Member Since: 6/17/2005
Band Website: this leads nowhere-
Band Members:
...Starry Wisdom
...the Dance of Pan
..Making Love with the Goddess
....Alejandro Jodorowsky
.......Al Jazeera
(Samir, Hassan, Deema)
...Behavior Analysis
.Biological Psychology
.....Frater Kaph Resh
The Rose Cross Lamen
...The Dry Path
.....Oswald Spengler
.....Dr. Hyatt and the Other Ones
...... Paratheatre
.......The Psychopaths Bible
........Radical Undoing
.....Odin & Loki, in that order
..David Cronenberg, David Lynch, David Hasselhoff on a stick
..Emotionally Free Observation
Sounds Like:
"Do not believe in what ye have heard;
do not believe in traditions, because they have been handed down for many generations;
do not believe in anything, because
it is rumoured and spoken by many;
do not believe merely because a
written statement of some old sage
is produced;
do not believe in conjectures;
do not believe in that as truth to which you have become attached by habit;
do not believe merely the authority of your teachers and elders.
After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and gain of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
~Kalama Sutta
The Dhamma that shields us is the Dhamma that we develop within ourselves, the Dhamma that we apply in our lives.
This alone fully secures our well-being.
The law of cause and effect is always operable, whether an Awakened One exists or not.
But an Awakened One discovers the law and makes use of it not only for his own liberation but out of infinite compassion, he distributes it to one and all.
He never calls it Buddhism; he calls it Dhamma.
In the same way, he does not call his followers Buddhists.
For progress in Vipassana meditation [direct intuitive insight into Nature] a student must keep knowing anicca [the Reality of impermanance, transformation] as continuously as possible.
The Awakened One's advice to practicioners is that they should try to maintain the awareness of anicca, dukkha [suffering due to clinging] or anatta [no intrinsic self in bio-psychic aggregations] in all postures.
Continuous awareness of anicca, and so of dukkha and anatta, is the secret of success.
~Sayagyi U Ba Khin
The path is called "straight,"
"without fear" is the destination;
the carriage is called "silent"
and its wheels are right effort.
Having tasted the sweetness of solitude and of inner tranquillity, he becomes free of woe and sin, enjoying the sweetness of the bliss of the Dhamma.
He who does not get up when it is time to do so; who, although youthful and strong, is yet given to indolence, is weak in resolution and thought -- such an idle and lazy person does not find the path to wisdom.
All the phenomena of existence have mind as their precursor, mind as their supreme leader, and of mind are they made.
If with a pure mind one speaks or acts, happiness follows him like his shadow that never leaves him.
Dhamma is the Eightfold Noble Path divided into three divisions of sila, samadhi, pañña. The path is noble (ariya) in the sense that any ignoble, ignorant (anariya) person walking on it will certainly become an ariya -- a noble and saintly person.
Record Label: Co Exist Bitch
Type of Label: None