NotPornâ„¢ Productions profile picture

NotPornâ„¢ Productions

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and sounds like a duck, then that duck still deserves a

About Me

NotPorn is my video company.
I call it NotPorn, because I do everything besides porn. Animation, photography, film making, music, dancing, drawing, graff, acting, writing, etc.
I don't put all my eggs in one basket. Nor do I place eggs in baskets. I usually keep them in the carton they come in, if I even buy eggs in the first place.
If you're confused, you don't have to worry. I'm sure any one else reading this is as well.
Calvin is a young man who can snugly fit a Trojan Magnum, talks shit all the time, drives a Lexus and makes movies. When Calvin isn't lifting weights and disrespecting the government, he's usually petting kittens and smelling his favorite flower. Marijuana. Calvin loves animals, and is looking to purchase or rescue a pitbull when the time is right.
Calvin has very little ambition if the reward for his tasks aren't money. Or stuff he can sell for money.
Calvin is also a white boy that hates white boys.
This shit talking, 20 year old community college kid definitely has a lot of time to improve, and will take his fucking time how he sees fit.
Sick of cops. PERIOD. Give Calvin a gun and he'll defend his fucking self.
Likes to act like an asshole, or a stalker, or a pervert. Notice that Calvin has not the energy, commitment, or attention span to really stalk, murder or rape. It is simply the irony that he cannot live without. He likes to mock bigotry by ironically embracing it. It is his favorite form of comedy, because people think the joke is on Calvin, but the joke is really on the morons who don't understand irony, or they are bigots themselves and end up agreeing with Calvin, ultimately resulting in a joke about them, that they are no where near grasping mentally.
Currently located in and around Minneapolis, mowing lawns and selling the grass clippings to your children.
Calvin is a threat to you and your girlfriend's relationship. Calvin can't help myself, but Calvin will help himself to your cute girlfriend. Not because Calvin is so beautiful, intelligent and sexually satisfying, but because your girlfriend is a whore. Do better for yourself next time.
Calvin doesn't put a lot of thought into myspace anymore. Calvin is currently working on an education in film making. Calvin knows enough to make a movie right now, but Calvin wants to come out with some quality work. Myspace seems like a good place to network, promote videos, and meet new minds to manipulate for the well being of terrorist organizations.
Calvin makes films, photographs things, draws his own comic books or graphic novels if you're a snob. Calvin also creates psychedelic artwork THAT JUST MIGHT BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND.
Besides that, Calvin wants to move back to Brazil after Calvin makes enough cash to live comfortably off of his first couple movies.
Hopefully one day, marijuana will be decriminalized and legalized so we give cops something else to worry about besides arresting non-violent offenders.
Calvin works on videos and sketch comedy such as "SPARKLE PICNIC."
Sparkle Picnic posted their 11'th episode on youtube and it's received at least 92,000 views on youtube.
Besides that, Calvin is still in college. He hates most of the students at his college, but He's putting up with it for now for the technical and legal information. He doesn't take many teachers too seriously on the creative front, since they're working at a community college, so he tries to do his own thing and see where it takes him.
Calvin is also available for hire as a freelance photographer, videographer, graphic artist, MC, male prostitute, etc.
Send a message for his contact information and one of his assistants can give it to you.
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My Interests

Film, Video, Stop Motion, Animation, 3D Animation, spray paint, graff, b-boys and b-girls, Hip Hop, Intelligent conversation, tolerance, equality, animal and human rights, turn tables, vinyl, AIFF, Audio design, Voice Acting, Live Shows, meeting my favorite artists to determine whether they are real, Comedy, comedians, skateboarding, dead cops, photography, necrophilia, filming roadkill, fire spinning, pooping, the healing power of marijuana, the occasional hallucinogenic substance, networking, field recording, tips and tricks on film making, audio, animation, graphic design, un-marketable revolution, revolution, dead cops again, etc.

I'd like to meet:

People who will buy DVDs or tickets to screenings.Producers, Directors, Actors, Graphic Designers, 3D animators, Musicians, Editors, Cinematographers, Photographers, Caterers, People who will buy drugs, Graff Artists, Skateboarders, Candle makers, Metal Welders, Stencil Artists, Adobe After Effects designers, frame by frame animators, people who will donate money, Travelers, Squatters, Redheads, Comedians, people who manage comedians, people who want to be videotaped, girls Calvin can paint graff on, curvy women, not anorexic cunts, people who won't treat Calvin like shit, original artists, writers, artists, painters, b-boys, b-girls, turntablists, DJs, beat smiths, the Arsonists, Immortal Technique again, teachers who are interested in what they're teaching, people above the age of 18, people who aren't going to arrest or jail Calvin, The president, so Calvin can kill him with a pair of hulk fists.


I'M SO FUCKING UNDERGROUND, I MIGHT AS WELL BE A CORPSE!!!!......I also make a bit of music when I have time.If you really like the artist who's music you're downloading, then SUPPORT THEM.


My (SHITTY OLD) videos that I don't care for much:


I try not to watch TV because Rupert Murdoch owns 3/4 of what the PLANET watches, but sometimes I go to websites like,I think Zach G. should have his own TV show again. He is quite a genius when it comes to making people feel awkward as fuck...> Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis on ..>take an hour, twenty three minutes, and 44 seconds watching the most important documentary EVERY American should watch, at least if you want to call yourself an American.

Blindly following your appointed leaders is completely unamerican, even though Ben Franklin was a goddamn slave owner, he did have a couple of good ideas. One of them being that you should ALWAYS question your government about anything and EVERYTHING they do.

So, you don't have to change your beliefs, but open your fucking ears, otherwise YOU are one of the many people responsible for the horrible demise of this country.





Mitch Hedberg. The genius, the master, the man himself!

My Blog

I feel dead inside, and its still sunny out.

Oh boy, this is going to be a long, depressing, borderline suicide winter time for me.I'm done with rehab now. That shit sucked.But it should look good for my upcoming court shit.I have court this Th...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 11:30:00 PST

Excerpt from an awesome conversation....

Do you have one of those instant messenger programs? I'm all out of carrier pigeons for the month, since I had to send out invitations to different countries for my weekly block party / weed harvest f...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 06:50:00 PST


I have 5 classes this semester. Therefore, I think it's appropriate for me to break up with you, myspace.I mean, no one has been trying to talk to me on here or comment anything, so i'm like, "FUCK IT...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 06:01:00 PST

International Trade Compliance

So I was reading through the Software License Agreement on the new hard drive that I purchased, and I ended up stumbling upon this little nugget of information:"9. International Trade Compliance. Th...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 01:58:00 PST

American Movie: Mike Schank

If you haven't seen American Movie yet, you are missing out on one of the best movies in existence.Check out the following clips, and buy this movie! ...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:11:00 PST

I love this song, and now I finally know who made it!

Thank god! I was wondering who the fuck this was forever! I got arrested while listening to this song in high school! Great song, bad memories attached to it! Enjoy this shit!-Cal...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 03:50:00 PST


Hey, Clyde. Thanks for your heartwarming comment you left on my page saying something around the lines of "if you ever comment my daughters profile again, I'll break every bone in your body," or some...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 06:26:00 PST


So, I finally got my opportunity to see KRS ONE LIVE!The show was ILL! I grabbed a lot of photos, and I'll probably post them online once I'm not tired and not-full-of-food.KRS ONE: ...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 01:24:00 PST

RIP Mitch Hedberg

It was three years ago today that I discovered that Mitch Hedberg died.He was truly my favorite comedian, and I’m forever saddened by the fact that I never got to see him live, or even meet him....
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:22:00 PST

But Internet, I have to go!

God, internet! Leave me alone! You know I love being inside of you, but I have to go to class.Don’t cry, computer. I’ll be back in a couple of hours. Why don’t you go to sleep or som...
Posted by NotPorn" Productions on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 02:00:00 PST