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LOA Kids

I am here for Networking

About Me

In the process of writing our book, Living the Law of Attraction, Real Stories of People Manifesting Health, Wealth, and Happiness , we talked to many, many people about their personal experiences with the Law of Attraction. We quickly picked up on a common underlying sentiment. “I wish I had learned about this when I was much younger. My life would have been so different!” And, “How can I teach this to my kids so they have this knowledge even from an early age?”
Then I read something my friend Cindy Day wrote in her book, The Life of Your Dreams in 30 Days Or Less. She wrote, “From birth, we were taught by others who weren’t aware of the Law of Attraction. We were taught all wrong! Which means, we need to forget what we’ve been taught!” That really made me think. What have I really been telling my kids for the past 18 years? What messages have I been sending?
And then I realized, what an opportunity! I have the knowledge and tools to potentially change the course of my children’s lives forever.
That's why I wrote this book. Everyone agrees. Parents need a new script!
In this eBook, you'll find:
    In simple terms, what is the Law of Attraction?
    How to talk about Feelings
    The importance of Gratitude
    How to talk about Wishes
    Fun "games" and "exercises" to do with your children
    Real-life stories from kids and teens
    And much more!
To order for only $4.95, click here:
For more information, please visit www.LOA-Kids.com

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My eBook, How to Talk to Your Kids About the Law of Attraction has been revised.  If you have not purchased your copy yet, order now and receive the revised version.
Posted by LOA Kids on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 04:20:00 PST