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Thank you for visiting my page. My name is Steven and my passion in life is to spread the message of wellness for the greater good.
I wish to REALLY LIVE this journey by experiencing all of life's wonders and help bring out the best in others and myself by what I think say and do.
I VALUE ALL LIFE regardless of where you were born and what form you came into this world with.
I interviewed Dr. Wayne Dyer who said something that rings true to me he said, “I don't think that Jesus was teaching Christianity, Jesus was teaching kindness, love, concern, and peace. What I tell people is don't be Christian be Christ like. Don't be Buddhist be Buddha like. As soon as you get into the Orthodoxies you get into power plays, right or wrong, some people get into heaven and some people don't, my God is better than your God. No spiritual master who has ever walked among us has wanted that. To imagine Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed all sitting at the table trying to come up with a solution for the world's problems, building tanks and making somebody wrong and somebody right just wouldn't be their way. THEY WERE ALL ABOUT LOVE, unconditional love for ALL THINGS AND ALL PEOPLE.â€
Unconditional love for all life - now that my friends is Divinity.
I created a place for those with a thirst for wellness and a compassion for all life. It is called the
Life Dynamix Wellness Community
Here you can meet others with similar interests, spread your message of wellness, and have your health questions answered by one of our wellness experts. These services are at no cost to you - this is our way of saying thanks for making Life Dynamix part of your world :)
Click Here to Join The Circle.
I will be added to your friends network automatically. I don't check my messages here so if you would like to message me please do so at the Wellness Community. I hope to see you there :)
To Magic & Possibilities!
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