemical Union !
Perfect union of opposites....
Universal Androgen Being !
When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male and the female not be female .... then you shall enter the Kingdom."- Jesus of Nazareth, in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22
Ardhanari ~ Shiva And Shakti ~ representing the synthesis of masculine and feminine energies.
ALPHA and OMEGA - You are the Alchemical Total Reflection - Inner/Outer - The Sublime Beauty of Creation made MANIFEST - All is well, Perfect whole and complete - You are one with all Creation - It flows through you - It is your completion - Your Entire Divine Being in Cosmic Union with it’s Self....This and so much more is YOU !
And SO IT IS !
There is ONLY LOVE !
Seperation story of the Divine Androgen.....
Entrapment of the Human Feminnie Principle "EVE" - Womb-Man...
Know that we are Animal Desire versus Spiritual Design :
Be clear, Know Yourself - Choose Wisely.
Always Recognise where YOU COME FROM !!!!!
A Rich Divine History
Lets Learn from the Past and Harvist our Spiritual Inheritence !!!
You Are Eternally Guided and Watched Over !
Spirit Guides....
There is only one CREATION STORY - Told all around the world - We are TRULEY DIVINE BEINGS !!!!!
Freedom comes from a "SOUL AT PEACE"
The choice/chance For Peace is in "OUR HANDS"
Spring Equinox 2007
Sun Rise 6.08am
Truely a dream come true - A fresh crisp morning - perfect conditions - Druids - Shamans - Time Travelers and Light Workers..... An Alchemical Harmonic Convergence of Light and Sound Vibration Summoning This New Dawn.....A New template of Life - Physical and Beyond.
Re- Born - A-New - Cosmic Union/Marriage - New Beginning.....
I give thanks for this opportunity to time travel and share in this Alchemical Transit point - Within the Stones of Time !
That is ’Stonehenge’ !Please Check out my Blog for some amazing images of a remarkable Sun Rise !
STONEHENGE - Said to be 10,000 years old - Another Conduit between Heaven and Earth. This is truely a magical enchanting place...Please check out my BLOG above for images of 2007 Spring Equniox....
The Magical Land of AVALON - Glastonbury Tor - A place where Time and Space Converge.
Glastonbury Zodiac, King Arther, MERLIN and Druidry....This is another Auspiciously charged Place in the World
A Dimensional Portal
Point of convergence
Cosmic/Earth Doorway
Geometric Encoded Messages From Our Unconcious- Made Manifest. TO ACTIVATE Humanity and our Planet.
This Occurs where Ley lines converge and around power ENERGY Vortex points along the Planet .
Most seem to occur in Whilshire (South-West of England) Major Energy points Converge.
One of the Planets Acu- Points.
Ancient Technology - Scientific Anomolies - Extra - Terrestial Ancestory - Intergalactic Intervention - Gene-Isis Tampered with.
As Written Through: Mythology/Ancient Texts-Tablets-World Religion-His:Story- Science - Quantum Physics.
In Search of GOD - Creation !
Natural Sciences - & Mathematics are branchs of Alchemy (Physical/Metaphysical)
Mass Cover up/Mass Hypnosis Control/The Other Agenda - Freedom - Unveiling of Truth
Release of Information -Nasa- Secret Codes - Humanities Origin.
Free Energy Cosmic Science Reality - Interplanetary/Connection - Ascension Geometric Codes - DNA Activation - GOD life Self And So much More...
The Bridge Between Worlds
The Intercepting Dimensions
Space Time Continuum
Duality - Oneness
New Paradigm
Can you see the the Bigger Picture Emerge ?
Make up your Own Mind ! Ufos Flying) & Usos (Submerged) and Our Ancient Astronauts

Ancient Astronauts Ancient Astronauts

My Interests


Member Since: 11/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:


Is all about Love : LOVE LOVES LOVE

Love is freedom
It is the most abundant source in all the Universe
It is creative and is intelligent design
It is charged, clarifies, amplifies and magnifies
It is real – Physical/Mental Bodies
It is true - Emotional Body
It is pure - Spiritual Body
It is Divine - Universal Body
It is you and I
Our essence
The Template of our highest self-expression
It is Freedom!
It is Authentic Power !
It is the beginning and the end
Alpha and Omega
My cup overflows
And I am 'Transformed'
I use my 'Wings'.................
and Fly....................

Freedom - Forgiveness - Acceptance -Connection - Discipline - Growth - I Am



Courage has Genius, Magic & Power in it.
Everything is divinely protected therefore nothing can harm you. Live in the wonderful NOW !


Tune into yourself as you tune into others Find your own way in/out.


Practice Compassion - With Emotional Detachment - Awareness through Unconditional Love !

Its All About "LOVE" !

* Follow your own path in your own way.
You can do it for others so now do for yourself.
Self Love Is Key !


One Mind ! - Perserverence - Commitment - Leadership - Redemption - Freedom

* Your word is your bond ! Your enemies are your doubts and fear, criticisms, resentments.



* Be tolerant & sensitive to others and yourself. Your home is your sanctuary and your heart & Soul is your inner sanctum. Your personal happiness is paramount. You are master of your own world.


* Take time out for you Be in the flow always- Time is always on your side. No BUTS or SHOULDS!

Being in the flow, moment, NOW, know, sureness, is-ness. Being real - focus on its truth, is-ness not its illusion/fantasy
Don't believe the hype.
What resists ~persists Diffine your own self !
See God in all things.
Miracles happen every day.

Define Yourself With LOVE !
A Loving Hug, Smile, Kiss, Word, or Word !

Sweet AMMA


Expresses Joy and freedom, Vitality...

* Be open to change & good fortune Always clear the path for peace, health and prosperity. Remain aware of your self talk & language. Your word is your bond.


Open yourself to Divine Gifts
They reside in the PRESENT
Miracles Happen Every Day !

* Your relationship with yourself is vital. Self Love and to Honor your Divine Mission.


Peace & Harmony
Is our Divine Right
Awakening of our authentic self

All is as it should be
Our internal codes are being activated
Alchemical Transformation is taking place

Sacred DNA
Original Blue print


We all share 99% of our Human genetic blue print
The HUE-Man Geneome

We are all ONE



* Create & Complete Multi-dimensional - Inner/Outer Model of yourself. Take from all aspects of your entire being and create an order that is uniquely you! " REMEMBER YOUR DIVINE HUMAN TEMPLATE"

Life is Infinite in essence
Universal Intelligence
The only constant thing in life is CHANGE
The Only thing that remains the same is LOVE
The Light of Love Serves as the constant regeneration of SELF
Universal Divine Oneness

~ FEAR NOT ! - Don't Be AFRAID ~

Your only enemies are your doubts & fears, your criticisms & resentments.
Every negative thought is an enemy
What Resists Persists.
Let Infinite Intelligence run the situation.


BE !


Remember Your WINGS



Affirmations From Alaena
I live in the wonderful Now in flow with my Divine process.
I am always in divine flow- at the right place at the right time.
I am Divinely protected and nothing will harm me. It is heaven to be unafraid & to live in the now & to express my full Alaenaness.
I only desire that which Divine infinite Intelligence desires through me.
I Claim that which is mine by Divine right & under grace in a perfect way!
My Extraordinary, Magical path towards Peace, Healing, Abundance, personal Joy, Love & Happiness is clear & beautiful and full of Divine Gifts.
I am Divinely FREE and PROTECTED in the sight of Universal Law.
I have all I need right here by divine right I only desire that which Infinite intelligence desires through me.
I claim that which is mine by divine right and under grace in a perfect way.
It is Heaven to be unafraid and to live in the now- to be fearless in using all that I possess.
I am the MASTER of my own world.


You scored as Traveler. You are a Traveler Empath, you come from a time & place far removed from here. You are an innocent, in search of your own kin and have a difficult time understanding this world. You are lost & only want to find your way back home. You bring unique gifts to this world and share them with a loving heart. Although very misunderstood, you are also very forgiving. (from the "Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at















Fallen Angel

What Kind of Empath Are You?
created with


The Uni - Versal Geometric Miracle - Un Folding.....

This Slide Show is a Reflection Of all of Life Expressed Through SACRED GEOMETRY

- This is where the Mirco and Macro Cosom begins and ends and starts over again through another time paradim or harmonic covergence....Through Divine Immaculate Design.
Allow your genetic memory banks recall and remember the timeless source of all creation...

Enjoy...... !...Recall !...and Remember!

This the key to life
This the key to our personal ascension
This the key to the End of "DIS-EASE"
This The Key to Human and Universal "SALVATION"
Self Realisation,
Ultimate Love and Light Energy,
Alchemical Union to Higher Source !
And so much more....!
Sacred Geometry is a configurative representation of the elemental components of the divine creative force.

It is a pure language, a direct conduit to prime consciousness, to source, transmitting knowledge that exists beyond the reach of culture, philosophy, religion and belief or disbelief.
Sacred Geometry expressess the interrelating harmony that lies at the heart of creation, transmitting higher creation frequencies that resonate with our original human blueprint.
Taken from "The Template" by Juliet & Jiva Carter

Web site :

Archangel Metatron
(Note the Metatron Cube in the Picture below).
Metatron helps anchor our Angelic Presence on Earth.
- The Bridge/conduit between The Divine Supreme God and Earth Sitting at the council of the Elohim.

Metatron is the overseer and Anchors Oneness within the Template of Duality.
He is the Master of duality - His/her true form is one vast,invincible shaft of light.
Metatron is the Gatekeeper - Standing between ONENESS and DUALITY.....
Metatron’s responsibilty will be to close the doorway of the 11:11 at midnight on December 31, 2011..... He will be the last to leave the template of Duality.

Web site : The NVisible : Solara & the 11:11

Metatron is one of the two archangels who walked upon Earth as human men, the other being Sandalphon). Holding Divine/Esoteric Knowledge and the Key to Heaven and Earth. Metatron was the prophit and scribe, Enoch, who ascended after his exemplary Earth life.
Call on Metatron for Chakra clearing/healing with Geometric Shapes,When Working with Children who are sensitive (Indigo/Crystal).....As well as guiding and assiting you to honor your priorites and getting organised and motivated.

The three M Activation - Metatron(Love/emotional)- Micheal(Power/Physical)- Melchizedek(Wisdom/Mental)
Each of these aspects of the ’Sacred Triangle’ are found within us...It is our task to undergo initiations with Mikeal,Melchizedek and Metatron to fully activate this divine Tri- Angel/Angle...

Extra web site info :

Sacred Triangle of all inclusive force.

Teachings from the Sacred Triangle

Re-Connecting to our divine Source !

Re-Activate your ’WINGS’

Welcome to the Aquarian Age

Washing away of the "OLD’
A new template of "ONE"
The Age when everything becomes unified.

"This age will be an age of splendor and of light, because it is the home of the Holy Breath; and the Holy Breath will testify anew for Christ, the Logos of the eternal Love. " Levi H. Dowling (1844-1911)

Web link :
The Age of Aquarius

The Change is within YOU !


This Ancient esoteric, creative and ritualistic art form, is practiced in various spiritual traditions.
mandala may be employed for focusing attention of aspirants and adepts, a spiritual teaching tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.
Its symbolic nature can help one "to access progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all its manifold forms arises."

Try creating your own Mandala !
It is a very valuable Metaphysical tool.
A Spiritual Gift to Yourself ....

Links for Experiencing Mandala magic :

Mandala Project


Sounds Like: Those that came to Earth from Up Above......

One Planet - One World - One Mind - One Human Family - One Vision - One Intellegent design - One Universal Essence - One GOD - One Voice - One Evolutionary Step For Our Planet and all its Inhabitants. One Interplanetary SHIFT.

The wind of change is NOW !.....


A Global Planetary Shift....
Be Ready !

You are The High Priestess

Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.

The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Always Believe in Believing.............

The Sense of wonder and Imagination
Inspiration and Creativity.....
The birth place of dreams and all possibilities....

They are yours right NOW !

Record Label: Calling Planet Earth
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Energies re: Summer Solstice 21 June 2008

Reaching beyond LimitationsThe Summer Solstice of June 21 The energy of June 21 will arrive from within the earth herself. And even be- fore the 21st, we will experience a window of energy beginning a...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 05:30:00 PST

Predictions by Mr Juseleeno

I received this in an email.....Wondering what everyone thinks of his predictions.Prediction of the coming DisasterMr. Juseleeno, born in 1960(reportedly still alive in 2008), is a Brazilianwho has ma...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:49:00 PST

Last Night I Cried-Last night I Died Then Died Again-Die Die Die to the formless

Last night I CriedLast night I cried and my heart opened up.Last night I died and all was for-givenI felt the touch of breath against my skinI heard the sound of wingsWith a smile I died With a touch...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Fri, 23 May 2008 07:38:00 PST

Meditation Deepak Style - Clear and Simlpe

Please switch off the music player above and RelaxPresented below are a series of videos on MEDITATIONThe wonderful thing about what you are about to watch is the simplicity and clarity in the natura...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:26:00 PST

The African American who can Summon UFOs

The African American who can Summon UFO'sCheck out the reporter when he sees something in the sky...I think this man is for real ! Prophet YahwehRamon Watkins, more famously known as Prophet...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 06:51:00 PST

Sacred Whisper - Sacred Breath !

Sacred WhisperThe Light of BreathThe breath of lifeA Sacred Whisper Of Universal FluxLife’s EssenceThe in the outThe ebb and flowLife GivingThe Wind and BreezeIn Stillness & EaseThe Waves of the...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 05:16:00 PST

The Kolbrin Bible -On Nibiru ! Could we see 2 suns ? (video & back up information)

"The Kolbrin Bible - Could we see two Suns" Is it possible we live in a binary solar system with two suns? According to NASA, over 80% of all solar systems have multiple suns and the historical accou...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 06:52:00 PST

Too soon to stop AIDS vaccine effort

Too soon to stop AIDS vaccine effort !Rarely does one see in the editorial pages of an esteemed newspaper the kind of anti-science mentality displayed in the column The Sun published from two leaders ...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 05:55:00 PST

sacred marriage

Sacred MarriageSacred marriage starts with YOU!The unification of all opposites.The quest for authentic self.GOD/GODDESS source.Oneness.It has become apparent that people who walk with values that sep...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 08:43:00 PST

~ The Internet Is About To Change ~New technology...

By UK TimesApr 6, 2008 The internet could soon be made obsolete. The scientists whopioneered it have now built a lightning-fast replacement capable ofdownloading entire feature films within seconds.At...
Posted by Sacred Whisper on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 05:09:00 PST