kenny bountiful sunshine profile picture

kenny bountiful sunshine

the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different resul

About Me

Hi my name is kenny and I live in san diego california. I am originally from england but have spent quite a lot of life travelling to and living in different parts of the world over the past 15 years or so! my background is in traditional sales and marketing but more recently have begun to realize the amazing potential of the internet as a means of doing business! and in regards to that currently am working on a health and longevity blog check it out if you like: loads of yummy health secrets!I have always been interested in healing and the alternative health movement in general.I have been eating raw foods and putting myself through a lot very thorough and effective cleanse/health programs and protocols for the last 10 years now and so with that have been able to generate an amazing freedom from pain in my body but an emotional and mental freedom that i hitherto had not experienced prior to changing my lifestyle habits. I am an energy worker and have used various systems over the past number of years including level 3 reiki and quantum touch,also i am versed in a clairvoyant reading and healing system that is based upon the teachings of the berkeley psychic institute in the bay area california.All of these systems i like to incorporate into my health and longevity healing clinic that i run out of my home here in encinitas california.Where i coach clients on lifestyle and nutrition put them on fasts, and if necessary treat and heal them with colon hydro therapy,steam/ozone therapy and bio electric field enhancement. This work if done consistently can facilitate profound healing not only within the physical body,but also psychologically and emotionally too!awesome.It is soooooo satisfying to watch people radically empower themselves by choosing to become healthy.It is inspiring to watch and very meaningful work for me.Have a great day! blessings and a bountiful harvest to you all.kenny sunshine.


Background from Yahoo search result

My Interests

Metaphysics,Meditation,Dj,ing,Yoga,living Foods,Quartz Crystals,Alternative lifestyles,Daoist Sexuality,Personal Development,longevity/ life Extension,Creative Visualization,,Herbs,Conscious Reality Creation,Magic,Multidimensional Realities,Dancing.I am a fun loving spiritually aware individual who is fascinated with the mechanics of living life, the 'how to's' of generating the world that we create every day,whether it be success in finances ,relationship,family,etc...I am interested in how one would master the art of living life to it's full potential.and so within that process I have studied lots of information over the past decade or so in the field of metaphysics and subsequently personal development and the human potential movement. I like meeting people and learning more and more about the psychology of what drives people to do whatever they do. I am health oriented in that i eat very well and and i exercise on a regular basis, for me this is the ultimate responsibility ,to take care of our physical vehicle while we have it.I think my relationship with my body reflects my relationship to the planet and so as I watch my health just get better and better all the time ,I am constantly affirming and proving to myself the power of my mind to change the formations of molecular structure, not only in my body but in our world. We really do create everything in our reality and it is now becoming more and more self evident.With movies like the secret and what the bleep do we know? people are now beginning to grasp these concepts on a grander scale and thus things are going to change quite significantly in our world. Anyway thats enough of me rambling i wanna get to know and see whats makes you tick so hit me up.

I'd like to meet:

Other Metaphysicians,people who want me to help them get wealthy and healthy,nu school and old school jazz funksters,yogi's,psychonauts,goal oriented entrepreneurs,people in the insurance industry,network marketers in north america, ali g,robert kiyosaki,sting,herbie hancock,samuel jackson,larry heard,paul j meyer,nicole kidman,eryka badu,shirley maclaine etc etc.


House,jazz/nu jazz,disco, funk,drum and bass,ambient/ acid house, techno soul,etc etc. ..
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the secret[] what the bleep do we know. talking to heaven. the matrix v for vendetta, akheela and the bee,borat,a scanner darkly.


Twenty four,medium,the young one's,


Bringers of the dawn/earth [barbara marciniak].The sirius connection.[lazaris]How to win friends and influence people.[dale carnegie].Rich dad poor dad.[robert kiyosaki]Why we want you to be rich.[donald trump and robert kiyosaki].Autobiography of a yogi[paramahansa yogananda].The sunfood diet success system.[david wolfe]'Global magic' the next level of the great work.[audio book lazaris]creating money.keys to abundance.[sanaya roman duanne packer]



My Blog

I want to help you get fiancially free!

There is a man named Carl who works in the grocery store. He shows up early every day. He bags the groceries and gathers the carts from the parking lot. He is a sweet man and he is 74 years old. I fee...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:43:00 PST

Im sending you $3500!

I'm sending you $3,500...I get this email daily.Why?Because my internet system works. Howwould you like to start making anextra $1,500 - $3,500 a week?Call NOW >>> Testimonials 212-990-7227 15 minut...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:43:00 PST

Yes you can get rich quick!

Tired of the "Rat Race"...? Does that JERK of a boss still piss you off to no end? Killing yourself working 40 to 70 hoursa week and still can't make ends meet? Are you 30 somethin, 40 somethin or eve...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:40:00 PST

Want unlimited abundance?

Almost everyone in America today wants to live the American Dream to live financially free. When cash gifting came along a few years ago, it provided the tools necessary to achieve that dream everyone...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 04:13:00 PST

Cash delivered to your door!

Private cash gifting is a concept embraced by private groups of individuals and has been in existence for many years. Our private activity does not involve network marketing, multi-level marketing, or...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 03:24:00 PST

New to raw food/living cuisine?

like trying anything new, often times when we are excited about something that we want to implement into our lives we are also at our highest level of anxiety about it.This is called fear of the unkno...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 09:04:00 PST

quantum life design!

we live in a time on planet earth where the truth's about what is really going on here are becoming available on a mass scale.From the most constricting to the most expansive from the global crisis of...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 01:27:00 PST

miracles of ozone and oxygen part2.

air ozone manufacurer reports."i have been manufacturing ozone generators and have had some unbelievable successes with people who have been suffering from asthma my unit produces 50mg of ozone/hour,a...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:52:00 PST

the miracles of ozone and oxygen!

In 1983 the gerson institute published a progress report by norman fritz.the report tells of of the institute receiving their first medical ozone generator,which was cheerfully supplied by doctor geor...
Posted by kenny bountiful sunshine on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:35:00 PST