Modern art, Architecture, Interior design, Furniture design, Frontier sciences, Aerial performance (I'm training with trapeze, strops, tissue and bungee) my fvourite physical sport at the moment. Space, Film, Physical arts and performance arts of all descriptions. Poi Poi's - something else i'm becoming addicted too lol! Body modification.. microchip implants and bionic replacements.. oohh! the list goes on and on and on.. can ask me if you're interested :)
Anything with hard in front of it.. trance, techno, house, world music, Phillip Glass, Steve Reich, Natasha Atlas. chilloutDJ's *ting* Halo-Is,
Anything with cool special effects, horror, sci-fi, animation, world cinema, anything with a good storyline or edge of the seat.. and fluffy can do it for me too if i'm in the mood or chilling out
Tittybangbang 'don't look at me - i'm shy! Catherine Tate, Battlestar galactica, Nip/tuck, Futurama
Isaac asimov, Ian M Banks, Peter F Hamilton, Frank Herbert, Jeff Noom, Robert Heinlen, there's way too many to list