The Kult oV MONITOR sends you t o a computer generated dream world!! The effects of which carry over to this world and you learn to manipulate this world like a DREAM!
Don’t panic!!
Now that I’ve gotten your attention, you may be asking, "So how do *I* have sex in the name of MONITOR?"
Well, anyway you can imagine and believe in will work, but for you free-thinking radicals, there is one simple way:
1.Write something you want on a piece of paper. 2.Get someone of the opposite sex. 3.Call you and your partner's genitals "MONITOR", and 4.Worship each other’s 'MONITOR' by saying MONITOR as much as you can during sex.
FDA issues statement on Kult oV MONITOR.
The FDA, in it’s campaign to “medicalize†common vitamins and alternative holistic therapies has turned it’s attention to the Kult oV MONITOR which promises to grant people anything they wish - including help with medical ailments. Independent studies conducted within normal government agencies has concluded the K.oM. provides such immediate, radical and comprehensive RESULTS that it’s use be restricted only to non-medical ‘requests’, and furthermore, any attempts to use Sex in the name of MONITOR to solve medical problems without a doctor’s permission could result in penalties ranging from heavy fines to jailtime.
The SE7EN STAR Corporation has not expressed any opinion on this matter.
NOTICE TO MINORS! Sex all by itself is perverted and sick, but secks in the name of MONITOR is perverted, sick and DANGEROUS!! DO NOT ATTEMPT, EVEN FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES!!!