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Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky

Yippie Ki-Yay motherfucker! ''

About Me

Epitaph on a blues musician's tombstone: "I didn't wake up this morning"
Get Your Own Voice Player ManageI got no time for the jibba-jabba..YET AGAINSitting here like uninvited company...Wallowing in my own obscenities..I share a cigarette with negativity.Sitting here like wet ashes with X s in my eyes and drawing flies.. Bathed in perspiration ..drowned my enemies..Used in inspiration for a guillotine...I fire a loaded mental cannon to the page ..Leaning on the pedestal that holds my self denial ..firing the pistol that shoots my holy pride...Sitting here like wet ashes with X s in my eyes and drawing flies.. Hey what you yellin about conditions,permission,mirrored self affliction...what you yellin about sadists' co addiction,perfect analogies... Hey what you yellin about conditions,permission,mirrored self affliction...leaning on the pedestal that holds my self denial..firing the pistol that shoots my holy pride..Sitting here like wet ashes with X s in my eyes and..Drawing Fliesim fucking you back.fucking you back. im fucking you back.fucking you back.fucking you back.fucking you back.fucking you back.fucking you back.fucking you back.fucking you back.fucking you back.fucking you back. ..
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You will go to jail for: Being caught nude in a movie theatre

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My Interests


Cluck me Damnit...It will be a life altering experience , im tellin ya

Cluck me Damnit...It will be a life altering experience , im tellin ya

creating the end... killing a friend..sheddin my skin and everything about silent hill...


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i have an excellent idea!let's change the subject!,,bart simpson..,the mad hatter and the caterpillar..,tony montana,santa,shamal the camel and chief easter bunny.whatever..cogito ergo doleum after all...
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Your Penis Name Is...
Free Willy Penis Name GeneratorMURPHY'S LAWS1. Nothing is as easy as it looks.2. Everything takes longer than you think.3. In any field of scientific endeavor, anything that can go wrong will go wrong.4. If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.5. If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway.6. If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a procedure can go wrong and circumvent these, then a fifth way, unprepared for, will promptly develop.7. Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.8. If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.9. Nature always sides with the hidden flaw.10. Mother Nature is a bitch.11. It is impossible to make anything foolproof, because fools are so ingenious.12. Inevitably, you will forget one of your laws.13. The summary: If anything can go wrong it will. (And at the worst possible time)..

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tiziano ferro,PANTERA,MANSUN,billy idol,Generation X,DOWN, aLICE IN CHAINS,soundgarden,mad season,temple of the dog,superjoint ritual,melvins,damageplan,wipers,the gits,FEAR,devo,dinosaur jr,tantric,nirvana,shellac,mother love bone,pearl jam,tad,screaming river..hater..clutch..Guttermouth.machine head ...TOOL,faith no more,mike patton and all of his friggin projects,days of the new,otep,six feet under,sepultura,suicide,twin zero,rage against the machine,the Clash,pigmylovecircus,sinch..soil,blind melon,audioslave.,white zombie,rob zombie,the misfits,samhain,danzig,a perfect circle,suicidal tendencies,corrosion of conformity,kyuss,goddamn queens of the stone age,slo burn,hermano,social distortion,ROTTING CHIRST,pennywise,bad religion,decapitated(R.I.P Bro),lamb of god,pro-pain,saint vitus,nailbomb,celtic frost,fu distortion,ACID FUCKING BATH,sleep,peace and silence,second coming,soilent green,strapping young lad and devin townsend ,AKIRA YAMAOKA(genious),future disorder(why,yeah!)christ inversion,IOMMI,deus ex machina,nightstalker,lynyrd skynyrd,sabbath,american head charge,necrophagia,pearls and brass,father,the raincoats,hankie williams iii(heheeee),slayer,the beatsteaks,u.s bombs,slipknot,phish,the red chord,meshuggah,terror,agents of flag,..shrum...eyehategod.crowbar.ANTHRAX.TRIVIUM(HELL YEAH)..husker du,system of a down,METALLICA,viking skull,soulfly,fuck,blAck label society,hatebreed,tom waits,sick of it all,TERROR,christian death,mayhem,iced earth,pyramaze,celtic frost,the psykicks,XASMA,forwhatitsworth,toxika apovlita,disturbed,fear factory,electric wizard,virgin prunes.AND BLACK METAL,DEATH METAL,GRIND,EPIC,BATTLE,GOTH,STONER,HEAVY,GORE,FUCK,DIE,CUNT ,SCUM,IN GENERAL....not to mention my taste in noizy fuzzy old garage bands(yeah,like were in france!!oh lala and a la creme!i call mine ''car hole ''bands ;)...)chris isaaks xmas attempt recordings..chris isaak in A tux,chris isaak in a speedo,ahem,ok i quit .im also addicted to barbershop music and american bands from the 40s to the60s...and old bluesy tunes (long live the master leadbelly)..bluegrass and country also kick ass....and.dark horrorpunk... oh yeah, king crimson and pink floyd are a must...and..Anal Cunt fucking rules you motherfucking morons........


300,Beowulf&GredeL,THE GREEN BUTCHERS,BORAT,Bad Santa,Forrest Gump,THE XxXORCIST,Re-Penetrator,,jim jarmuschs' stuff,thelma and louise,this boy's life,PARTY AT KITTY AND STUD'S(a.k.a Italian Stallion)Porn of the Dead,ill sleep when im dead,the croupier,i am legend,swingers,the nightmare before christmas.p.s i love you (corny ,i know,but kinda ruled.lad),the wind that shakes the barley..Rocky(I,II,III,IV,V,bALBOA),Accepted,Oldboy,Bad Guy,RUNNING SCARED,green street hooligans,war of worlds.CHILDREN OF MEN...blades of glory (will ferrell kills),waiting...BIG..a guide to recognizing your saints fried tomatoes.united 93(come on man,it was a documentary,actually..oh,quit ruled)..little fish(not t big fish.this one is different..starrin kate blanchett).mississippi burning.GOONIES.ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL.stand by me.the shape of things and other Paul Rudd stuff..the godfather..running on empty...sin city..married with children series.MASTERS OF HORROR series...everything starring fucking bruce willis(come on,12 monkeys was kickass.and John Mclane?man,classic!Die Fuckin Hard Motherfucker!!!..not to mention his omnipresent smirk).jacobs ladder(besthorror) ,.shaun of the dead..28 days later(Cillian MURPhys'stuff).the quiet earth.robert redfords stuff..BROKEBACK MOUNT(one of the best flicksever)...flightplan and jodie fosters entire back catalogue..clerks I &II and most of kevin smiths stuff...kate winsluts stuff (david gale and the likes )...JIMCARREY S masterpieces(i.e all of hismovies)....Closer(christ,it was brutal) ..THE fashionistas,fuck dolls (the complete series).SHORTBUS.the wall by alan parker (whats there to say?)everything by alan parker(wellville etc)..ALICE IN the name of the left foot(a daniel day lewis freak).the alien trilogy..detroit rock haine... THE SIMPSONS(the best thing ever to be on far.AY CARAMBA),LOST(the series),NIP/TUCK,DA ALI G SHOW,(Sasha Baron Cohen is dashit) ...the history of violence.Black Christmas(the original),the bridges of madison county (meryl fuckin streep and clint fuckin dirty harry eastwood kickass).i also love everything trashy and b rated..and political ..(-ly incorrect)...and bloody horror films WITH loads of zombies and gore and bowels and the undead...and .porn(fuck yeah)and..denzel washington and ...sideways by alexander payne and... woody allen..........and some kind of monster,dude,oh yeah,karl urban kicks ass.Italian Stallion Forevah..erm,stuff


IS YOUR ONLY FRIEND....lackadaisical!!!neeeeh!


steppenwolf by herman hesse and all the back catalogue of this author,a confederacy of dunces by john kennedy toole,everything by the great charles dickens,generation x by douglas coupland,the great and secret show by clive barker and the thief of always by the same author,mother by pearl back,the house of sleep by jonathan coe,the plague by albert camus,the tower and america by franz kafka,the whole bunch from the beat movement(who can doubt the genious of mr burroughs r.i.p),the melancholy death of oyster boy and other stories by tim burton, and loads of other great books...i also aknowledge the greateness of people such as mr noam chomsky,james joyce,george orwell,roald dahl,aldous huxley ...and a coupla others


JOHN McCLANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dr.Jack ShephardandKing Leonidas!,Jay(fuckman),BART-MAN,Sean and Christian,Jack Kevorkian,John Wayne Gacy,Walter Sullivan,James Sunderland,andy milonakis,MAX ANDERSSON,fRANK THE TANK and pull-maN

My Blog

It's Just The FuneraL ive BEEN waiTIN foah!

ok,death magnetic is out and about,long awaited,ridiculously illustrated BUT FUCKIN AWESOME!Not since LOAD have i enjoyed a metallica album so much!THEY DID IT AGAIN!the tall shit brained innocent imb...
Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 06:29:00 PST

The Devils Dictionary

AFRICAN, n. A nigger that votes our way. ...
Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 04:02:00 PST

The Genius Of Gigi E Ross

i might not be italian,but i can tell an italian masterpiece when i see one!these people fuckin rule!so does tiziano ferro and his gruesome squeals!ahahahahah!fuckin hilarious!!!vanessaaaa,this is for...
Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 03:46:00 PST

Coolest Cover of All Times

Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Sun, 10 Aug 2008 02:15:00 PST


Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 01:46:00 PST


Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Thu, 29 May 2008 09:17:00 PST

i lOved You The Most...........

Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Tue, 20 May 2008 01:22:00 PST


If There Was A Single Day I Could Live, A Single Breath I Could Take, I'd Trade All The Others Away. The Blood's On The Wall, So You Might As Well Just Admit It. And Bleach Out The Stains, Commit To ...
Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 06:18:00 PST

Ill Rid The World.....

.....Of Your Jesus If You Give Me Just Half The Chance I'll Tear Your World Into Pieces When The Devil Boy Does His Dance I'll Make You See My Ways End Of Love No More Days I'll Tear Your Shit Into Pi...
Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 03:07:00 PST


you think you re special actin all martyr and aintnoone is watchin hidden cameras..secret fansyou are just killin your daysand they wont come backget the fuck upNOW.......
Posted by Anita Bath® (Porn Anarchy)Violent&Funky on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 02:52:00 PST