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Boardwalk Casino

New song!!

About Me

BIOGRAFIJA (Slovensko):
Skupina Boardwalk Casino je zacela delovati leta 2000 v postavi Rajko M. (elektricna in akusticna kitara), Simon Z. (vokal, akusticna kitara), Leon K. (bas kitara), Darko H. (elektricna kitara), Matjaz S. (bobni) in Tina Z. (violina, spremljevalni vokal). Njihova glasba, obarvana z zvoki tolkal in violine, je spominjala na rock 70-ih z rahlim pridihom etna.
Kasneje je bobnarja nadomestil Kruno K., basista pa Sebastjan D. Skupini se je pridruzila tudi takrat se studentka glasbe Mojca P. (akusticna kitara, spremljevalni vokal). Nastajati so zacele avtorske skladbe s priokusom funka in modernega rocka.
Leta 2004 je skupina prvic posnela nekaj avtorskih skladb, kmalu zatem pa sta skupino zapustila kitarist Darko H. in tudi Tina Z. V letu 2004 je sledilo se nekaj menjav – drugega kitarista Ivana A. je kasneje zamenjal se Simonov brat Miha Z. Tako se je po treh letih glasbe in dela koncno ustalila tudi zasedba skupine.
Boardwalk Casino so se leta 2004 preizkusili se v malo mirnejsih vodah in v sodelovanju z Barbaro Gabrielle posneli ter izdali album V roki, ki je naletel na dobre kritike. Istega leta je skupina posnela tudi prvi videospot z naslovom Zlatoust.
Velik korak skupine na svoji glasbeni poti pa je bila predelava avtorskih skladb in nekaterih priredb v unplugged izvedbo. Unplugged koncerti so pritegnili veliko poslusalcev in odprli veliko novih priloznosti za naso skupino.
Sodelovali smo z razlicnimi glasbeniki, med katerimi je tudi Moira, ki je z svojim drugacnim pristopom do glasbe vnesla nove dimenzije unplugged izvedbe.
Po projektu z Moiro, je skupina sklenila, da se znova posveti svoji glasbi in ustvarjanju novih skladb. Tako so letos izdali svoj drugi videospot Marionete, ki je med poslusalci vzbudil veliko navdusenje.
Trenutno poteka snemanje novega albuma.
Skupina Boardwalk Casino ostaja zvesta avtorski glasbi in seveda nastopom v zivo, ki predstavljajo najvecji uzitek tako za skupino kot za njihove obozevalce.
BIOGRAPHY (English):
The Boardwalk Casino band was formed in 2000 by the members: Rajko M. (electric and acoustic guitar), Simon Z. (vocals, acoustic guitar), Leon K. (bass), Darko H. (eletric guitar), Matjaz S. (drums) and Tina Z. (violin, vocals). Their music variegated with the sounds of drums and violin was a mixture of rock in the late '70s and a soft touch of ethno
Later, the drummer was replaced by Kruno K. and the bass by Sebastjan D. Another member joined the band, namely Mojca P. who was at the time still a music student (acoustic guitar, vocals). First songs arised with a touch of modern rock and funk.
In 2004 the band first recorded some of their songs, and soon after that Darko H. and Tina Z. have also left the band. In 2004 a few changes were still necessary: The second guitarist Ivan A. was replaced by Simon's younger brother Miha Z. So after three years of music and hard work the band was finally uniform.
Boardwalk Casino also played with Barbara Gabrielle and in 2004 the album V roki was released. The album was a great success. That same year the band recorded their first video Zlatoust.
The band's idea to modify some of their songs into an unplugged version was also very successfull. The band expanded their audience on concerts and also gained a lot of new opportunities.
Boardwalk Casino has played with a number of different musicians, including Moira who with her special view on music enriched the unplugged versions of the songs.
After the project with Moira the band decided it is time to start writing new songs. So this year they released their second video Marionete which proved to be another success.
At the time we are recording new album.
The Boardwalk Casino band looks forward to new songs and live concerts with their fans.
Boardwalk Casino-Lunin davek

My Interests


Member Since: 1/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Rajko Marjanovic (lead guitar & acoustic guitar & back vocals)

Simon Zanjkovic (lead vocals / acoustic guitar)

Sebastjan Dominko (bass guitar)

Kruno Karlovcec (drums)

Miha Zanjkovic (electric guitar & acoustic guitar)

Sounds Like: :
Boardwalk casino vam svoje skladbe podari!
Neposredni stik s prijatelji, poslušalci je veliko bolj pomemben od števila prodanih CD-jev, ki nikakor ne sme biti merilo za uspešnost glasbene skupine. Obenem je vsak umetnik srecen, ko je zanimanje za njegovo ustvarjanje veliko.
Splet je skladišce vseh filmskih, glasbenih, literarnih in drugih zvrsti umetnosti, kjer najdete vse, kar je natisnjeno v knjige ali CD-je. Da prihranimo vaš cas pri iskanju naših skladb po ogromnem svetovnem skladišcu, vam omogocamo brezplacni prenos pesmi iz naše uradne spletne strani.
Vaši komentarji in mnenja nas delajo še boljše, še bolj vaše, zato bomo veseli vsake napisane besede.
Vemo da bo priložnost, ko se bomo videli, slišali in zacutili neposredno. Takrat boste vi naš sedmi clan.
Custveno poslušanje vam želi, Vaš BWC
Boardwalk Casino gives you their songs for free!
True friendship with our fans is much moore important then the number of sold CD`s. The band`s success should certainly not be measured by that. Besides, the moment people start showing interest for your music is crucial for every artist. For that is a sign of truly being a good artist.
The net is full of different arts: film, music,... You can find everything on the net that has already been printed in books, CD´s... To save a little of your time when finding our songs we offer you to download our album for free from our official page.
Your comments and sugestions are always welcome.
We know that there will come a day when we meet through our music, and then you can become the seventh member of our band.
Enjoy our music!
Yours trully,
Boardwalk Casino
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Hello:)Mojca decided that she leaves the band and make her on project in the future...we love her and respect her decision and we are supporting her on her new musicial journey!All the best to you Moj...
Posted by Boardwalk Casino on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:41:00 PST


Hey there:)A lot of friends are asking about the you go:)have a nice day!R Tiha voda   Kam te --ene tiha voda, dohajati mi ni te mo--, komaj sem te bil okusil, zdrvela s...
Posted by Boardwalk Casino on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 10:51:00 PST