Film, Video, Stop Motion, Animation, 3D Animation, spray paint, graff, b-boys and b-girls, Hip Hop, Intelligent conversation, tolerance, equality, animal and human rights, turn tables, vinyl, AIFF, Audio design, Voice Acting, Live Shows, meeting my favorite artists to determine whether they are real, Comedy, comedians, skateboarding, dead cops, photography, necrophilia, filming roadkill, fire spinning, pooping, the healing power of marijuana, the occasional hallucinogenic substance, networking, field recording, tips and tricks on film making, audio, animation, graphic design, un-marketable revolution, revolution, dead cops again, etc.
People who will buy DVDs or tickets to screenings.Producers, Directors, Actors, Graphic Designers, 3D animators, Musicians, Editors, Cinematographers, Photographers, Caterers, People who will buy drugs, Graff Artists, Skateboarders, Candle makers, Metal Welders, Stencil Artists, Adobe After Effects designers, frame by frame animators, people who will donate money, Travelers, Squatters, Redheads, Comedians, people who manage comedians, people who want to be videotaped, girls Calvin can paint graff on, curvy women, not anorexic cunts, people who won't treat Calvin like shit, original artists, writers, artists, painters, b-boys, b-girls, turntablists, DJs, beat smiths, the Arsonists, Immortal Technique again, teachers who are interested in what they're teaching, people above the age of 18, people who aren't going to arrest or jail Calvin, The president, so Calvin can kill him with a pair of hulk fists.
I'M SO FUCKING UNDERGROUND, I MIGHT AS WELL BE A CORPSE!!!!......I also make a bit of music when I have time.If you really like the artist who's music you're downloading, then SUPPORT THEM.
My (SHITTY OLD) videos that I don't care for much:
I try not to watch TV because Rupert Murdoch owns 3/4 of what the PLANET watches, but sometimes I go to websites like,I think Zach G. should have his own TV show again. He is quite a genius when it comes to making people feel awkward as fuck...> Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis on ..>take an hour, twenty three minutes, and 44 seconds watching the most important documentary EVERY American should watch, at least if you want to call yourself an American.
Blindly following your appointed leaders is completely unamerican, even though Ben Franklin was a goddamn slave owner, he did have a couple of good ideas. One of them being that you should ALWAYS question your government about anything and EVERYTHING they do.
So, you don't have to change your beliefs, but open your fucking ears, otherwise YOU are one of the many people responsible for the horrible demise of this country.
Mitch Hedberg. The genius, the master, the man himself!