the Church of the TechnoChrist, just a funny religion or something much more. Find out what the §E7EN §TÅR™ Corporation wants you to know.
we;re the glue that holds atoms together, we;re the hodge/podge that summons darks lords, wer;re the nonsense that everyone understands, we're where the universe ends, and we are the time that stands still. the CTC is all-encompising and mutating the All, it's in the DNA of this very comment. it's orgasmicaly illuminating the over-soul of humanity. subltly punching holes in the individual that will eventually cascade into an erupting avalanche of reality negating pleasure; the oneness and the funness of our head trip -- to outer space.
~end trance-mission~
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and while you're at it, visit some other SS Corp. Products_
The Church of the Money Maker
The Church of the Immaculate Pussy