Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com profile picture

Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com

I am here for Networking

About Me

Hello World, This Is Justin Verrengia Paying It Forward At


Click Here For My Official YouTube Channel

If you don’t already know me by now you can learn more about me here & the movement i've put together:
Let me tell you why I built this MySpace profile and then I’ll share a little bit more about me. I built this profile because I want people to UNDERSTAND how powerful they truly are.

There is infinite universal inteligence out there with limitless knowledge & wisdom and I want to show you how to actually tap into that energy so that you can create the life you always wanted.

You see, I have been blessed to guide you so that you can tap into this universal intelligence so you can align yourself with this infinite power so you can live a more meaningful, abundant, giving lifestyle so amazing most could only dream of.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that every single one of us have this power and it's a simple choice of if we decide to tap into it...so we can live the kind of life we truly desire for ourselves.

It's as simple as making the choice to want more so you can experience happiness, wealth & abundance.

If you demand a better life well then natural law will deliver just that, it's called "Law Of Attraction"

Here are the mechanics of how it all works: The sub-consious mind sends a signal from your solar plexus which then communicates directly with universal intelligence then the universe responds to the nature of that thought. Sounds complicated but it's actually real simple and once you seek to understand this you will figure it right out...just trust me.

But There’s More To This Profile...
I’m looking to CONNECT with people. Real deal connections. Not phony fake stuff but I’m looking to connect with people who have a GENUINEdesire to better their lives & grow as human beings.

I’m looking for people who know, or are open to, the power they have inside to manifest the reality of their choosing. These are the people who have NO DOUBT that when they focus their mind on something they will accomplish their objective.

These are the people who have seeds of WANTING inside of them for something more…and they just need the right teacher and guidance to get them there.

So Let Me Tell You A Bit About Myself…

I was born in good old Long Island, New York in which I lived there until I was in 4th grade then moved to sunny Solvang California and grew up between there and the Tampa area of Florida in which is where I reside to this day.

I've always been quiet and indirect as a child and have always enjoyed keeping to myself, guess you could say I was a introvert.

My biggest passions growing up were chess, music & kung fu which have always kept me busy. School on the other hand I could not stomache for the life of me...but that's another story...lol

Between chess & kung fu I developed a genuine discipline as a child both physically and mentally. I had a severe quest for understanding and I started reading a whole lot at a young age, anything thought provoking I could get my hands on.

I wanted to start finding answers because I was so confused about life itself. I didn't want to be miserable and depressed just like everyone else around me. I wanted more out of life, I knew there was something I did not fully grasp...

I Knew There Had To Be A Better Way.

Let's fast forward some here...so now I'm 18 and in college(a 7 year journey) to become a practioner in tradational chinese medicine.

I Attracted A Better Way...

I dropped out of college my first year and pursued my biggest passion of all, owning my own business. I worked for 2 years as a trainee real estate appraiser then went on to start my own appraisal firm Just-In Time Appraisals, Inc. in which I still own to this day. Not a bad gig, I created my first 6 figure income at age 21, it all came easy to me, I was living the life, right!

To make a long story short after a good long run in real estate, now the real estate industry is "bleeding" from within and so I had to find something else. Got started in network marketing aka MLM and failed for about 6 months straight with very little results.

But how can this be? I mean how can a successful business owner fail at something so simple like network marketing? I mean I tried every single thing my upline showed me, attended every meeting, put my all into the business and still failed, was I missing something?

Then After 6 Straight Months Of Failing It Finally Hit Me...

I started 'PROJECTING' out my intention to the universe to guide me, demanding an answer and that answer happen to be the internet. This was the missing peice to the puzzle I was searching for.

I started studying like I never have ever imagined, I'm talking 15 hour day's, 7 day's a week just learning to soak everything all up.

I applied the discipline I learned from chess to always think multiple steps ahead in every endeavor. I applied the discipline I learned from kung fu to always work hard and give 110% and mixed that with the business skills I picked up in the real estate industry blended with the internet technology I discovered online and have taken that to new heights now.

Within The Next 4 Months I Went From Being A Nobody In MLM To Being In The Top 100 in sales within the company.

It has been a wonderful journey so far in network marketing. I see many people get into this industry and fail miserably and it all comes down to personal growth & development. Understanding how your mind works and using the power of attraction from the universe is the key.

Now it's my responsibility to help others who were once in my position to realize that they can achevie anything in life. "The most valuable real estate in the world is what's already inbetween your ears."

And I know it’s within each and everyone of you…

The real question is what are you going to do about it? Are you going to go back to living an unfufilled miserable life or are you going to take action?

Are you willing to step outside your comfort zone, put faith in yourself and do WHATEVER it takes to get where you need to be?

That question can only be answered by 'YOU' my friend. Everything you want and how bad you really want it will determine which path you take. All I can say is you have choices which will determine your outcome. Just as easily as you can quit and settle for less inside of your comfort zone just know you can have everlasting happiness, wealth and abundance just as easy as seeking it and asking the universe to guide you.

"The Saddest Thing In Life Is Wasted Talent"

So that is all for now my firends! Let's stay in touch and continue building together. Be sure to always come back & visit as I will be adding valuable powerful content on a regular basis providing you with the tools and knowlege needed to creating real success and freedom for yourself.

You Can Check Out My ‘Top 7 Law Of Attraction Rules” Article Here:


And if you are DARN serious about where you’re going in life, creating MASSIVE wealth and financial freedom, and living life how YOU want to live it…then you just have to investigate how students in my inner circle are earning $5,000 to $10,000 every week from home behind their computer.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a total newbie or a trained professional…what I can teach you…and what I’m working with…WILL change your life if you let it.

Learn More About Our Cutting Edge System That’s Creating Real Freedom For People Their Very First Month Partnering Up With Our Inner Circle Here...


My Interests

How To Make A Million Dollars In Network Marketing

Online marketing, personal growth & development, mentoring others, helping change the world, seeing the world, expanding the mind, meditation.

I'd like to meet:

Professional MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider


Anything soulful or uplifting


I perfer audiobooks :)


Don't watch any of it, rather read a book.


Think & Grow Rich, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Why We Want You To Be Rich, The Attractor Factor


Coach Tomer Napoleon Hill

My Blog

What Is MLM Chess? - Justin Verrengia Interview

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moLRQyHqE6c D Sterlin of http://www.DSterlin.com interviews internet network marketing pioneer Justin Verrengia live at one of his homes in beautiful Trinity, FL. Sit d...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Tue, 01 Jul 2008 11:36:00 PST

Legit Internet Money Making

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aasqRD2Rs0 Internet Network Marketing pioneer and founder of http://Videos.MLMChess.com, the "Million Dollar Mind" Justin Verrengia explains in this video cash money p...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 09:35:00 PST

Top Google Placement | How To Get To The Top Of Google

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGj52VV7eMA Could you imagine being in total control of Google? I'm talking being able to get top Google rankings in less than 24 hours guaranteed? MLM Chess Universi...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 05:39:00 PST

Free Law Of Attraction Marketing

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RALf6kWOwI Discover how to apply Law Of Attraction Marketing into your business so you can immediately attract success into your life. Free Law Of Attraction Marketi...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 03:49:00 PST

How To Make A Million Dollars In Network Marketing

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bbIccqAhrk Discover how you can use the magnetic power of attraction marketing to generate infinite amounts of traffic to any website at will. You just follow the step ...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 08:17:00 PST

Google Marketing Expertise

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXzODcurKZM http://Videos.MLMChess.com Google Marketing Expertise In this video Justin Verrengia demonstrates how to tap into a infinite amount of potential joint...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 04:30:00 PST

Justin Verrengia Presents MLM Chess - By Justin Verrengia

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9N-6z41V50 http://Videos.MLMChess.com Justin Verrengia Presents MLM Chess - By Justin Verrengia Justin Verrengia, founder of MLM Chess best explains MLM Chess as...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 02:32:00 PST

Learn Attraction Marketing - By Justin Verrengia

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoS4Rmk4ZgM http://Videos.MLMChess.com Learn Attraction Marketing - By Justin Verrengia In this video attraction marketing expert "Justin Verrengia" teaches effect...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 06:22:00 PST

Justin Verrengia Presents MLM Chess - Grandmastermind Course

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXeCR5WwWuM http://www.MLMChess.com Justin Verrengia Presents MLM Chess - Grandmastermind Course In this video Justin Verrengia shares with you the insider scoop o...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 11:37:00 PST

Ways To Earn Money Quick - By Justin Verrengia

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnxHxMriUTo I'm often asked, "Justin with what system is the quickest way to make some serious cash on the internet?" My response is always Ty Coughlin's Reverse Funnel ...
Posted by Justin Verrengia - Founder Of www.MLMChess.com on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 01:16:00 PST