Header Banner Made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!"The band's name does not disappoint. The Distortionists will kick off Club Crawl with its noisy punk rock. It's the kind of stuff your mom was always yelling at you to turn off." -Patrick Valenzuela, Arizona Daily Wildcat.
"Distortionists at Bud light stage are punkeriffic and loud." -Alert to All Fans, Clubcrawl.net (2007 Fall Crawl)
". . . a new band made up of seasoned veterans from local bands of yore such as Marshmallow Overcoat, Grimblewedge and Blood Spasm. Expect tight, poppy punk songs by guys who know how to play their instruments and aren't afraid to show it." -Tucson Weekly.
----"Local punk rockers the Distortionists, playing outdoors, appeared to be wearing their Saturday visitation with daddy attire on stage, but still rocked out." -James Hudson, Tucson Weekly.
--------------------"Gimme Gimme shock treatment & The Distortionists!!!" -The Ramonas.
----------------------------------------"...before that was the Distortionists..." -Don Jennings, KXCI DJ
-------------------------------"[The Distortionists] covered the Buzzcocks [at the 2006 Great Cover-Up]" -Al Perry
--------------------"[The Distortionists played a] show" -Tucson Scene
---------The Distortionists is a garage/punk band out of Tucson, AZ that was conceived in late 2006. Band members include current and former members of The Tribulators, Grimble Wedge, Scar Strangled Banger, Feed, Marshmallow Overcoat, and 80 cents a day.
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