Member Since: 1/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Rajko Marjanovic (lead guitar & acoustic guitar & back vocals)
Simon Zanjkovic (lead vocals / acoustic guitar)
Sebastjan Dominko (bass guitar)
Kruno Karlovcec (drums)
Miha Zanjkovic (electric guitar & acoustic guitar)
Sounds Like: :
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Vaši komentarji in mnenja nas delajo še boljše, še bolj vaše, zato bomo veseli vsake napisane besede.
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Takrat boste vi naš sedmi clan.
Custveno poslušanje vam želi,
Boardwalk Casino gives you their songs for free!
True friendship with our fans is much moore important then the number of sold CD`s.
The band`s success should certainly not be measured by that.
Besides, the moment people start showing interest for your music is crucial for every artist. For that is a sign of truly being a good artist.
The net is full of different arts: film, music,... You can find everything on the net that has already been printed in books, CD´s...
To save a little of your time when finding our songs we offer you to download our album for free from our official page.
Your comments and sugestions are always welcome.
We know that there will come a day when we meet through our music, and then you can become the seventh member of our band.
Enjoy our music!
Yours trully,
Boardwalk Casino
Type of Label: None