Hi my name is kenny sunshine
and I wanted to get with you guys
and share a little bit about my story
and background. I grew up in a city
in the u.k called birmingham which
is england's second biggest city.
I was raised primarily by my mom
and part of the time my dad was there also
Both of my parents were business oriented
and so entrepreneurship is very much in my blood.
During the time period in which I grew up,
my home city was in the process of changing
from an industrial economy to our
present day information technology based one.
That in between time was very hard for
a lot of people there including my family.
I watched countless people destroy
themselves due to neglect,drug addiction and
depression.I watched my dad go to jail
and subsequently my parents divorce,because
of my fathers addiction to drugs.
I witnessed him become a shell of the man he once was
and my mom picking the pieces
of his debacle [mostly financial].
Don't get me wrong It was not all bad,
for the most part I received a tremendous
amount of love and nurturing as a child
and adolescent,got a pretty good education
[although I could not wait to leave school]
and had a pretty high level of self esteem
considering my surroundings and seemingly
harsh environment.
Once I left school I went straight into sales,
where I tried out various gigs,
including telemarketing and door to
door sales touting various products
like: Satellite tv,timeshares,
burglar alarms you name it,I even at one
point sold advertising space for a local
golfing publication!
At that time I did not realize but all
of this was preparing me for my
lifes work in a round about sort of way.
I have been interested in art and music
from a very young age and after about 3
years of doing this kind of work [sales]
towards the late eighties I became involved
in the u.k's early rave scene or acid house
scene as it was known then and I
decided I wanted to be a Dj!
Boy did I have a lot of fun!
I guess a great slogan for my life
at that time would have been:
Sex,drugs and house music [lots of it].
Over about another ten year period of
time I lived this hedonistic "rock star"
like lifestyle in the midst of which I met
a lot of really good people and had a massive
spiritual awakening.
I was coming into my mid twenties,
most of the time I was flat out broke,
my physical body was falling apart I
certainly did not have a true sense of
fulfillment or happiness,even though
I had during the whole process managed
to travel to many parts of the world
and ultimately embarked upon quite
a significant spiritual journey,
I could feel that there was something missing.
Well as I mentioned earlier my health
was definintley out of balance and
at this point [around about 1998]
I had been eating mostly raw vegan
food for about a year and I had some
friends who were
becoming interested in detoxification
and tissue cleansing with
alternative health products
like herbs, enzymes,pro-biotics and
therapeutic modalities like colon hydro therapy.
my spirit and heart told me that
this was something I wanted and needed
to get involved with.At the time the uk
was a little bit behind when it came to
accessing these kinds of resources and I knew
As a result of my extensive traveling
experience that north america was very much
ahead of everywhere else in the world in that
field of play.And so after several
months of feeling the 'vibes'
I decided to sell pretty much everything I owned
and relocate.I had spent some time in western
canada and originally I planned to go
and live there again but decided to fly to california
and hang out there for a while before
I made my way up the coast.
After being in cali for a
week or so it was petty obvious that living
there was a significant part of my destiny
Everything just seemed to fit into place and work out for me!
And so I ended up in san diego
where I became very involved in
the local alternative community.
after not too long I ended up getting married
and me and my wife had my beautiful daughter 'Eden'.
This whole process drastically changed me
and who I thought I was.Becoming a parent absolutely
made me start to think very differently
about vocation and what I was going to do to support
my family.I had for a very long time now
been interested in personal growth and the human
potential movement,but most of the tools
I had worked with up until that point had
been spiritual or metaphysical in their focus.
It wasn't until a friend suggested I read a
book called rich dad poor dad by robert kiyosaki
that I became open to and interested in
the realm of financial education.This book
was a real turning point for me ,
it made me realize that I could
quite tangibly take control of
my financial destiny and choose to
Up until then I was conditioned to believe that
these kinds of realities were only reserved for an elite few!
After several years of marriage and
parenting life became quite stressful even though I
had a quite successful e-commerce business
selling high quality gems and minerals from south america
on ebay and was generating 6 figures from
home with very little effort.The mark up on a lot of the
products I was selling was quite significant
most of the time so I only had to make
3-5 sales a month in order live quite a
comfortable and luxurious lifestyle.
This gave me a lot of time to spend with
my daughter at home and develop a very
close bond which I am very Thankful for,
nonetheless my marriage was stressed and I
was beginning to resent the fact that
I was doing more than was my responsibility
I.e generating most of the money,
spending significant time with my daughter when
I should have been working,
playing housemaid for someone else etc etc.
Anyways without going into too much
detail about the ugliness of my marriage
I was changing and growing in my way
and my wife was changing and growing
In hers and as the old adage says
'If you don't grow together you will grow apart'
Because of our daughter we stayed
together perhaps far longer than we maybe should have,
but during our time together
I had become interested in the concepts of residual
income and leverage and so
I decided to start a network marketing business with
a new york stock exchange company
called pre-paid legal services I was very excited,
inspired and motivated by some of
the company events and the people who I was
associating with and gathered quite
a lot of momentum within the
organization I was building.
As my income began to expand
so too did my lifestyle and expenses
in hind site I can now see how we
were going a little bit too fast
with our lifestyle changes
my out goings doubled but my income did not!
In fact my e-commerce business
collapsed because my suppliers in south america sold
their business and the new owners
decided to almost double their prices!
It seemed like my reality was 'avalanching'
on top of me but really I was creating
circumstances that were forcing me to
make big changes that I now realize were very necessary.
I was in a panic, and with a fraction
of the money coming in that I was used to my
savings began to dwindle!
My wife didn't get the concept that as a
family you can't live on one Income here in america,
and seemed reluctant to do anything about
it and instead decided to 'cop out' and found
somebody else to give her power
away to and pay her bills for her.
And so she moved out and eventually
left the state with our daughter which for quite
some time was devastating to me and
I found myself wallowing in self pity,bitterness and anger
for longer than I think was ideal.
I heard a saying somewhere once
that went something like this:
'No matter how bad it gets never.never,never give up'.
That one kept going through my mind and so
I decided to pick myself up out of the 'muck and mire' and
brought in some room mates to help me pay
my $3000 a month living expenses [rent and utilities only]
I took a course in colon hydro therapy
for which I had already Invested
money into quite pricey equipment
and started building a client base for a
quick cash flow business while
I worked on my fortune.I decided
to let go of the network marketing
business in favor of the elegance
and speed of the internet as a
means of generating wealth I really
didn't have time to spend 2-5 years
building a down line I needed money
and fast!
I was already somewhat internet savvy and
so I combined the skills I had gathered during all of
the seminars and trainings I had attended
in my network marketing career
with the stuff I had learned
from my e-commerce business selling
gems and minerals on ebay and the stuff I had been observing
and learning from web 2.0
[myspace,youtube,facebook and
other social media platforms] and one day
after looking over countless online programs
and business opportunities 'BAM' I found what I
wanted to' sink my teeth into' figuratively speaking that is.
It is a phenomena that is now exploding
on the internet with the expansion
and popularity of web 2.0 technology.
It is called perpetual cash leveraging
or private cash gifting as it is more commonly known.
What is private
"Cash" gifting?
Private cash gifting is a concept embraced by
private groups of individuals and has been in
existence for many years. Our private activity
does not involve network marketing, multi-level
marketing, or a business or commercial activity.
There are no business transactions, investments
and/or securities involved in this activity.
There is no business or company name or location
and there are no directors, officers, shareholders
or principals. Individuals simply support each
other in a team concept and help change lives.
The concept of private gifting is based upon
the fact that both American and Canadian
citizens have the Constitutional right to gift
property, cash and other assets, and are
subject to the rules and regulations established
by the laws. The U.S. gifting rules are found in
the IRS Tax Code, Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511.
The law states that one or more individuals
can give a gift to another individual of up to
$11,000 each per calendar year without any
tax liability to either the giver or receiver of
the gift, because the tax on the gift has already
been paid. These gifts are not included in the
gross income of the recipient.
How did this concept begin?
Giving private gifts to one another is an expression
of kindness, which has been going on for centuries.
Governments have allowed its practice for individuals
to share their wealth with families, friends and others.
It has been a means of helping and blessing others
on special occasions or when the need arises.
Many cultures gift as a matter of course. Asian,
Jewish and South American communities gift
individuals within their culture on a regular
basis so that they may start a business or buy a home.
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They in turn gift someone else to help enhance their lives.
Habitat for Humanity is a great example of private gifting.
Everyone participates with their time, their talents
and materials to build a home for someone else.
Some participate with a hammer, some with nails,
some with food and others with the monetary gifts
to purchase the supplies, but all create a team that
works together to bless someone's life.
How does the
gifting activity work?
Individuals share using a basic concept that
"All things must be done in order"
- the Universal Law of Sowing and Reaping -
"when you give, you shall receive." This follows
God's Law of Reciprocity. "Give and it shall be
given unto you." This activity is offered only by
means of an exclusive one-to-one invitation.
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When someone accepts the invitation, they
move through a natural progression from the
giving to the receiving stage of the activity.
In this activity, there is no fixed hierarchy
of individuals who have an advantageous
position or unfair advantage over new participants.
Who can participate?
As stated above, this is a private sharing group,
and is offered only through an exclusive
one-on-one invitation to individuals over 18 years
of age. You are invited to learn more about our
activity and become part of something extraordinary.
Your geographical location is totally irrelevant
with our revolutionary program!
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Anyone can do this. Whether you are currently
employed part-time or full-time, unemployed,
retired, disabled, a student, single parent or a
busy housewife, our amazing program will help
you generate cash delivered directly to your door!
With my time tested money making strategies and
unique One on One training and ongoing support
behind you, it really makes no difference whatsoever,
whether you're an absolute novice or a seasoned marketer
Is this a company?
There is no company - we are a team of individuals,
and we give to one another and other teammates.
We are not a business or an investment.
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No company can withhold or misplace our gift.
We are totally in charge of our own gifts and
gift directly one to another and work for the
betterment of the team.
How can you give to a stranger?
How many times have you given to United Way,
the Salvation Army and other charities?
You don't know who got the gift, what stranger.
The only difference here is that this person
will start out as a stranger, but you will get to know
them as part of the team, work with them
and perhaps develop new friendships.
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We all have met some of the most wonderful
people and have made a lot of new friends
across the country and the world.
These people are giving, they like team dynamics
- they are people we want to meet and befriend.
Is this a pyramid?
No, this is not a pyramid scheme.
A pyramid is associated with a company or a business.
We are not a company, just a private sharing club.
We have no sales quotas, we do not sell positions
and we do not have an ever-widening base to the
structure, which just keeps going and going.
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A pyramid never allows anyone coming in on the
bottom to ever reach the top. Everyone gives the
same gifts, works together in team dynamics and
receives the same gift. In a pyramid, only those at
the top profit while those at the bottom never
reach the top. In a pyramid, people can and have lost their
A pyramid is also not to be confused with "Network Marketing".
Although Network Marketing is a legal and viable
source of income, when was the last time you,
or anyone you know, was able to start at the
bottom of the company and reach the top
position in the company? NEVER! We are
neither a networking company nor a pyramid scheme.
Why would I want to participate?
Gifting has changed countless lives for the better.
People who were about to lose their cars and homes
have been saved from financial ruin, college education's
have been made possible, and nearly forgotten
dreams have come true, all from participation in gifting.
Gifting is the fastest way to generate cash.
Do I have to share this with
family and friends?
No. the system helps direct you to the resources
of like-minded individuals that want to change
their lives with this activity.
Can I do this part-time?
Yes. Many people easily work this activity
around their existing schedule. It's a matter
of setting priorities and fitting this into your
current lifestyle.
Do I have to be a salesperson
to do this program?
No. There is no selling, no solicitation,
no pressure and no coercion. It is simply
a matter of sharing what is in your heart,
of sharing your own reasons for becoming
a participant, and your own experiences.
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We hold live Workshops to answer questions
for your Invitees, therefore you
don't have to do any explaining.
Is it legal?
Yes. Churches, civic groups and people
from around the world have participated
in organized gifting for over 300 years.
Laws state that it is legal for individuals
to exchange gifts. In the United States we
check out my pageÂ
have the Preamble, the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights to protect a private citizen's
rights to earn, pay taxes and give away property
and cash as long as it is done according to the
laws and codes of this country.
Can I join at any level to begin?
You can join at either level or a combination of them all.
Example: $2000 + $1000 + $500 for a t o tal of $3,500.
Or: $1000 + $500 for a total of $1,500.
Is this structure
considered a board or a matrix?
No. this system uses a simple 1-Up structure.
This structure allows its participants to get into
the receiving position very quickly.
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It out performs ALL matrixes and boards and
is a mathematically superior structure.
This 1-up 1-time structure is the heart of the system.
How do I get
started in this activity?
For more details on how you could generate
$500 - $1000 cash within the next 24 to 48hrs,
with no selling, no products to buy and no hype,
contact me right now.
Why do other programs fail?
Every single one of them that was NOT
people-&-relationship driven, no matter
how good its products or services, no matter
how well-managed, has either gone broke
or struggled to keep its head above water.
And every "relationship-driven" business,
no matter how inferior its products or
services and no matter how poorly-managed,
was successful almost without fail.
WE ARE PEOPLE helping you build
your dreams, and you achieving your goals.
Find out more about participating in the activity.
We keep it extremely simple, and that's why
folks like you and I are getting phenomenal RESULTS!
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kenny sunshine Is a prosperity mentor and expert in conscious reality creation or 'the new metaphysics' which some people are now referring to as 'the law of attraction' He has made it a personal mission of his to help as many people as possible to move beyond the limitations of the physical illusion we call our reality and to live lives filled with wealth,health,success,fullfiiling intimate relationships,rewarding friendships and of course fun.