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About Me

I love bananas.I also love mangoes, kiwis, all kinds of plants and grasses. Really any fruit or vegtable is good.I'm related to horses and rhinoceroses. But, I'm cooler then them.I make squeaking and chirping noises. It's really cute.I LOVE LOVE LOVE to swim and be in water. I'm pretty much exactly the same as my ancesters have been for the past 20 million years.I can move its nose in all directions, smelling.I have 4 toes on each front foot, 3 on each back foot.I can out-maneuver a dog.I can climb over steep hills, logs and fences.I can crash thorough the jungle like a tank.I run to water when hunted or scared.I bulldoze tunnels in jungle undergrowth.Tapirs are often hunted by humans. Which is stupid and gay, so freaking stop already!! There aren't much of us left.I can live about 30 years.I stayed with my mom until I was 2 years old, then I got to leave her. But I still visit of course!!Nobody knows if tapirs mate for life. It's a secret!Mountain tapirs have the longest hair, about one inch.I have very tough skin, like hard leather.I pull my food into my mouth with my flexible nose.Man is by far the tapir's worst enemy. Douchebags.Much of the tapirs' habitat has been destroyed.It takes 13 months to make one baby tapir.ALL SPECIES OF TAPIR ARE ENDANGERED.

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