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Ivan Holst

Be the change you want to see ind the world

About Me

Ivan Holst NielsenThe return of a legend Ivan Holst Nielsen was one of the famous Danish pipe makers back in the 60-70ties.
He is now back in business with pipes in a design and quality that once again places him among the top of the Danish pipe makers.
Read the history of Ivan Holst here and stay tuned for some remarkable new models coming soon from Ivan.Ivans Pipe Story.Already in my childhood I have shown signs of creativity by producing jewellery and other crafts out of noble wood, bone, ivory etc.
When I had finished school, I trained as a typographer and in my spare time I started making pipes out of hobby blocks bought in different pipe shops.
I lived for 2 years in Copenhagen from 1967 to 1969. I often went for an evening walk in the streets, always passing by the shops that sold pipes. So I got my inspiration from seeing the new pipe models designed by Sixten Ivarsson, Emil Chonowitsch, W. O. Larsen, Poul Rasmussen and Poul Hansen.
Gradually I made more and more hobby pipes and thought it was exciting to work with my imagination, my sense of form and my knowledge of what makes a pipe a good smoker. I was always thinking about new pipe models that I was going to make later on. So one day I took some of my hobby pipes to W. O. Larsen and asked whether they would be interested in employing me - and they were!Since I was young and eager to learn, in the years that followed I started working with different pipe makers and at different pipe shops in order to see what they were doing and to learn the different techniques they were using.
During the years I have worked with many pipe makers: Hans Nielsen (Former), Teddy Knudsen, Per Hansen, Poul Hansen, Poul Ilsted, Tonni Nielsen, and Peter Hedegaard.
Once when I was working with Poul Hansen, Sixten Ivarsson came by to visit, and he praised my pipes. He said that I did a very nice job and had a very good sense of form, which was a wonderful acknowledgement from my great idol. Another great acknowledgement for me was that Poul Hansen, who was known to be stingy with his praise, fell in love with one of my pipes. The pipe should have been shipped to Iwan Ries in the US, but Hansen laid away the pipe and smoked it himself with great pleasure, and it became his favorite pipe.After having worked 10 years for other people, I naturally felt the need to start my own business. Poul Hansen helped me find some good machinery and some good tools. I had at that moment a wife and two kids. We found a lovely house in the country in beautiful surroundings. This was another inspiration for my pipes.
My experience, personality and sense of form helped me as a pipe maker, my pipes were sold as fast as I could make them. I sold my pipes to Pibe Dan and Remo Sorensen in Denmark, two dealers in Japan and two in Germany.In the mid seventies came the oil crisis and that meant that the market price of the pipes dropped to an unrealistically low level. My attitude towards being a pipe maker is to create a product of very high quality and as a consequence I would not compromise and compete on the price. This meant that I stopped selling pipes. Why, then, start again? - Well, in all the intervening years I have kept all my machinery and tools, because I still found the work very interesting. So when it was brought to my attention, that the internet now has given us pipe makers the possibility of direct contact with all serious and interested pipe enthusiasts, I felt it natural to start again.I am a pipe smoker myself, and that affords me a inherent understanding of what makes a good pipe. In the briar blocks it is the grain that inspires the form of the pipes so that grain and form melts into one, the pipes are good to hold, good smokers and inspiring to look at.
I create the pipes after Sixten Ivarsson's principle. I cut the pipe out of the block, drill the chamber, mortise and airhole by hand. I always use solid ebonite for the always handmade stems. I do not use a machine for sanding, because this does not yield the best result. The pipes are sanded by hand from rough to fine grain. This procedure takes a very long time, but that's also the way my idol Sixten Ivarsson did it, since the end result is better - the pipe acquires more personality, more style and even a "soul"
( if you sand it well!!!). Ivan Holst Nielsen - Danish Pipemaker:http://www.danishpipemakers.com/makers/ivanholst/i ndex.shtml You can get the fine pipes of Ivan Holst Nielsen here:Denmark: Aab-TaxFree Pipes, Adelgade 3, DK-8400, Ebeltofthttp://www.pipaergosum.it/CMS/index.php?option=com_c ontent&task=view&id=365&Itemid=197 http://pipedia.org/index.php?title=Ivan_Holst_Nielsen Auction, sale: http://cgi.ebay.com/VERY-RARE-IVAN-HOLST-NIELSEN-THE-DANISH- LEGEND_W0QQitemZ110248315249QQihZ001QQcategoryZ596QQcmdZView Item http://cgi.ebay.com/Ivan-Holst-Nielsen-Quarter-Bent-Cross-Gr ain-Pipe-73_W0QQitemZ320278189176QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item320 278189176&_trksid=p3286.m14.l1318robbie robertson

My Interests


Member Since: 5/4/2007
Band Website: ivan-holst.mymusic.dk
Band Members: Ivan Holst skriver selv sine sange.Kendt fra: DR/P3
Og CD'en: På fri fod.Ivans sange belyser "livets prøvelser" på en klar, underfundig og selvindlysende måde.F.eks. Hvad vi kan gøre af "fede" ting - når vi er "virkelig" på fri fod.Og hvad vi "ikke" kan gøre - når vi lader andre "små" mennesker styre vores adfærd og holdning...Ivan Holst er kendt som en af danmarks dygtigste pibemagere, - ude i den store verden! (Og fremstiller stadig en pibe i ny og næ...)Men lige nu lever Ivan "mest" af musikken -, ansat som musiklærer på en produktionshøjskole.For en del år siden (først og midt i 80'erne) var Ivan Holst en rimelig fast gæst i DR/P3.
Det var i et program ved navn: Båndbixen.Ivan samlede derefter nogle lokale musikere "Ivan Band", som blev et af sønderjyllands bedste Bands på dette tidspunkt. (Midt og sidst i 80'erne)Ivan Holst fik så en CD kontrakt med et "anerkendt" pladeselskab, (Music Mecca) og gik så i gang med at indspille sin kommende CD - sammen med Christian Alvad, Gary Snider og et par lokale folk fra sønderjylland. (Foråret: 1991)Ivan rejste derefter rundt i hele landet og gjorde reklame for sin vellydende debut CD. På fri fod Ivan Holst besøgte ca. 80 lokalradioer,- DR/P3 inklusiv. (Vinteren: 1993) Ivans sange blev virkelig spillet meget - også mange år efter CD udgivelsen i 1993. (Og bliver stadig spillet...) Ivan Holst CD Story.Titel: På fri fod
Tekst og musik: Ivan HolstMedvirkende:
Ivan Holst (sang)
Kaj Klein (elguitar)
Lars Weis Nielsen (bas)
Carsten Jung (keyboard)
Gary Snider (elguitar/bas)
Eric Clark (drum's/slagtøj)
Christian Alvad (guitar/keyboard)
Caroline, Laura, Stine og Morten (kor).Producer: Christian Alvad.
Udsendt af: Music Mecca 1993.Indhold:
1. Knud.
2. Dit horoskop.
3. Der er ikke det du ikke vil.
4. En aktiv mand.
5. Verden er ny.
6. Kvinde eller mand.
7. Ting man ikke må.
8. Den mentale vejrudsigt.
9. PÃ¥ fri fod.Indspillet i Ã…rhus marts/maj 1991.
Tekster og billeder inde i CD omslaget. Forfatter/ophav mm. Ivan Holst Plademærke og nummer: Music Mecca CD 1023-2
Nationalbib.nr. dk (93921) NB. Ivan Holst MP3, WMA filer køber du hos:http://musik.tdconline.dk/servlets/2452306090224Dispatch /19/call?htmltemplate=./album/viewalbum.htm&albumid=4246 856http://musik.elgiganten.dk/servlets/2452685121527Dispatch /35/call?htmltemplate=./artist/viewartist.htm&query=1259 701 Eric Clapton
John Lennon - Jealous Guy
Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe

Influences:The Beatles. John Lennon. Bob Dylan.Jimi Hendrix. Pink Floyd. Eric Clapton. Carlos Santana. Dion Di'Mucci. C.V. Jørgensen og mange flere.
Er ligeledes også inspireret af livet og kloge ord fra store åndelige personligheder.Sokrates.
Livet er dejligt at leve, bare man har karaktersvaghed nok til at nyde det.Mahatma Gandhi.
Du må selv være den forandring du ønsker at se i verden.Frands af Asissi.
Forkynd evangeliet, brug om nødvendigt ord.Mahatma Gandhi.
Den måde, vi løser vore konflikter på, - må afspejle den fremtid, - vi ønsker at leve i.Jesus. 6/44 Luk.
Ethvert træ kendes på sin frugt; man samler jo ikke figner af tjørn, plukker heller ikke druer af en tornebusk.H.C. Andersen.
http://www.andersen.sdu.dk/vaerk/hersholt/TheMostIncredibleT hing.html
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Music Mecca
Type of Label: Indie