Magic Mushrooms profile picture

Magic Mushrooms

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Cannabis cash 'funds Islamist terrorism'
10 pounds of mushrooms seized [NV]
The history of 'Hippies' on the History Channel
Growing number of seniors using drugs [CAN]
Police Officer Steals Marijuana
'We're winning the war on drugs'
Parents turn to home drug tests for teenagers, but should they?
Beer culture brews its own problems

Bouncing Bear Wares of Note
    Amanitas Mushroom San Pedro Cactus Salvia Divinorum Ayahuasca

    euphoria: feelings of peace and well being marked analgesia (pain relief) physical relaxation / dream state: (during the sedative effects) can be highly detailed, colorful, and have a great sense of clarity and lucidity. Some people describe these as being similar to Lucid Dreaming. Some describe them as Out of Body Experiences (OOBEs). As with normal dreams, the Amanita Dream State can consist of a wide variety of experiences. internal dialogue: some people report a strong sense of an internal discussion, a feeling of being able to think through personal issues. Others report a significant reduction of internal dialogue, sense of peacefulness, and internal quiet. synesthesia: is somewhat common, smelling words, tasting colors, etc. clarity: Often no interference with memory or logic: many report strong "clarity of thought" and "stillness of mind". Others report mild to strong confusion. internal focus: Difficulty in focusing concentration on external tasks. Increased focus on internal imagination, imagery, day dreams. sociability: Group interaction can become incoherent: "conversational weirdness", frequent changes in topic, "non-linear conversations" sexual feelings: Some people report increased sexual feelings, others report very unsexual emotional and sensual distance / coldness.

    sedative or sleepy effects. others report excitation and extreme energy bursts. changes in body perception: effects may include dramatic shifts in body perception and motor skills including perceived changes in size of body parts, increased strength, dizziness, clumsiness, change in proprioception. slightly blurred vision, watery eyes, runny nose. loss of Equilibrium pupil dilation, glassy eyed stare

    Mild to moderate to extreme nausea or stomach discomfort/cramps, increases with dosage. muscle twitching and trembling. increased salivation and perspiration.

Magic Mushroom Dosage Calculator [Click]
    This level produces a mild "stoning" effect, with some visual enhancement (i.e. brighter colours, etcetera). Some short term memory anomalies. Left/right brain communication changes causing music to sound "wider".

    Bright colors, and visuals (i.e. things start to move and breathe), some 2 dimensional patterns become apparent upon shutting eyes. Confused or reminiscent thoughts. Change of short term memory leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Vast increase in creativity becomes apparent as the natural brain filter is bypassed.

    Very obvious visuals, everything looking curved and/or warped patterns and kaleidoscopes seen on walls, faces etc. Some mild hallucinations such as rivers flowing in wood grained or "mother of pearl" surfaces. Closed eye hallucinations become 3 dimensional. There is some confusion of the senses (i.e. seeing sounds as colors, etcetera). Time distortions and "moments of eternity".

    Strong hallucinations, i.e. objects morphing into other objects. Destruction or multiple splitting of the ego. (Things start talking to you, or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously). Some loss of reality. Time becomes meaningless. Out of body experiences and e.s.p. type phenomena. Blending of the senses.

    Total loss of visual connection with reality. The senses cease to function in the normal way. Total loss of ego. Merging with space, other objects, or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies explanation. The earlier levels are relatively easy to explain in terms of measureable changes in perception and thought patterns. This level is different in that the actual universe within which things are normally perceived, ceases to exist! Satori enlightenment (and other such labels).

Educational Sites
    Erowid Mushroom Vault The Shroomery The Lycaeum
General Vaults
    Mushrooms FAQ List of Known Psilocybin-Containing Mushrooms Comparative Psilocybin Mushroom Strengths Mushrooms and Drug Tests Smoking Magic Mushrooms Psilocybin and Heat Prevalence of Use of Psilocybin Mushrooms The Many Names of the Mushroom General Mycology
Identification Vaults
    Wild Mushroom Identification Warning Identifying Magic Mushrooms Field Guide to the Psilocybin Mushrooms Safe-Pik Mushroom Identification Guide
History Vaults
    Mushroom History Mushrooms and Man Mushroom Timeline
Cultivation Vaults
    Magic Mushroom Growers Guide Mushroom Cultivation Experiences Mushroom Storage
Eye Candy/Video Resources
    Terence Mckenna Video Gallery Candy by Mindash Candy by Uterpa Candy by Mental FX Candy by Albino Blacksheep Candy by Larry Carlson
Terence McKenna MP3 Audio Lectures
    Angels Aliens & Archetypes Art Bell Interview 3/98 Art Bell Interview 5/98 Dreaming Awake at the End of Time Earth Trust Food of the Gods History Ends in Green I Ching-Habit and Novelty In the Valley of Novelty Invisible Landscape Light of the 3rd Millennium (Austin) Light of the 3rd Millennium (Chicago) Man & Woman at the end of History Nature, center of the Mandala Through the Vision of Plants Palenque Radiovalve Interview Rites of Spring Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge Shamanism Shamanology of the Amazon The Last Interview Trialogues-Metamorphosis Trip Receptacles True Hallucinations Under the Teaching Tree Understanding and the Imagination Unfolding the Stone


Busted - Know Your Rights Documentary


My Interests


Goa Trance
Juno Reactor
Infected Mushroom
Zero One
Bypass Unit
Power Source
Aqualite, Holophonia
Solar Plexus
Donut Junkie
Strange Biscuit


2001: A Space Odyssey
Fear and Loathing
The Wizard of Oz
Yellow Submarine
Run, Lola, run!
The Animatrix
Life Aquatic
Willy Wonka
Fight Club
The Wall
The Matrix
Soul Music
Waking Life
Spirited Away
A beautiful mind
Princess Mononoke
Being John Malkovich



"Shamanism that is specifically rooted in the kind of experiences that are induced by psychoactive plants is an area that our society is extraordinarily phobic and nervous concerning, and the reason I think is not far to seek. Because modern institutions depend on the transmission of a certain world view and then willing acquiescense in the truth of that world view by the populations into which it is being exported. In other words a kind of cultural brainwashing is necessary for modern cultures to work at all. The consequences of the acceptance of this situation of brainwashing is further acceleration toward catastrophe."


[Terence McKenna]
"This is what they have suppressed so long. This is why they are so afraid of the psychedelics, because they understand that once you touch the inner core of your own and someone else's being you can't be led into thing-fetishes and consumerism. The message of psychedelics is that culture can be re-engineered as a set of emotional values rather than products. This is terrifying news."
"That's what we're talking about here: psychedelics as a catalyst to the human imagination, psychedelics as a catalyst for language; because what cannot be said, cannot be created by the community. So what we need then is the forced evolution of language. And the way to do that is to go back to the agents that created language in the very first place."
"Shamanism that is specifically rooted in the kind of experiences that are induced by psychoactive plants ... is an area that our society is extraordinarily phobic and nervous concerning, and the reason I think is not far to seek. Because modern institutions depend on the transmission of a certain world view and then willing acquiescense in the truth of that world view by the populations into which it is being exported. In other words a kind of cultural brainwashing is necessary for modern cultures to work at all. The consequences of the acceptance of this situation of brainwashing is further acceleration toward catastrophe."
"We're playing with half a deck as long as we tolerate that the cardinals of government and science should dicate where human curiousity can legitimately send its attention and where it can not. It's an essentially preposterous situation. It is essentially a civil rights issue because what we're talking about here is the repression of a religious sensibility. In fact not a religious sensibility, the religious sensibility. Not built on some con game spun out by eunichs, but based on the symbiotic relationship that was in place for our species for fifty thousand years before the advent of history, writing, priestcraft and propaganda. So it's a clarion call to recover a birthright."
[Paul Stamets]
"The oldest archeaological of mushroom use discovered so far is probably a Tassili image from a cave which dates back 3,500 years before the birth of Christ. The artist's intent is clear. Mushrooms with electrified auras are depicted outlining a dancing shaman. The spiritual interpretation of the image transcends time and is obvious. No wonder that word "bemushroomed" has evolved to reflect the devout mushroom lover's state of mind."

My Blog

Trip Reports [Submitted]

This thread will serve the purpose of allowing those in the community here to submit their own experiences. I would make a separate thread per report for the sake of commentary structure, but I feel t...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 12:03:00 PST

Trip Report [3.5 Grams - 1.0 1/8th - Level 4]

[Source:] this is my story... Last October my friends and I decided to eat some mushrooms at a local park in Spokane, Washington named Cliff Par...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 02:48:00 PST

Trip Report [1.75 Grams - 0.5 1/8th - Level 3]

[Source:]First off as a side note, I am also the author of the trip report The Belt of Orion(rather long) found in the level 1 trip reports. Spring is in...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Fri, 26 May 2006 01:18:00 PST

Trip Report [3.5 Grams - 1.0 1/8th - Level 4]

[Source:]Ok for those faint of hart do not read this tread for it will freak you out. But with out further stalling for time here is my best trip. I have a...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Wed, 24 May 2006 04:03:00 PST

Trip Report [7 Grams - 2.0 1/8ths - Level 5]

[Source:]No matter how many times I experience the all-powerful magic of mushrooms, they never cease to blow me completely out of my mind. Yesterday, after...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Mon, 22 May 2006 03:04:00 PST

Trip Report [1.5 Grams - 0.42 1/8th - Level 3]

[Source:]I dosed 1.5g dried Ps. Cubensis; I just wanted to get a feel for the trip, no crazy ego loss, no disappearing into oblivion. Nothing happened afte...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Sun, 21 May 2006 12:28:00 PST

Trip Report [1.75 Grams - 0.5 1/8th - Level 5]

[Source:]At first I wasn't going to write a trip report since anyone who has tripped before will tell you that words cannot begin to communicate the experi...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Fri, 19 May 2006 04:00:00 PST

Trip Report [3.5 Grams - 1.0 1/8th - Level 4]

[Source:]Hi everyone. this is gonna be a little long, but i think you'll find it well worth the read... background: this was my 5th time doing mushrooms....
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Thu, 18 May 2006 12:10:00 PST

Trip Report [3.5 Grams - 1.0 1/8th - Level 3]

[Source:]This is a reflection of an experience I had with two good friends of mine on Thursday, June 26th. I will most likely not forget it any time soon.S...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Tue, 16 May 2006 02:34:00 PST

Trip Report [4 Grams - 1.15 1/8th - Level 4]

[Source:]Prior to this experence, I had only tried mushrooms once and at that time i only ate 1.5 grams, and just felt threshold effects. I enjoyed a coupl...
Posted by Magic Mushrooms on Mon, 15 May 2006 10:17:00 PST